The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 29, 1911, Image 4
J -S TJ ,WWWvVf4j,J,( THE DAILY NEBRASKAN fc J. V. 0 1. "Directory of Advertisers The -following merchants and busi ness men of Lincoln are anxious to serve the University students. By placing their advertisements In the columns of the Dally Nebraskan they how that thev want your trade. And you may be sure that the merchant who Is willing -to make a little effort to get your patronage Is the one who la gojpg to treat you honestly and considerately In attempting to keep It. 80 you as well as the Nebras kan will profit by trading with these people: , , Jj BANKS -FirstrTruBt-&-aavingtB Central National Bunk" BAKERIES iFolflom BARBER SHOPS Groon's Capital Hotol BOOK STORES Co-'op University CLEANERS Wobor's Bultorluni. Woods ' , ,. . Lincoln Cleaning nnd Dyo Works CLOTHING ' Farfiuahar Mugoo & Deemer Mayer BroB. Pnlaco Clothing Co. Spelor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. Dtmdoo Woolen .MIHb COAL Whltebreast TWTT CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitchen DRY GOODS .Mlllor & Pnlne DRUGGISTS RiggB FLORISTS ' . Chapln BroB. C. II. Froy Hlltner Bros. . . v f FURNISHINGS ' , . B'udd ' Fulk . Mngee & Deemer Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. -Spelcr & Simon. Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTERS Budd . , Fulk Armstrong Clothing Co. Mageo & Deemer Mayor Bros. Palace Clpthlng Co. Spoler & Simon JEWELERS Hallett Tucker OPTICIANS ' Shoan Tl dl&U- 1 n h 1 ' (PRINTERS George Bros. Simmons , Van Tine u V- . . jfy RESTAURANTS' " t - Y. M. C. A. Spa ' 'v V Herpolshelmer's '"... SHOES . J Armstrong Clothing Co. , . 'Budd '&&W' Men's Bootery 'm7 ' iwiyvr aivBf j-v w- Miller & Paine Yatqs French HOLEPROOF HOSIERY 1 1 The Original Guaranteed Hosiery Made of the softest and finest yarns in various weights feels like silk to your foot. For comfort, good looks and durability they have no equal, and it means a big saving to yon"in cost. MEN'S HOSE Come in Black, Tan, Gray, Navy and Wine, six pairs in a box, guaranteed for six months $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 Box MEN'S BLACK SILK 3 pair in a box, guaranteed for 3 months . . $2.00 Box Ladies' Black Silk Hose, 3 pair in a box, guaranteed to wear 3 months, per box , The guarantee means that if a hole is worn in your hoso inside of the given time, you bring them here and get now ones for them at once. We don't ask you to send them to some ono'else and buy more 'till you receive new ones from the factory. BOYS' HOSE 6 pair in box, light or heavy weight, guaran teed 6 months $2.00 Box MISSES' HOSE 6 pair guaranteed Hose, Black or Tan $2.00 Box $3.00 MAYER BROTHERS The heaviest football player at Yale since 1900, weigher 2Gfi pounds, the tallest man was six feet four InchoB, and tho oldest man was, twenty-six years. MISS HENRIETTA CROSMAN COMING TO THE OLIVER" SATURDAY, MATINEE AND NIGHT Faculty reorganization of the Dally Illlni was ushered In by one of the cleanest elections ever held In the history of any Institution. Graft was absolutely eliminated tho studonts falling to cast a single vote. Another election was called. TAILORS T-titn.ln.i WnnlAti TI11b Scotch Woolen'sjttlllst WWW t" THEATERS Lyric 'Oliver : ' Or'nheum ,i.?; iH Via . I , . ;; .' . 41 ?3 " ' ,' J tl'- (.TYPEWRITERS Jl.ViDiHcdlnp.TypewrIter. Exohaiige . Xi T! Qwunnnn Hn .9ti$j,wy'rikt9iZ.'iM waMMBlHMMWMIHMMMMHHTl J&MY&mVjX ? PWj, RRfl That the University of Kansas will refu8erdmlBiouto-pxobalUy.JlxoljMjr; urea young men unu women -(wring the next two yearB, was the state ment made public by Prof. Olln Tern plln, dean of tho college. The rea son given for this action was based on the recent reduction made In tho appropriations for tho university. It was felt that the legislative appropria tion of $40,000 per year for upkeep would provide for absolute necessi ties, but tho action of Governor Stubbs In cutting the appropriation to $20, 000 per year has mado further prog ress practically impossible. For the first time since 1008, tho sophomore forces at Williams were victorious in tho annual cano contest. Bright moonlight and ThVorable weather conditions, an effective tele phone system, well organized picket ing, and the complete obedience of the entire sophomore class are respons ible for the result, although the fresh- roan plans wore well conceived and cleverly worked out. SUBSCRIBERS REMEMBER . SATURDAY HENRIETTA CROSMAN. Tho theater patrons are to see Hen rietta Grosman In her production of "Antl-Matrlniony." MIbb Crosman comes direct from her engagommit at the Garrlck" -Theater In New Yorknnd the Studobaker The'ator In Chicago, nnd brings, as she always does, her metropolitan company. Antl-Matrl-mony" comes highly endorsed as a fine pla. .It is very unusual for It Is JclasBed1.aan!pa'tlrlcnl-burlesquejIt Is in this play that Henrietta CrosmanT .takes her placd aa'the greatest, Eng- lllsh peaking actress of.oup time. , IS APRIL 1st And if your subscription has not been paid it will then be $1.25. Take the "hunch." Save a quarter. !"- 1 wv "v;.-f: O )Sv V i 1 W.wWti-irr-..rt'Mj m a.,.,, .k V,MhJW.-i;J..UMS-- T'w.'.7MfiV(iiT' r-" "