The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 29, 1911, Image 3
THE DAILY NEBRAKAN CAMPUS GLEANINGS 1 C. H. Frey, floriBt, 1133 O street. 'Delta Delta Delta will give a house liarty Saturday night. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. ,Mr. J. M. Buchanan Visited his son at the Phi Kappa Psi house. Tuesday. Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P. , Miss Grace Richards Bpent the week end with her parents at Ashland. " Have your clotheB pressed at Web er's Sultorium, Eleventh and O. tl lEUIng Meal, '05, is spending a few days at the Phi Psl hduBe. Mr. Mead Is connected with the Burlington at York. " Try a Iunch at tho Y M c' A- sPa i3th and P. streets Delta Chi is going to make a strong bid for the baseball pennant. Several practices havo displayed no small amount of good material. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. Professor Yal Keyser of the agri cultural college will address tho Agri cultural club .at Its meeting Saturday night In tho Temple on the subject of "Taking the Experiment Statloa and the-Agrlcultural College. to the People." George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling Cards, In vites and Programs. Inspired by the contests of last week tho students of the medical college have Instituted a wrestling tourna ment. Tho first of tho preliminaries were hold yesterday In which Lukhart and Boll bough fought to a draw. To day's match will be between Krug and Ad son. Ted Marriner cleaner, dyer, and hatter, 235 No. 11th St. ' Auto 4876, Bell 1609. Learn touch typewriting without going to commercial school. Wo fur- llsh university students with a com- Fpleto course In touch typewriting and rent you any make of typewriter, three months for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange, 1406 O street. If TE8TINQ 8EED CORN. Nebraska Seed Laboratory to Encour age Improvements. The majority of wide-awake corn growers realize the advantage of test ing the germination of their seed corn before planting. Tho "ear to row" mothod of improving corn has empha sized the need of solectlng seed corn on tho ear. Although the apparatus required for testing tho germination of ear corn need not be exponsive, still It Is believed that there aro many who hesitate to undertake this work through fear that It will Involve tho expenditure of too much tlmo and labor. To satisfy this demand and to arouse a greater Interest In corn Im provement, tho Nebraska seed labora tory has arranged to "make single ear germination tests of, seed corn for Ne braska farmers, Not-more-than-flfty-such testB, however, can bo made for ono person. If you wish you seed tested write us to that effect and we will send you fifty small erivolopes In which tho samples can bo sent to this laboratory. Let us know at once If you wish us to make this test. Ad dress Nebraska Seed Laboratory. Lin coln, Neb. THE BA8EBALL OUTLAWS. Legal ..Team Adopts Strange. Cogno men and Wants Games. Having become so popular through the appellation, the law baseball team has decided to call itself "Tho Outlaws." Games aro being arranged and daily practice Is going on. Tho Lincoln league team will be taken on some tlmo this week or tho early part of next, and everything 1b being done to round the Outlaws in shape for championship form when the univer sity schedule begins. In accordance -Withthe meanlng-carricd- -In their. name they have Issued a challenge to other teams to try them out at any time. The line-up as announced yesterday follows: Ratcllff, catcher; Frank and Potter, pitchers; Underwood, first base; watters, second base; Hascall, third baBo; Harris, short stop; Hyde, left field; Pfrlmmer, center field; Red dish and WelBh, right field. Classified Column Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and G p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid In advance, at the rato of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three inser tions 25 cents; five insertions 40 .cents. FOR 8ALE. For Sale Duo bill on leading pho tographer In Lincoln. See Nebraskan, manager. tf For Sale A good kitchen range; noarly now; cheap. Seo Nebraskan manager. r ... tt FOUND. Found A lady's gold watch, last Thursday. Owner inqulro at tho of flee of tho Daily Nebraskan. 113-5t WANTED. Wanted-To sell, Volumes 1 and 2, Third Edition of Cooloy's Blackstono; practically new. 'Can be seen at tho Nebraskan office. Il4-3t Wanted to BuyOld gold and silver Jewelry. C. F. Spain & Co., upstairs, 138 No. 12th St. tf Wanted A student to work full tlmo from 3 to 10 days on building. Apply City Y. M. C. A. 1H-2L REMOVAL BILL UP AGAIN. Wrong Glasses Have Done More Harm than right ones ovor did good. Wo regret it, hlit it is the fault o tho people thomsolves, bocauBQ of their old timo mothod of selecting their own glosses. No ono tindor 8! should fit (?) his own glasses if ho wonld bo on tho safo side. Wo offer you oyo and pnraa protection. Established 1871 HALLETT 1143 O Street The Illinois Union Is considering tho erection of a club hoitBe. The Benlors at Stanford university havo agreod to wear caps and gowns throughout tho senior week. Tlie co-eds of the Montana agricul tural school have a "doll party" each year in which they Intlato tho fresh man girls, iA graduate of Michigan with tho class of 3910 hasJilst been nppolnted dean of the school; of engineering at tho Imperial university at Pekln. This is said to bo the highest position given an American In tho Orient. Tho seniors In the engineering school at Minnesota aro constructing a 35 horse-power monoplane. The name of tho Chicago Dramatic club's annual winter play has Just been announced. Tho .production tills year Is Shaw's "You Nover Can Toll." With Georgo Hitchcock, '12, In the role of blrdman, tlo glider of tho Dartmouth Aero club for tho first tlmo soared gracefully from earth in a trial held on the golf links." Al though -tho rise was but u few Inches, It sufficed to smash the new front ele vator and to upset the intrepid avi MEN'S OXFORDS AT Vf - $3.00 i :. ' It's a long siiit with us.' Look 'em over. rir. I220 .O Street, Amended Measure Is .Reported to 8lftlng Committee. v ) -House-Roll -NO.--G20, ,whJchprp.viderf iui mu luiuuvui vi ino university to the site of the farm, with a one mill levy, was reported to tho houBO Tues day afternoon by tho sifting commit tee. Tho original bill has been amended by tho finance committee so as to al low a ono-half mill levy, tho university to remain at tho city campus. It is thought by many that tho original bill will bo restored when it Is considered by a committee of tho whole. As tho bill now stands half of tho levy goes to tho farm and half to tho city cam pus. The houso will probably dispose of tho measure this week. Manhattan Island contains the commercial and iinanciaLnucleuQjof How York City it is famous. If .it wore named after Man hattan shirts and had ho other attractions it would still be famous. Havo you ovor worn a Man hattan? If not you tlon't know what comfort or satisfaction in shirts is. MAGEE & DEEMLER ' 1109 O Street AT THE THEATRES TO INCREASE MEMBERSHIP. Dramatic Club to Hold Try-outs In Couple Weeks. The Dramatic club has decided to hold a spring try-out. Heretofore there has been only ono during tho early part of the first somester, but on account of tho unusual talent dis played at different times this year, the club has decided to add to Its mem bership. The try-outs are In the form of a seven-minute recitation before a committee of judges selected by Miss Howell, preBldont of tho club. Candi dates may try-out In groups, If thoy so desire, and aro at liberty to pre sent any selection which thoy choose. The try-out will be held in tho Tern plo theater In about two weeks, the date to be announced later. All those desiring to avail themselves of this opportunity are asked to see Miss Howell at once In her office In U10G. Theodore -Roosevelt made the prin cipal address at the charter day exer cises held by the university of Cali fornia. t i Oliver Theatre TODAY 2:30 TONIGHT 8:15 HENRIETTA CROSMAN In the Satrlcal Comedy "ANTI-MATRIMONY." Mat. $1.00 to 25c. Night, $1.50 to 50c. Monday Night, April 3. EDWARD TERRY And His London Company n "Sweet Lavender." I IllPni II MATINEES (Except Monday) 3:30 LlnUULn EYENINOS AT 8:30 ORPHEUM BUPJ8 ADVANCED VAUDVILLE Lillian Burkhart &. Co. Kalmer & Brown Hugh Lloyd Victoria Four James H. Cullen Yerxa & Adele Claud Golden Mats. 15o and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c LYRIC Beginning Monday Eve., March 27. ARIZONA Evenings at 8:30 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c Mats. Wed and Sat. 15c and 25s Herpolsheimer's Gaft Dinner H:30 to 1:30 OK , Supper $30 to .7:30 UG , ILS0 CAFETERIAS STYLE flit WaflM with Mapli Syrup Kit TYPEWRITEDS ALL MAI!$. ?! applied on purebft r " SXg A t1CJ SOLD or RCHTEi price. Two year wrrtS T miArantea with avaWvu chine gold-Distributore-New-Modelr-LC Call or write for catalogue and - ., ,AM, . gpecial price list B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. Auto phone 2080. Bell phone 1299. 13 S. fttk St., Lisctla, Melrr rf.