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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1911)
V V ramaBrnKSs .iwW.?fflBHW :aagrr J. THE DAILY NEBEASKAN . .. .. afiegjiaiM' ?wyjf . ' THE DAILY IJfefilWSAN TUB PROPERTY- OF?. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. Published by ., THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor f.B. O. COTNER Managing Editor A. II. DINSMORK; Assoclato Editor. ,...T. M. EDGECOMBE. Assoclato Editor RICHARD MEYER ' BUSINESS STAFF. Manager V. C. HASGA&T; Assistant Managor....C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Manngor, . . J. V. MORRISON REPORTORIAL. Athletics and Military.. T. J. HARORAyE Society and Personal.. F. C. McCONNELL Nobraska Hall H. C. HOUOH Sciences and aorman..E. J. HUBERMAN Engineering R. A. HUNTINGTON Agricultural H, II. GRAVES jjfw A. C. SCHMIDT Library and University HalL.H. B. HUSE Assistant Roportors V. A. STURM . k. S. WHERRY Editorial and Business Office:. BASEMENT, ADMINI8TRATIONBlit70r Pottofflco, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. Telephones Auto 1688. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 3145; Auto 2908. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will be charged for at tho rato of 10 contB tho Insertion for every flftocn words or fraction there of. Fuculty notices and University' bul letins, will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho pontofllco at .Lincoln, NebraBku, as second-class mall matter, under the Act of Congress of Alarch 3, 1870. APRIL 4, 1911. IN THE DARK. While the houso of representatives can not bo criticised for leaving tho question of university removal to bo docliled by n voto of tho people, It LY.ULMzcJtB QftecL.on thcv-unl verity; l't meniiB that several more yenrs are to bo spent In doubt and darkness. Improvements will bo few because it is not known what should be dono and it Is highly improbable that moWy Is going to bo oxpended on an uncer tainty. It is most unfortunato that this question must be considered un- tintwtlpnn ovnf'nrrt nf ihn mnftt mflkns ,.........-.,, , .. - - - , it n very unBatiBiactory test or tno true athlotic merit nnd yot It affords a chanco to seo what tho men can do. In spito of all it shows that Nebras ka is going to have u formidablo track team this year. Arthur Mays succeed ed in tying the world's intercollegiate record in tho fifty-yard dash. This dhows that ho is going to be a good running mate for Heed in tho shortor dashes. Tho othor men ontorod tihowed up well, although thero wore severely handicapped. All in air it gives us A hint that tho track team 1b far from being slow. SOON TO CHOOSE A COACH. University Man May Receive Credit and Money for His Work. PersonB believing that they would mako good athletic coaches, and caro to try their hand at tho business havo the opportunity to ap ply for the position aB all-year coach at the State high BChool. This school is ambitious to become a factor in athletics In Nebraska and has raised sufficient money to hire a man who is willing to spend part of his time in in structing the youngsters in tho fine points of tho games. In addition to the salary tho coach, if a student, will bo given credit for his work at tho university. Applicants are now boing considered for the place and a choice will bo made In the near future. DEUTSCHE VEREIN BANQUET. Flags Gather Among Carnations and for Jolly Evening. The firBt 'annual banquet of tho Deutsche Geselllge Verelh was hold Saturday evening at 6:30 at the Lin coln hotel. Forty members of tho club- AVTsre" TireBohlT The' decorations' were pink and white carnations, the favors, little Bilken German flagB, and each one had his place designated by the national dog of Germany the dachshund (two dogs long and a half dog high, according to the toastmas ter). The banquet room presented a beautiful appearance with tho decora- BUY A BRADFORD SUH If you want the newest things in styles and patterns and the best quality embodied in your Spring Suit buy a Bradford Suit. J These suits are made especially'.for our customers and you can get them nowhere else in Lincoln. Prices $20, $22.50 and $25 Other Makes $10 to $18, See the Window Display Speier & Simon Northeast Corner 10th and O Sts. '3 CARRIE NATION Biitltl The Shoer Don't know I am in bus iness selling ladies $4.00 and $5.00 sample shoes and oxfords for $2.50 at 1413 O Street, upstairs. Better you learn my system. dor tho present state of circum stances. The university has reached a stage in its growth when It is hard for tho equipment to keop pace with tho at tendance. Tho university Ib being moro appreciated by tho people of tho state than over before, and outBldc students aro coming hero in Increas ing numbers. Already the buildings arc too small nnd more room Is need ed. H wnB hoped that this matter would bo finally settled this year so Bomo dofinlto plan could bo formulated. Tho legislators havo undoubtedly shown wisdom In thoir course by con sidering tli 6 magnltudo of tho project and tho way it would affect tho people of tho state by heavy tuxation. Thoy have left it to them to decide. That Btidh a decision would bo moro satis" factory to all concerned Is certain. The only detriment accruing to tho university is. tho 'prolonged dolay. It is more than difficult to work in tho dark; A NICE DAINTY LUNCH FOR WINE A nice hot snappy drink on a cold day, and then there are other soda drinks, too. Egg Drinks, Lemonades, Crushed Fruits, in fact anything in the drinkable line you might desire. Dainty Punches for parties, Delicious Brick Ice Cream for banquets, Hot Drinks, Whipped Cream. THE FOLSOM 1307 O STREET tionB and lighting effects. All speak ers wore enthusiastically received and greatly added to the evenlng'B enter tainment, Professor Fossler acting as toastmaster. Tho following toasts were respond ed to: Professors who havo Crossed My Path, Miss Wlttmann; Running tho German Club by Theory, Miss Taylor; Running the Gorman Club from Experience, Mr. Hubermann; Tho History of tho German Club, MIbs Zumwinkel; The Ethical ReasonB for tho Existence of tho Club, Mr. Wlqbo; Students Who havo Crossed My Path, Professor Baumgartner; An Im promptu talk: Tho After-DInner Speaker, Professor Grummann; Tho Club Today and ItB Members, an orig inal poem, Professor Amanda Hopp-ner. The Spots Won't Come Back If Gleaned at ilil4 lU-rnmuA. ' j EXCLUSIVE AGENCY GRATIFYING. ' Nebraska was defeated In tho relay race last Saturday by two of the beat teamB in tho country and did not winJ tlroW6WrttHnlirny might havo expect ed .would "bo attempted. There waa no effort to score the most points and only n? few" entries w.oro mado. Tho THE BULLETIN April. 1 Tegner, Temple, 8 p. m. 1 Agricultural club, Temple, 8 p. m. 1 April Fool's party, Y. W 0. A. rooms. 7 Union LltQntrxMlBtyjJlayTcm.- HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS GeJhtih ciTT$7Gr plo. 8 Dramatic club play, "Christopher, Junior," Temple theater,. 8:30 i p. m. lMafrwrattttSfl TiliqeHQgQmHp-ngfMffii Lincoln Sanitarium Plunge The Oreal Sill Water Swimming Pool fIP'mWi XatHios, MornlnniKxceDt BtTSdi. nJrJrM0' A"noons una Kvenlnus. Ladle ana Gentlemen, Monday ana Friday KtoqIui. . J4IJ and II 8trii!i. Special Patties Arranted For T i..i- 1' ' - I --ti-i,.l,.-.. . ' " ' ' "" ' niii ' """"""""'" jaMMMBac "' TirriiHTrrnMi-mMSiiiMk- lI ' rr--'L., J