THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i I. ! tl D r s K fr .j( $ CAMPUS CLEANINGS C. H. Prey, florist, 1133 0 street. J. E. Curtlse of Geneva, law '13, has pledged Delta Chi. Cbapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Phi Kappa PsI will hold Its annual initiation this afternoon. Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P. The junior play 1b only three days off. Get your tickets now. Have your clothes preBrfcd at Web er's Suitorlum, Eleventh and O. IT Junior class colors, orange and black, were issued to all members of , the class. yesterday. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13tVand P streots. W. IMcGowan, ox-'12, who has been 111 for theast six weeks, was seen on -the-campus-yesterday-r Green's Sanitary .Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. , Tho Cosmopolitan club will meet this evening in ha basement of the Temple. S. George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth Btreet, Printers. Calling Cards, In vites and Programs. -iHenry Wunder, chairman of the V. junior play committee, recently made a business- trip to Omaha in the inter ests of tho committee. Hlltncr Bros., Florists,, 118 So. 1205 St. Phones Xuto 1804,. Bell 330. Choice roses, carnations and chrysanthemums. We solicit the university "trade. MiUard Kline, '10, who has been an assistant in the department of agri culture, recently left for Colorado, where ho has taken up a claim. Ted Marriner cleaner, dyer, and hatter, 235 No. 11th St. Auto 4876, Bell 1609. Fred Tlgtie. ex-'12, who Was been" connected with tho engineering de partment of the Burlington, has left Lincoln for New Raymer, Cofo., where ' he will engage in business. Roy O. Wardo has changed hlB loca tion to Woods Barber Shop, 1206 O street. 93-10t Caps New shades and shapes Just from New York W. H. Reynolds, '09, who is now lo cated in Chicago, is visiting at the Delta Chi house. Delta Tau Delta will give Its annual banquet at tho Lincoln, March 25. A largo number of alumni have signified their intention of being present. The Togner society will hold its next meeting Tuesday evening, March 21, in. the Temple. Tho discussion will bo on the "Swedish School System." Three students from the University of Minnesota made $2,600 during last summer. Nebraska students are just as bright. Students willing to "hustle" drop a lino to Box 815 and learn what this is on which Btudents aro making so m,uch. Spring Shoes Are Arriving Here are the First for Women White Linen High Shoe, stage .last, button $3.00 Two Strap Patent $3.00, " i Two Hole Tie, dull leather $3.00 l2;20 - 0 ! G. C. Kiddoo, business manager of tho Cornhusker, has been doing some semi-artistic sign drawing for the "Book." Theso signB have been placed in conspicuous places around the cam pus. Tho botany department recently re ceived a curiosity in the shapo of a single kernel of corn, from which two perfect plants had sprouted. It was sent from Dakota City by Wllllo Schrlever, a young botanist of that place. Learn touch typewriting without going to commercial school. Wo fur nish university students with a com plete course in touch typewriting and rent you any make of typewriter, three months for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange, 1406 O street. tf Sem. Bot. monthly convocation meeting takes place tonight. Tho pa pers to be read are: "Some Phases of the Nitrogen Problem," by Leva B. -Walker- Recont-WorkOf-the-Bureau-of Soils," by Prof. G. II. Coons, and "Cautions In Pathological Technique," by Venus W. Pool. Tne committee on summer sessions announces a re-arranged course that will be of interest to those who wish to make up their requirements in blol ogyat tho summor seBBlon. Hitherto but four credits have been given for tho summor course in botanv but bv the addltiohN,o moro laboratory work, tho course has-been made a six-hour one. Sw Notice ,v An important mooting of tho.jnom bors of tho Benior and junior IvyNioy committeoB will bo held Thursday morning, March 16, at 11:30 in U106. C. J. LORD, 3t Chairman. The 'regents of Missouri have voted to abolish all intercollegiate athletics after- noxt-fall. .. A scholarship valued at $60 is given to every member of the Syracuse un dergraduate band. Not satisfied with a mustache some of the seniors at Wisconsin are going to start a whiskers club. FULK FURNISHER AND HATTER 1 325 O STREET Tho Imperial University of China, at Pekin, has sent a request to the University of Chicago for three scien tific professors to occupy respectively the chairs in general chemistry, eco nomic geography and civil engineer ing. Tho Harvard faculty is looking for a good scheme to compel students to attend class room lectures and recita tions. Figures made public by bean Hurlburt show that during tho last year 2,308 'Harvard 'sHudChts were ab sent from their class room work 75, 220 times. This represents an aver age of thirty days of tho college year In .which oaclTstudent was absent. - Street Classified Column Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or Between 2 p. m, and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. FOR 8ALE. For Sale1 Due bill on leading pho tographer In Lincoln. See Nebraskan managor. tf For Sale A good kitchen range; noarly now; cheap. Seo Nebraskan manager. tf uOST LoBt Fountain pen in M207, be tween 9 and 10 Thursday morning. Reward. Roturn to Nobraskan ofllco. - 103-3t Lost PI Beta Phi sorority pin, sot with diamond and ruby. Reward. Ro turn to Nebraskan ofllco. 103-3 1 Lost A -lG-Inch string of coral beads. Tinder please leave at Ne braskan ofllco. Reward. 104-3t FOUND. Found Near Temple, ribbon watch fob. Owner may have same by iden tifying and paying for this ad. 92-tf. 1l I ! -" ' NFound On campus, a bunch of keys. Ownercall at Rag ofllco. 103-3t WANTED. Wanted to Buy-Old gold and silver Jewelry. C. F. SpaInN& Co., upstairs, rTSfiFNo. TZlh St." " '"If Wanted University students desir ing employment during tho summer can learn of a good paying proposition by addressing application to No. 2Q8 Windsor hotel. Tho question of using cabs for for nial parties has come up at Jowa City. The general sentiment Beems to favor a lowering of rates rather than tho abolition of the custom. Women haters at Wisconsin claim that during the last eight years of co education tho varsity .has not won a single athletic championship. WALT Stands for the Latost and best in Music. 1215 O St. JUST RECEIVED A fresh Bhipmont of Huyler's & Whlttmaii's fino candies Meier Drug Co. 13th mul O Street. Simmons the Printer Sprinting Engraving Embossing Auto. 2319' 317 So. 12th OENTRUNITIOMLBMK . 12th and O Strtsts - T, Lb HALL, President "" F. M. JOHNSON, Vlce-prealdeat utti r mvir 7w, uACKNEjf riifiiirces 1) Victory in the Contest of clothes has been won by Kensingtons.. Thoj' challenge comparison with other brands on every point that goes to make per fect clothes. The judgment of those who made the comparison was "clenr cut Kensingtons were best. You are invited to come in and make the same compari son. The most up-to-date styles., are there and wo do not fear your verdict. $20 to $40. MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre TONIGHT AT 8:15 The 8ensatiaVial Musical Comedy Thi Quoin of tho Moulin Roup Night Life in Paris Mat., 50c to $1.00 Night, 50c to $1.50 Wed. Nlghf, March 22 R ArMO N D HITCHCOCK V I llinni U MATINEBstaxccptMonday) a LinUULlI BVONINOS AT HttO :jo ORPHEUM Burs advanced vaudville Beginning Monday Eve., Mar. 13 BONITA "A Night In a Monkey Music Hall" Three California Girls Ward Brothers Adonis & His Dog "Dayton" Mats. 16c and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c LYRIC Beginning Monday Night, March 13 A CONTENTED WOMAN NIGHTS at 8:30 25c, 25c, 35c, 50c MATS, Wed. and 8at. 15c and 25c IF MINTINGI2L1SJ Bee Us Before Ordering Elsewhere Programs, Menus, Announce-' ments, Stationery, 'Bookleti VANTINE PRINTING CO. 123-100 -No 14th St. " Hirpolsheimir's Gaft Diostf Ut30 to lt30 OK Supper 530 to 7.30 .fcV ; IISO CAFETERIA STYLI JUt Walks with Maalt Syrup Mb " , m m ;i -j ' " -$ f -wjr I IHMPMI frmiWMWtltKW WfcWMMO tvmjnW ,-....-. irnT,T' m w f . .w-r - - A V 'f-