The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 21, 1911, Image 4
, "A.ff THE DAILY NEBEASKAN CADET BAND CONCERT. r :wt a 1 M V i Prepare for Concert to Be Given In Honor of Legislators. Tho University Cadet blind 1b spending nil Its spare tlmo in prepar ing for tho concort to bo given March 23. Every two years such an onter tainment Is given In honor of tho legislators and during tho past has boon successful to a high degree At tho present timo thoro arc sixty pieces In the organization and nil will take part In tho progrnm. In order to dofray tho expenses a general charge of fifty conts will bo made. Tho governor and tho legislators will bo tho guests and of forts are being made to get the mil- v.ersjty public to attend. NEW DEBATING SOCIETY. All Who Have Represented Their High School Eligible. A now organization of debaters Is tho latest addition to the rolo of bocI otlos at Nebraska. ' Last night stu dents, who have represented their high school In debate, met and parti ally perfected an organization which will probably be known as the Nebras ka League of Dobalers. A committee was appointed to draw up a constitu tion and another meeting will bo hold in two weeks, when a larger attend ance ts expected. About twenty well known debaters attended the meeting last evening. Notice. Tho tollowing conditions will be ob served by all persons making uao of tho tennis courts situated west of tho library: Tho east court is reserved for t he uso of the varsity squad, to bo com- n n Comfort Shoes and you get all the name implies and more We are sole agents for Lincoln of tho Original Dr. Reed Cushion Shoes, a tested shoo of merit Have just received a lot of now up-to-date styles. Heywood Bunion Shoes Combination Shoes Arch Support Shoes Spring is the season of shoe trouble; if you consult our shoo department you will be rolieVed of all troube. Styles and Prices are Popular MAYER BROS. STETSON AND KNOX HATS "HOLEPROOF" HOSIERY to all. Court No. 2 1b not placed un der any restrictions. Court No. 3 will be reserved to tho use of the ladles. When it Is not being used for thnt purposo It la also open to all. I I u Inasmuch us heretofore tho courts uau ui iiiu tiiionj niimu, w uv v,,... liiiisuuicn us iieiuioioio me uuiiiib uuuriu uvci purmj poeTnjnTornwtmn not used by squad members. It is open! ,tT7, sociation and dues have been collect ed from its members for thnt purpose, for the remainder of the current year, members of the tennis association have a prior right to tho ubo of these courts over persons not members of The manager of tho tennis associa- tiop is given authority to carry out these provisions. CIIAS. E. CIIOWINS, Supt. of Grounds. Field-Geology 21. -.One section of llic daB-will--mffl& tho studies of lower Platte valley "Fri day and Saturday of this week. All who wish to go at this time should see tho undersigned at once, N. A. BKNGTSON. " -one thing we hope yotVe clear about-Armstrong Clothes are always, right in, style, ;al ways perfectly tailored, and of course all wool. Bear in'mind that whatever style you like in clothes are assembled here for you-Sack Suits in many models; Business Frocks; Even ing or Dinner Suits. . Clothes from this store are a credit to all' of us. You'll be proud of your looks in an Armstrong Suitj and we will-be proud of you, Spring Suits, Top Coats and Raincoats $10 to $40 . . Armstrong Clothing Co. GoodXlothes-MehaMsjme of Hart Schaffner & Marx All Wool Clothes Cs. -V'