THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE PnOPEUTY OF r THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA,' Lincoln, Nobroako. ' ti " ' ,' ) r Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD ' (. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor..... S. O. COTNER Managing Editor A. II. DINSMORE Associate Editor. I...T. M. EDGECOMBE Agfloclato Editor,'..... RICHARD" MEYER BUSINESS STAFF. , Managoi'. ..".. .....!... V. 0. HASCALL Aislatant Managor....C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Ma'nagor,...J. V. MORRISON REPORTORIAL. Athlotlca and Military. .T. J. HARORAVE Sooloty and PorBonal..F. C. McCONNElJLi NobraBka Hall H.- C. HOUOH Scloncoa and Gorman.. E. J. HUBERMAN Engineering R. A. HUNTINGTON Agricultural E. H. GRAVES Law.... A. C. SCHMIDT Templo .A. C. DAVIS Llbtary and University lfa1l..!I. S. HUSE Assistant Roportors V. A. STURM K. B. WHERRY Editorial and Bualnasi Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Nlaht Phones Auto 1888; Auto 3145; Auto 2008. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be charged for at tho rato of 10 cents tho Insertion for every flftocn words or fraction there of. Faculty notices and University bul letins will gladly bo published free. Lion for tho tournament ond tho meet with Iown. Thls.iB nn lrit,ejr'6jstlng jport and' ijo should get? acquainted Wrestling Ib going on dally In prepara tion for tho tournament and the meet with H With. It. Science,, and.,, strength' are combined with agility and spied bo that tho wrestler is Invariably a good nil-round man. At Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Har vard and other large Universities of the east wrcBtllng has taken Its place In tho ltnercolloglato sport along with basketball, track, baseball, football and gymnastics. Hegular bouts between colleges occur evory year. In tho west tho mat athletics have not received much prominence In the past, but are Just beginning. Nebraska has ar-. rangetk for Its first Intercollegiate con test with Iowa, and will hold tho first tournament this week. Wrestling Is woll worth your support and you should not fall to see some of the matches In tho tournament which be gins today and enflfsTfla'ay Hlght.-Nc- braska has some good material and the finals will bo close and Interesting. ONE MORE REPORTED. Rumor that John Outright Ic 8elzed by. Smallpox. A rumor reached tho Nobraskan of-' flee last night to tho effect that John Outright was ill with tho smallpox. On account of the lateness of the hour at which tho report came In no final confirmation could bo obtained. Saint Peter "Well, who are you?" Candidate -"I am a student.' Saint Peter "Did you read your college paper?" Candidate "I did." Saint Peter "Did you subscribe for It?" Candidate "I did not." Saint Peter "First elevator down." The wearing of claBB colors during tho Junior Week by the tfiTrd year stu dents Is a good scheme. The only trouble about is that there are not enough bearing the distinction. But a fow Is better than none. All Juniors Bhould have them before the day is over. Following the fining of a janitor at Wellesloy for stealing cats for dis section --by- the- students, an. Inquiry which' Its promoters bellovo will lead to Harvard medical school has been begun on the disappearance of cats and dogs in Cambridge. sintered at the DOBtofllco at Lincoln. Nebraska, as. second-class mall matter, under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1878. MAItCH 16, 1911. YET IT 18 80. What would you think If you woro told that you could witness somo of tho famouB battles of tho paBt, see them as thoy actually occurred? Do you not think It would Beem marvelous to behold tho OreekB defending tho -pase otr Tliermqplynor-Caesar- fighting. hhj way through tho Gauls, tho charge ot tho light brlgado a.t Balaklava, the old consular guard hurling Itself on the terrlblo hollow Bquaro at Waterloo, tho patriots defending Bunker Hill, or Jaul Jones fighting tho Sorapls with Freshmen at Michigan expect tho faculty to bar upper classmen from In terfering with their clasB banquet. Tho Btudent sonato at Iowa has rec ommended that dancing shall not bo recognized as a college amusement. Five hundred Chinese students are being educated in tho universities of the United States, with Cornell aB the largest drawing caru By a recent ruling instructors at Chicago are forced to shave .their mustaches, as co-ods refused to at tend classes If the instructor has any hirsute adornment. A department for training degener ate children will bo opened at Michigan. THE WELL DRESSED MAN ff Buys'Popular Priced Clothes ,f Afhd- More of Them Ytv f nJUfr'ays Htvl a Ntw Suit Come in and Look Arnfltfri v i J-Hfnr4r $1 1 Ask to See Our Aviatl'n Shades l.i v DUNDEE WOOLEM WILLS i m8 O TrTEET WIVEIISITY JEWEI :il & OfTKtU C. A. Tucker JEWELER , S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1121 1 STREET, YELLOW FMIT Vovt FtroMc Soltette TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Rnt applied on purchieW 1 IsTIqVTmisUiCJ soiDf rehted price. Two year wrlttS guarantee with every ma iklne told. Diitrtratora New Model, L. C. Smith ft Bros. vfclbW. Gall or write for catalogu and cumcnurA pedal price lint F SWANSON CO., Inc. Art phone 080. Bell phone 1299. IIS Se. Stk St, UmIb, fefcr. Lincoln Sanitarium Plang m IrMt Sill Wlw twIlK fMt OUKSi tU, UoraUji BxmM PiT'tTIt QnVUmea. Aftaraooas asd JBtssXbm. tM jU 0aUa, Moadsr rrtdarirmlacs. UUfttflltrpt lHcltLrui-AniacJ.! TAN SHOES Button and Lace High Toes CO. 50 and Heel - - 3 BUDD 1415 O St. frail craft? Perhaps you never have thought 'that you can see on. tho cam pus every day oftorts as heroic, thbugh loss bloody. If you haYo never scon any such thing, watch some poor lonely fellow doing his utmost to pass a dozen or moro girls walking side by side on tho walk or in tho hallway. Sometimes ho gets past and sometimes ho does not. While tho women are worthy of tho greatest respect, they are hardly deserving of. this self assumed Impor tance. Thoy should remember that tho walks and halls aro limited in width, and that, there aro others who must pass tho samo way. All aro sup posed to novo an equal right and each one Is on his or her honor not to' usurp too much of tho privilege. Watch where you aro going and bo so accom modating as to stop far enough to one side 'to leave others room to pass. THE BULLETIN Mld-Bemestors will soon bo hero. Burn tho midnight oil to a good ad vantage before it Is too lato. SOMETHING DOING. Now that basketball is over, now lines of athletics will domand tho at tention of tho university for tho rest of tho year, Those who 'think that "thBrerlBTrothlqg-aolnB-Bh&uldIsltrtho" gymnasium and seo for themselves. March. 16 Annual Junior class convocation, Temple, 11 a. m. 16 Ivy day commltteo meets, U106, 11:30 a. m. 16-17 WreBtllng tournament, Armory. 17 Vesper services, Memorial hall, 5 p. m. 17 Union Literary society, St. Patrick, party, Temple, 8 p. m. 17 PalladlanB, new members pro gram, Temple, 8 p. m. 18 Y. W. 3. A. pageant of .missions, Templo, 3 to 5 p. m. 18 Agricultural club, Illustrated lec ture on Germany, by Professor Fossler. , 18 Junior play, "A Message from Mars," Oliver theater, 8:16 p; m, 21 Convocation, Dr. Louise' Pound on "Chanticleer." 21 Wrestling, Iowa yb. Nebraska, at Iowa City. 21 Togner meets at the Templo, 8 p. m. 27 Mid-semester examinations begin. 23 University Cadet band concert. 24 Union Literary society play at Temple-theater? ' ; r- J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best is Always the Cheapest. 1822 N St. Auto 1202 Boll 147 CLEANERS and DYERS c vrGBy FOR THE A. A. U. Basket Ball Championship OF THE STATE Lincoln V. 7VY. s. Omaha Y. V. Y. M. C. A. GYM. Thursday, March lth A NICE DAINTY LUNCH FOR MINE A nice hot snappy drink on a cold day, and then there are other soda drinks, too. Egg Drinks, Lemonades, Crushed Fruits, in fact anything in the drinkable line you might desire. Dainty Punches for parties, Delicious Brick Ice, Cream for banquets, Hot Drinks, Whipped Cream. THE FOLSOM 1307 O STREET 2G Junior class' convocation. EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON B0NS tthif ?-.. m m m m wm rm . -. vi N x & 4 1 V V-f A.UI - .,- N -HI M i t"v'.K h.' :