The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 21, 1911, Image 3
I : THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i'ii ,r-v tfASfc-- ) I i I y ! ...A ' -"l .. Vi M '""'M" I CAMPUS GLEANINGS C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 0 street. ' Sngma Nu announces tho pledging of Ernest P. Kenny. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Carl Nagl, '14, spout Saturday aria Sunday in Omaha. Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P. Anna McCague, '13, Kappa Alpha Thota, spent Sunday iti Omaha. Have your clothes pressed at Web er's Suitorium, Eleventh and O. tl -t-Earl-eiinorlS; Phi-'-Knppa Psir Judged a debate at Dunbar Friday night. Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13th and P streets. Delta Gamma held its annual ban quet Saturday night. Over a hundred alumni were in attendance. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. Delta Tau Delta announces the pledging of Fred Harney, '14, Lincoln, and L. B. McBride, '14, Elgin. George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling Cards, In vltes and Programs. Tho junior play was. well patronized uy tho fraternities and sororities. Several sent their entire delegation. Ted Marriner cleaner, dyer, and hatteiy 235 No. 11th St. Auto 4876, Bell 1GD9. W. V. Kennor, R. M. Switzlor, B. M. Cherrlngtoh, S. C. Carrier and F. C. McConneli were in Omaha over Sun- teY Uayr- - Learn touch typewriting without going to commercial school. Wo fur nish university students with a com plete courso in touch typewriting and rent you any malto of typewriter, three, months-for $G.00. Lincofn Typewriter Exchange, 140C O street. - tf Tho interfraternity athletic board is scheduled to meet in Dr. tllapp's ofilco at 11 o'clock today. Matters pertaining to tho interfraternity base ball games will occupy tho attention, of the board. Prof. E. H. Barbour received a box of California orangeB last week from C. H. Morrill, donor of tho Morrill fund. The Zoological club will hold the meeting postponed from March 16 to night Mr. Coppersmith will read a paper. Leonard Heggeland, '10; Frank Wheelock, '10, and Lloyd Denslow, '08, were recent guests at tho Delta Tau houso. Invitations for tho Delta Tau Delta formal are out. Tho party will be given at tho Lincoln next Friday. The annual banquet will bo held the fol lowing evening. Gaps "KING COLE" OXFORDS The Boy's will all. be wearing them this spring. Get yours first. BLACK and TAN BUTTON and LACE j$2rocf : YATRAPRENCHjCO. fX - ! ': ; f 1220 O Miss Venus Learner, '10, spent tho week's end at 'tho Delta Zeta houso. M, C. Shiroy of Kearnoy was tho guest of his son, Ray Shiroy, at tho Bushnell Guild Friday and Saturday, Prof. F. J. Alway of tho agricul tural engineering department is still seriously ill at tho hospital as a ro sult of an operation last wook. Thirsty students wore able to assuage thoir thirst at tho fountain on the campus, It being turned on yos terday for the first tlmo Blnco Inst fall. The now bulletin board is to havo a concrete base and will bo Btill further improved upon. aaoccaalonLdeinaiidH it being the wIbIi of tho designers to make it tho nobbiest thing on tho campus. The northeast corner of tho athletic field has been In uso lately for riflo practice. Although tho cadets will take rifle practice on tho rango at camp, practice in sighting is being done here. There will bo a meeting of the For estry club this evening in Nebraska hall. John S. Boyco will glvo an ad dress on "Silvical Experiments In Forest Planting' Missouri state university Greek let ter organizations cannot initiate mom bers until they have twenty-four hourB credit according to a new rul ing to go Into effect next fall. The Delta Zeta held their ' annual banquet at the Now Llndoll last Sat urday evening. Mrs. Nettie Wiles Shugart was toastmlstress. The patronesses, Mrs. Samuel Avery, Mrs. Chester Aldrlch and Mrs. A. E. Shol-don,--werepresent. - -i . , Professor Borrowman of the depart ment of chemistry has an article in the March Issue of tho Journal of In dustrial and Engineering Chemistry entitled "Chemistry and tho En gineer." It discusses tho Importance of chemical knowledge in engineering work and is essentially what was given by the author In an address be fore the Nebraska section of tho A. I. E. E. E. G. Montgomery, professor of ex perimental agronomy, will shortly ' New shades T 1 1 I 1 and shapes r II I K Just frem I U L l Nam Ynrlr FURNISHER AND HATTER HUH IUIH 1325 O STREET publish a bulletin on "Perfect Flow ers in Maize." In his investigations of thlB subject Mr. Montgomery has made several important discoverlea and says of the one to be described in the forthcoming bulletin: "I ven ture the suggestion that these plants may resemblo in somo degree the or iginal form from which our common maize was derived." Notice. Freshmen! Baseball practice at the athletic field today from 4 to 6. Bring material. f CLAYTON P. ANDREWS, Manager. s , j.. ..' '- '.'- Street. Classified Column Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 1 fa. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be in serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first insertion; thrco Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. FOR SALE, For Sale Duo bill on leading nlio- J.Qgraphnr-1 In ..Lincoln. Seo-Nebraskaa manager. tf For Sale A good kitchen rauge; noarly new; cheap. Seo Nebraskan manager. tf L08T. Lost Diamond set out of ring, in Memorial hall, or between there and Tomplo. Finder return to Nebraskan office. 107-3V Lost A lG-lnch Btrhlg of coral beads. Finder ploaso leave at Ne braskan office, noward. 108-3t FOUND. Found At Templo, nflor convoca tion, Monday, a Waterman Ideal, No 12 fountain pen. Call at Nebraskan office. 108-3t Found On campuB, a bunch of keys. Owner call at Nebraskan of fice. 108-3 1 WANTED. ''' -, . .Vl ir Wanted to Buy 'Old gold and, .silver jewelry. C). F. Spain & Co., upstairs, 138 No. 12th St. tf SPRING IS HERE ORDER NOW FOR EASTER Don't Put it Off Order Now tho Latest . Styles & Cuts Wo dive Absolute Fit Made to Measure DUNDEE WOOLEN HILLS 1218 O STREET ' 'J HerpolsJieimerV Gaft Dinner Jh30to!i30 OK Supper 5t30 to 7i30 00 ILS0 CAFETERIAN STYLI Mtt Waflit with Miplt Syrup Ml JUST RECEIVED A fresh shipment of Huyler's & Whittman's fino 'candies Meier Drug Co. 13th anil O Street. E&nMNGXUB Be TJ Befora Ordering ELsewhw Programs, Menus, Announce , mente, stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 198-1S0 No 14th 8t tUg old.- Dfatrfwtori Hw mtiftl aria Ha Aete peost 1080. Bl ptaM SUIT $15 TOPCOAT L -The-OId-Question of which camo first the lion or tho egg has never been an swered. But tho problem of getting perfect, ready-made garments without paying tailor" s prices is solved. Tho correct solution of that problem is Kensington clothos. Do you want the fit, stylo and workmanship of tho boat merchant tailors? Yet do you hesitate to pay his price? If so our Kensington are tho clothes you want. MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street --- AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre WED. NIGHT, MARCH 22 The Theatrical Event of tho Year Cohan &. Harris Present Raymond Hitchcock In Geo. M. Cohan's Musical Play Original New York Co. of 81 "The Man Who Owns Broadway" PRICES 50c to $2.00 LINCOLN WftSBBWHSR "- ORPHEUM MUftB ADVANCED VAUDVILLE "Marvelous Griffith" . Cross '&, Josephine Qulgley Brothers Ernest Scharff The Gordons Madden & Fltzpatrlck Glrard & Hutell , Mats. 15c and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35o and 50c LYRIC Beginning Monday Evening, Mar. 20. THE MN ON THE I0X NIGHTS at 8:30 16c, 25c, 35c, .'Wc MATS. Wed. and Sat. 15c and $3 RntaDDliwiwDurfkaiJ SOUtrREMTEl prict. Two yttr wilHie guarantee witherttTJ C, Smith 4 Brov YWfii , Mod, L. C B. r. S WAHSOH CO 'le UMl m U. UtkSt, Lknta, fete.