The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 16, 1911, Image 4

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Hide of "Scotty" Furnishes Qlft by
Department of Aanlmal
Cliancollor Ayory has boon present
ed with a handsomo rug by the de
partment of animal husbandry. Tho
rug Is raado from tho hldo of "Scotty,"
a puro brod-Qalloway stoor raised, on
tho farm of Straub Brothers near
Avoca, Nob. For a number of years
tho stoor was tho proporty of tho uni
versity. Ho was purchased when only
a calf and usod by tho stock judging
class. "Scotty" has been oxhlblted at
four groat Btoclt shows and novor
faded t6 bo first In his class, so that
ho may right bo said to have boon a
champion. At tho American Royal;
livo stock show In Kansas City In
-Octobor, 1909, ho won first prize,, .and
tlio following December at tho inter
national livo stock exposition he again
won a first prize, and was mado tho
champion .Galloway steor of tho shor
During October, 1910, ho was again
Bhown at tho American Royal livo
Btock show, where ho won another
flrBt, and later at tho International
livo stock exposition ho took a first.
Dinsmoro, A. M. East, E. O. DoWolf, J.
R. RIppoy, R. E. Rico and H. W. Ken
dall recounted convention services and
experiences to interost tho men who
woro not present,
M. C. A. Members 'Circle Around
Fireplace Last Night.
At tho mid-week meeting of tho Y.
M.'C. A. laBt night a novel program
was carried out. A fire was started
In tho grate of tlio big flroplaco and
tho chairs pulled up close to tho cheer
ful blazo. After a couple of songs,
Boyoral of tho delegates to the state
Y. M. C. A. convention, which waB
hold last week at Omaha, told of tho
convontlon Impressions. It was an
echo mooting. Tho discussions woro
"jflfhs Informal as would avbeen
tho caso If hold around a camp-flro on
tho hillside. W. W. Guidlngor, A. H.
Annontater of Nebraska Statutes
Speaks to Legislative Class.
Tho class In political sclonco, under
A. E. Sheldon of tho legislative refer
ence buroau, was laBt night addressed
by Judge J. E. Cbbboy, the official
compllor of tho Nebraska statutes. He
Is a graduato of Iowa, class of '7C.
Tho romarks of Judge. Cobboy were
along the lino of tho work dono In
compiling the laws passed by each
legislature and their Btandlng boforc
tho courts. He gavo details as to how
ho did tho work-and how- our :anno
tatod statutes differ from thoBO of
other states.
Tho clasB was Intensely interested
by his clear and concise statements
and aBked loavo to havo copies made
of tho address for use In future work.
itiated until ho is a sophomore. It Is
claimed that this last measure will re
move the objection that tho Greek so
cieties aro not domocratic.
In tho first place, It will give rt
larger number of students tho oppor
tunity of joining sinco all must be
picked from tho three classes. In the
second place, It will compel tho fresh
men to mako acquaintances along tho
natural lines which will as n-fconse-quonco
cause the development, first of
all, of a strong loyalty toward tho uni
versity. When they Join a fraternity
In their sophomore year, it is claimed,
they will havo a larger prospective of
university life and Will have mado ac
quaintances In all classes, whereby
the extremo snobbishness which too
often characterizes tho fraternity
freshman will disappear.
Regents Recommend that No Fresh
men Be Initiated Into Frats.
Tho board of regents of tho Uni
versity of Wisconsin has been Inves
tigating tho fraternity question at that
institution. Tho roport states that the
fratornltloB and Bororities are doing
much gdod and are taking the place of
tho old dormitory system in a most
satisfactory way. The benefits re
ceived by the members aro many, both
from a social and practical stand
point. Thero are a few evils that can be
removed by proper regulations. The
pledging of high scllool students is to
bo'dlscontlnued. "No ffeslfmali Isto bo
permitted to lodge or board at the
chapter houses and no one can be in-
Fake Arrest Sends Unsuspecting Vic
tim on Strange Mission.
The practical joker could not keep
out of tho limelight for a whole year,
if ho tried. Yesterday this fun provok
ing creature seized upon a prominent
member of tho freshman law class and
sent tho frightened victim on a mis
sion to the police station. The poor
follow discovered tho Joke when ho
arrived and In answer to his queries
was told that ho was not wanted.
It happened this way: A dignified
Junior with a star on his coat accost
ed tho freshman In tho hall and told
him that ho was wanted, and must go
to the-police station at once. Not car
ing to miss a class the freshman
begged hard and was finally lot off on
condition that ho would voluntarily
appear as soon as tho hour was over.
But the nervous strain bocamo too
great and before tho hour was half
over tho "arrested1 man" .made his Way
to the station and told them that ho
was thero. Tho officers woro equally
perplexed and knew nothing about any
such person being wanted. Then ho
8ophomore Baseball.
All Bophomoro baseball men aro re-
qunestcd to be out on tho athletic fleldT
every nftornoon for practice at 3
105-3t Manager.
Tho lion has been adopted as tho of
ficial mascot of Columbia by tho stu
dent board. The king of boasts has
now for companions, tho Brown boar,
tho Yalo bulldog, tho Princeton tiger,
all members of tho college jungle.
Ws Wsnt Your Coal Ordtrs. Give Us a Trial Ordar.
1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 334
Not Old, Out-of-Date Garments, but New
n Models
Of course we Fit Them and Press Them.
Come and See Us. That is Good Advice.
Armstrong Clothing Co.
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