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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1911)
jB -u- ' 1 ,m Jr-,-rmmmm KnnmmmmwmmmW9tim mZtSmmmmmmmmmmtmmiliaUm THE DAILY NEBfiASKAN H- TCr v. o, l H' 1 I Sfe s f" Directory of Advertisers Th followlno merchant! and bul neii men of Lincoln are anxloui to erve the University students. By placing their advertisements In the columns of the Dally" Nebraskan they show that they want your trade. And, you may be sure that the merchant who Js willing to make a little effort to ge'i'your patronage Is the one who Is goingto treat you honestly and considerately In attempting to keep It. 80 you as well as the Nebras kan will profit by trading with thess people BANKS First Trust & Savings Central National Bank BAKERIES FolBom BARBER SHOPS Grcon'a Caipital Hotol BOOK STORES Co-op University CLEANERS Wobor'B Sultorlum WoodB , , Lincoln Cleaning and Dye Works CLOTHING Farquahar Mngoo & Decmer Mayer BroB. Palace Clothing Co. Speicr & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. Dundee Woolen Mills COAL "WfiIleT)7efiBr - . CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitchen DRY GOODS Miller & Paine DRUGGISTS RiggB FLORISTS - Chapln Bros. C. H. Frey Hlltnor Bros. ,--,r FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Mageo & Deenior Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Spoler & Simon. Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTERS Budd FUlk Armstrong Clothing Co. Mageo & Deemer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Speler & Simon JEWELERS Hallett Tucker OPTICIANS Shean PRINTERS George Bros. . Simmons Van Tine RESTAURANTS Y. M. 3. A. Spa -HerpolBheimer's SHOES '"Armstrong Clothing Co. Budd Men's Bootery MayprBros. w Miller & Paine Yates French . TAILORS, Dundee Woolen Mills Scotch Woolen Mllla THEATERS iLyric Qllvar v , , Orpheum 1 . t TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter Exchange .B F, Swanson Co. ' '" ' U" Clothes fo Men and Young Men of up to datQ ideas, dothes of high character that show origiqality in style with more real value jammed into them than usual ; the kind of clothes every one wants, the kind that is hard to find in most stores. a great showing of handsome patterns and models per fectly tailored at prices you will be willing to pay. Men's Suits . . . $10 to $45 Young Men's Suits $5 to $30 MAYER BROS. HISTRIONIC UNION8. Will Present "Mr. Bob" at the Temple Friday Night. In place of the1 usunl program Fri day night the Union Literary socloty "Will" prWehr "Mr. Bob." The cast- is as follows: Marlon Bryant "Mr. Bob". . .'... Grace Richards Katherino Luke Lois Smith Philip Luke Katherlno's cousin.. Otto Walters Aunt Becky Like Novo Thomas Jenkins, u butler Wade Qoblo Patty, a maid Ina Richards Brown , . .Harry Hough The play Involves a cbbo of mis tukon Identity, and 1b full of humor ous situations. No ndmiBsion will bo chargod, as the play takeB the place of the regular program, and overyono Is invited to attend. The CHih Presents -r- Ti- - 'Christopher, Junior' TEGNER TO FEAST. TEMPLE THEATRE APRIL 8 TVPPWRITPDS ALL MAKES Rent applied on purchase II1J IU "K SOLD or RENTED price. Two year written guarantee with every ma . Smith & "os visible. Call or write for catalogue and n C , AMCA ntx . special price list. B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc, Auto phone 2080. Bell phone 1299. 143 So. 13th St., Lincoln, Ncbr, Decide to Hold Banquet Next Thurs day at Llndell. The Tegnor society mot hiBt Satur- THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL Threo-yonr course. lomlhiK to deirioo of Doctor of Uiw (J. D.), which by tbo Qiuirtur HVHtom may bo completed In two and ono-fourth calendnr yeura. CoIIpko education required for regular admission, quo year of law luring counted toward college degree. Law library of 35,000 VQlUinCH. The Summer Quarter offers special op portunities to students, teachers, and practitioners. First term begins June 19 Second term begins July 27 Courses 'open In all Departments of the University during the Summer Quarter. For Announcement address DEAN 8F LAW SCMMl, THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICA6B day evening at the Temple and listened to an Interesting program. SwedlBh humorists took up a greater part of the time, and a business ses sion followed. It was decided to hold the annual Tegnor banquet next Thursday, April G, at G p. m., at the New Llndell. PUBLICATION BOARD MEETS. Adjourns Till Wednesday Afternoon at 5 O'clock. Monday afternoon the students' publication board met to consider matters relative to tho several univer sity publications under Its jurisdic tion. Several matters were discussed and it was finally moved to adjourn till Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock, when further information upon the subjects could ho had. JUST RECEIVED A fresh shipment of Huyler's & Whittman's fine candies Meier Drug Co. l.'Uh find O StreotH. UNIVERSITY JEWELER fc OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER A S. S. Shean OPTICIAN II23D STREET, YELLOW FRONT Yyr PatroMc,Selklt SHERWIN TO COACH KANSAS. SPRING IS HERE ORDER NOW FOR EASTER Don't Put It Off Order Now the Latest Styles & Cuts SUIT $15 TOPCOAT We Give Absolute Per fect Fit Made to Measure DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS 1218 O STREET Dartmouth Athlete Will Teach Foot ball and Baseball to Jayhawkers. Ralph Arthur Sherwin of Dartmouth college, Hanover, N. H., wns named as football coach for the University of Kansas at a meeting of the athletic association held recently. The new .coach will also have charge of the .baseball department. He will report about-Soptoraber-1 of this year He- graduated from Dartmouth last year with a degree of Bachelof of Science. Sherwin is considered one' of the best football men in the east today. He has been a member of tho Dart mouth team for four years and in the Princeton game of 1908 he proved him self 6ne of tho best tackles in tho country. He is to receive a salary of $2,000 per year. Tho, Universlty-of-WashingtorrDall y ' came out as a forestry school number on Sf Patrick's day,, ualng green ink in printing,