,-,-J.LU 1,LI1 I I I-1" ' " ' """' XT&Ji''&'li -' ME -DAILY- NEBRASKAN 4 HOLEPROOF HOSIERY t 4 "i N. l- li w r . IV 3 t 4p " 't . h - v Bn IdllSwSBrMiHBiHB The Original Guaranteed Hosiery Made of the softest and finest yanis in various weights feels like silk to your foot. For comfort, good looks and durability they havo no equal, and it means a big saving to you in cost. - MEN'S HOSE Come in Black, Tan, Gray, Navy and Wine, six pairs in a box, guaranteed for six months $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 Box R08C0E C. OZMAN City Clerk of Lincoln. City primary election Tuesday, March 28, from 12 o'clock, noon, to 9 p. m, Mr. Ozman is an alumnus of U. of N., class of '07, and requests the con slderatlon of the student and faculty voters, Advt. 8CARLET FEVER EPIDEMIC. MEN'S BLACK SILK 3 pair in a box, guaranteed for 3 months $2.00 Box BOYS' HOSE ftt or heavy ' $2.00 Box 6pair in box, light or heavy weight, guaran teed 6 months MISSES' HOSE 6 pair guaranteed Hose, Black or Tan $2.00 Box Ladies' Black Silk Hose, 3 pair in a box, guaranteed to wear 3 months, per box $3.00 The guarantee means that if a hole is worn in your hose inside of the given time, you bring them here and get now ones for them at once. We don't ask you to send them to some one else and buy inore 'till you receive new ones from the factory. MAYER BROTHERS - S Twenty Students at Union College Are Quarantined. ' Unl.oiv college has (succumbed to the contiigloiiB (Useaeo Situation provnlont .among ninny educational Institutions of "this cWuiirinnnTjririnra hccir temporarily disbanded, due to a scar let fovor epidemic. The disease broke out Friday and the qunrnntlno of somo twonty students wub tho result. . No sorlouB results are anticipated, but all schools on the "Peanut Hill,", as the suburb 1b termed, are closed and every precaution has been taken to prevent a Bproad of tho fovor. DELTA TAU FORMAL. Delightful Evening Spent and Many Out-of-Town" Guests. Delta Tau Delta gavo a very delight ful formal Friday evening nt the Lin coln hotel. The patronesses wore Maor and Mrs. Love, Colonel and Mrs. Bills. Among the out-of-town alumni who returned for the danco wore F. O. Wheelock, foonard Heg gelund, Dale Perrln, William Aton and Carl Stoll from Omaha; Robert Car rpr Lloyd -Dcnslop--aiidBen Johnson from Fremont; James Lomax and Claude Currle from Broken Bow, and Arthur F. Hemlar. Elliott B. Drake and Julian Ball from Beatrice. William Jennings Bryan recently addressed a largo audience at Prince ton university on a religious subject. After the meeting ho was tho guest of Governor Wilson. 'Tho-cltlzenB-of-SyTacuBOTTCTvlir give the Syracuse university $100,000 for the Improvement of the campus, which is at present in a very bad condition. f i I. It 1, J b&. Yotng Men .. if- - jt. -you can't help but like the smart styles and the all-wool quality of the suits we've provided for you. these are especially, designed young men's clothes. . You , ought to- see the handsome suits we offer at ...... . C 1 $ 1 5 You'd guess the price of any one of them to be $20.00. Armstrong Clothing Go. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS i "H', S m