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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1911)
MMMhrMMWMmrtlMaM THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ,. r I t- r t til 4 i t ' At V H THE DAILY NEBRASKA THH PnOPERTY OP the UNivKRarry of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF, Editor S. O, COTNOK ManHsIng Editor A. II. DINSMORE ABaoclato Editor T. M. EDGECOMBE) AsaOcittto Editor .RICHARD MEYER BU8INE88 STAFF. Manager V. C. HASCALL Assistant Managor....C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Manager.... J. V. MORRISON REPORTORIAL Athlotlca and Military. .T. J.'lIARQRAVE Hocioty ana FarBonni..iv g. mcwnnicll Nobraska Hall II. C. HOUGH Scloncos nnd Gorman.. E. J. HUBERMAN Engineering... R. A. HUNTINOTON Agricultural E. H. GRAVES -Lnwujxu . .j lh. . . i ... A. C. SCHMIDT Library and S. HU8E ASHlstunt Reporters V. A. STURM K. S. WHERRY Editorial and Duilneti Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poitofflce, Station A, -Lincoln, Neb. .SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephonei Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 3145; Auto 2998. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will be churged for at tho rata of 10 cents tho Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of. Faculty notices and University bul letins will gladly bo published free. Eptercd at tho poatofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter, under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. MARCH 29, 1911. THI8 VOTING. City elections aro now attracting a groat deal of attention. Thoy aro of importance to tho univorsity in moro ways than ono. tint there Is ono thing - that-it-BhouluV-dor-nnd. that JsJo j;o: mind us that wo hnvo election matters at homo that need our consideration. It is in clnBB olectionB particularly that dissatisfaction most ofton hap pens, and a year does not pass but what it is" neoossnry to call a second mooting of soma class because of a manifestation of dirty politics. This 1b an olemont which nmst bo ollm- SAMPLE SHOES Eor the Dear Girls. They looK like $5.00, wear like $4.00 and sell at $2.50 BVDD, SAMPLE SHOE MAN 1413 0 St., Up Stairs lnated jind Tiow is tho time to begin. Have it all settled beforo spring nnd when fnll comes the trifling will nil bo over. $ Tho Australian ballot system is tho only logicnl remedy. All voters enn be registered nnd grnft will ho done uwny with. Hnvo nil clnss elections occur on the snmo day and there is Icbb chance for tho omnipresent poli tician to got in his work. Every voter should be looked up boforehnnd. Lists from tho registrar's oillce will show where each voter belongs. Tho diffi culty of ascertaining tho ellgibles and ejecting tho Inoligibles from tho hall will bo done away with. Tho simplicity and tijio superiority of the Australian ballot system makes ono wonder why it haB not been adopt ed at Nebraska beforo. Let tho load ers ot tho various classes and organ izations got together and work, and before June the matter can be set tled. The authorities of tho univer sity would offer no opposition to the p.lan, and would undoubtedly lend their assistance in bringing about the change It should not bet necessary for them to declare that elections -should-be-held-in-anycertala,mannor. Tho student body should relievo them of the trouble and. take the Initiative in .the reform. It is the students who are most affected. Now Is the tlmo; got logo the r nnd. push It through. You must stay at home at night nnd wntch things. For if you don't the hurghu'B will got your pocketbook. Next Fridny the Y. M. C. A. will hnvo chnrgo of tho Xobraskan and edit tho entire paper. Mnny special features have been worked up. and the association and its labors will bo sot forth in dotnll. TIiIb edition will ho Interesting to oVery mombor of tho univorsity. From tho way the mon have been plying the pen and hammering tho typewriter, tho Ibbuc Bhould be a hummer. Watch for it, it is sure coming. If you think tho athletic season is ovor happen out on tho field some af fornodmonr seotlRrtraclrTnonworlr out. If you aro a pessimist, get out into tho froBh nir a while and see something that will open your eyes. NobraBka is going to bo heard from when tho cinder path season begins. Never beforo was there moro good matorlal out, nnd never before have tho men taken such an Interest. Ne braska must win the Missouri Valley chnmpionBhip. APRIL FOOL A 8ECRET. Details of Y. W. C. A. Program Are Not Being Given Out. Considerable preparation is being mndo for the Y. W. C. A. April Fool party to be given at tho Temple next Saturday night All sorts or plans for a happy time have beon devised to entertain the women of tho univer sity, who have all been Invited to at tend. The nature of tho program and the various amusopierits to bo pulled off have so fajbeen kept a secret. Efrorythlng-Trtli be surprise-and-it Is best the guests do not know whnt is going to hnppon. UNIVERSITY MEN WORK. Primaries Furnish Employment for Large .Number. Mnny university men found employ- 1415 O St, ment yesterday as a result of the city primaries. Some . were to be found at the polls in official capacities and others were engaged In hnndlng out cards for the respective candl dntes. A number worked ns chauf feurs and nlded in bringing the voters to the polling plnces in automobiles. THE BULLETIN March. 28 Convocntion, W. J. Bryan. 30 Convocation, string quartet. 30 Platform' club, Temple, 7:30 p. m,J 31 Vespers, Memorial hall, 5 p. m, 31 Graduation reeltal, Miss Elsa Given, Temple theater, 8 p. m. 31 Y. m. c. A. Installation, Temple, 7:30 p. m. April. -1 Tegnor, Temple, 8 p. m. 1 Agricultural club, Temple, 8 p. m. 1 April PooI'b party, Y. W. C. A. rooms. 7 Union Literary society play, Tom- "ple. Riinn 8 Dramatic club play, "Christopher, Junior: Temple -theater, 8:30 P. m 8PRAYINQ A3 AN E88ENTIAL. Nebraska Experiment 8tation Issues Important Bulletin. Tho Nebraska Experiment Station has: jtiBt Issued Bulletin 119. It con tains the results of some experimental spraying teBtB In Nebraska apple or chards extending over a period of five seasons. Direction and conveniences for mixing tho Bpray materials aro discussed at Borne length as well as how to apply them. A comparison of tho lime-sulfur sprnys with Bordeaux mixture in russeting tho fruits It. given. Tho spraying experiments wore conducted primarily to' determine what it costs to spray under Nebraska conditions, what sprayed fruit yleldB, and what It Is worth In comparison with unsprayed frulLJCronL lhosnmo orchnrd. In order to mnko the results npplicable to the eastern third of the Btate, tho work was done tindor varied conditions. Twenty-two orchards wore selected, representing eighteen localities in thirteen counties. The trees varied in age from ten to twon-ty-olght years. Some of tho or chards had been well pruned while others had been wholly neglected in this respect. In some cases the spraying was hindered by tho close ness of the trees, while in others the trees' were conveniently spaced. Some of tho orchards had almost every convenience for mixing nnd applying tho spray materials while others wore almost completely without such conveniences.- Tho work was done In Borne of tho orchards with efficient power outfits with threo leads of hose, while In others a hand pump was used where It waB barely possible to maintain presBuro for ono nozzle. Tho cost of labor and materials was taken at the actual prices paid by tho or clmrdTsTs." """ " x - DRE88 PARADE P08TP0NED. Inclement Weather Does Not Permit Military Function. Bocnuso of the inclement weather, the dress parade of the battalion to havo been held yesterday afternoon was postponed. This is no small function of the military department, and considerable disappointment was noticeable among tho cadets. It is Iprobablo now that it will occur next Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock. How over, no definite time has been set by the military department. Junior Baseball. Practice from 1 to 3 p. m. Bring your own material. ALBERT HALL, 112-4t Manager. EXCLUSIVE HUYLER'S & FINE CHOCOLATES 5&h tih crfh7$& eeeezsess 1. C. WOOD and CO. i822 n ? Be,t ls 1822 N St. ' CLEANERS WALT Stands for tho Latest and boat in Music. 121fi O St. JUST RECEIVED . A frosh shipmont of Huyler's & Whlttman's fino candies Meier Drug Co. 13th nnd O Streotd. UH PRINTING IfiLHI Soo Us Beforo Ordoring Elsowhoro Programs.Menus, ATniourres ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-180 No 14th St. The First Trust and Savings Bank A PER CENT INTEREST $1 opens-an account 189 8outb 11th Btroot. SPRING IS HERE ORDER NOW FOR EASTER don't Put it Off Order Now Jho Latest Styles &. Cuts- Wo Give Absolute Fit Made to Measure DUNDEE WOOLEN BILLS 1218 O STREET Try Our Maraschino Cherry Chocolates Also AH Kinds of Dainty Sandwiches Best of Service LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Uth and 0 s. W. Corner AGENCY HUDSON'S AND BON B0NS Awy ! Cheapest. Auto 19.05 r Bell 147 and DYERS c. v. higby mgr. SUIT $15 TOR COAT t7flC-" . -MBk asxxnnteHHF Lincoln Sanitarium Plunge Thirut StH Wtrut (iff HAima T...41.. . . 'zaSjbgigs&RSBF hum statu. MMtalMlmMiftr X 56 y