THE DAILY NEBKA8KAN 4 "? S 1JU- - - - -?" -- !hi STUDENTS CHOICE OF A K ' LIFE WORK DISCUSSED many have not yet made & their deci8i0n. :some very4 important topics Successful Men In Their Professions Will Make Addresses at Mid ¬ week Meetings. '' Ono thing of vital importance la tho lifo of a student is the choice of a 1110 wont, some mnn dentin -thin oven, before they mtor the hleh school more hayo decided when they enter the unlyerslty, but there still remain a . largo number who have yet to choose thoir vocation. The committee on meetings of the Association has out lined a series of life work meetings, which shall bo held at tho regular mldVweok meeting period. : Tho following are some of tho topics ' to bo presented: The Opportunities of a Christian Lawyer, Teaching as a Lifo Work, The Ministry and tho Strong Man, Medical EthlcB, Oppor tunities of a Christian Business Man, Secretaryship as a Life Work. Those topics will bo discussed by men of experience in those professions. They will be of vital interest to every man. Watch tho bulletins. THE 8TUDENT WORLD. Georgia School of Technology re ports 275 Association members, 290 en rolled In Bible study, and 3G men studying negro life in the south. One 1ntor6tiHgfoaturo-of-tho-BlWestudy is tho fact that each of the ten frater nities has a Bible class In its hall. General Secretary B. A. Turner teaches six of these classes. Tho annual banquet of tho Unlvor- I isfty of WeBt yirginia was a signal , success 'this year. There wore 125 men present, Among those who spoke wore State Secretary Itlce, President D.B. Purlnton, Coach Lqnder and At torney Stewart.' Judge Frank Cox was tostmaster. This banquot wa,s followed by a three-day financial cam palgn, during which" about $700 wan subscribed. At tho University of Kansas, seven fraternities, representing 170 men. have arranged for a course of lecturos on tho Bible, and 200 other men qrn enrolled in systematic Biblo study. Tho classes for teaching English to foreigners of the Christian Association at Lehigh university have met again this year and a very successful work is being carried on. Thirty college men from tho instl tutions in southern California aro to be out on evangelistic work during the Christmas .holidays, touching foui very needy centors in the organized "countler inrthls-section Sanger, Ox nard, Anaheim and Chino. r. Hall, dean of tho 'Northwestern univorslty medical school, spent Oc tober 23-30 among tho colleges of Kansas delivering his lectureB to men. In a combined Bible study Institute and evangelistic campaign at Tuskee gee Normal and Industrial Institute, conducted by W. D. Weathorford, W. A. Hunton and J. B. Watson, 2G9 men made an open declaration of their de cision to live a Christian life, and on the closing night 710 men enrolled In Bible study. This number will be in creased during the week to 850 or more.- Tho women will likely also havo 300 In Bible study. LINCOLN HIGH PRESENT8 PLAY. "The Mikado" Will Be 8taged at Au ditorium Tonight. Friday and Saturday night the senior class of tho Lincoln high school will present their annual play. "Tho Mikado" has been cliosen for tho pro duction thfs "year and tlio Heavy Boat sale mado it nccosBary that the play be given two nights. Kirt Miller and MIbs Marjorle Welsh aro In the lead ing roles. In all thlrty-flvo take part. There Is a general admission charge with no reserved seats. Pennsylvania has made 'a call for cricket candidates. BRADfORD CLOTH i S men an for young men who like to be particu larly stylish t ' in their dress J These are someting new and ex clusive. We control the Lincpln Agency. I If you want, the lattest of everything that's new in style and good in quali ty try a Braford Suit. flf Prices $20, $22.50 and $25.00. Other makes $10.00 to $18.00. SPEIER& SIMON NOUTHCASt CORNERTENTH-ANO-0-STREETS NWpiKiipivH , ; ... .. KwJ :M0kif"h -IbbbbbbH KfMjfA0'fM$& : bbbbbbLH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBV--rc Xk sJvy-xAV-s.$v 3flBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BBBBBBBPN'" 4 . i- Mti4&$Ki 1BBBBBBBBBH bbbbE ::w0Mmm bbbbBiH' - - &MmwmkW0IIM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLk sAk's Gv 4& iHBBSrao x &kBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm bbbbbbbbbbbLB j -w& & , LiaBfe i vbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLLV fi-yP HiPSrafTTsflll BBBBBBBBBk3'JiffiBBLH; .viH l ' .4mSHb1BHb1bbbbbbb7 3 -bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbwPbHW!bbbbH BBBBBBBBBBBRM WKKP ,MMJM HHHHHHHHHBHHHH "Kwm?? idMBp&lHBHHHHHHHHH IliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEliiiiiiiiiW ,A,SiiBFrM bbbbbbbLbf "' VWjPMbbbbbLH Krft ' fft 4 ;K ?dB7J3vBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl 'bbbbbbbLLv -;::xbbbbbbbLH K ' ' : ; lit' I JH MR. EDWARD TERRY The Noted English Character Actor Who 9 to the f Conies Oliver text Monday, Apr. 3 ,'In Pinero's Charming Comedy ,f 4 "SWEET LAVENDER" The Spots Won't Gome Back If Cleaned at EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S a HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON B0NS m cr '1 ri -!? 'j!jih-.'J,mfrO', v-Ein ".iss - '! 'w'j.IISjTir 't. '5it VI : -ti "l . t