The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 14, 1911, Image 4

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    the' daily nebraskan
Thoso in chargo of tho law burbccuc
are working hard and aro nblo to an
nounce that tbo big feed will bo hold
at Capital Beach May 10. On this
day tho law collego will lay aBldo all
its work and upend tho ontlro tlmo In
ploanure. Not only is It to bo a ban
quet for tho law collogo Itself but a
gYoat rounlon as well. All who aro
now Htudonta or members of tho fac
ulty nr over have boon nro Invited to
uupromo court, tho district court and
tho couuty court, and tho regents of
the univorBlty aro aBked to bo pres
ent. A lurgo numbor of alumni aro
Tho committee in charge of tho
barbecuo Is composed of tho follow
ing: Faculty mombors Hastings, Co
nana, Robbins; aonlors Collins,
Woavor, "Wilson; Juniors I lawloy,
Powell, Joiicb; freshmen Itusself,
Ilaymond, Hodman. This committee
has powor to appoint subcommittees
and Iiub announcod tho following to
take chargo of all publication matters
and to seo to tho lnvltntlons: Hawloy
(chairman), Lawrenco, Swltzlor,
Dobbs and Cotnor. Other committooa
will bo glvon out in a fow days.
Be Held
Is more essential to a good dresser than a big outlay of money.
There was a time when you could not get a good, stylish suit of clothes
without paying an enormous price, and it had to be made to order.
Things are different now; you can come to this store and buy just
asfine a suit as you wantratarverjrreasonable-priee;
Suits and Overcoats that are perfectly tailored, that fit, that are every
thread all wool and that we guarantee to satisfy you in every way.
Suits and Overcoats $ J 0-00 to $45.00
Pan-Hellenic Banquet to
April 19 or 20.
Although nothing doflnlto has been
decided, tho Pan-Hellfenlc banquet
will be hold on ollher ApTin!ror-20r
Tho mombors of tho council favor one
of theao two datOB, but bo far havo
not agreed on which it will tako
place. Tho program committee is on
doavorlng to got up an evening's en
tertainment that will not be rivaled by
anything of its kind that has ever
happened at tho university. Some of
the most prominent speakers in tho
United States hitve been written to.
several of whom itia believed wJlJL
This year the banquet ,1s, to bo
given In honor or the board of regents.
Last year the chancellor was the dis
tinguished guest.
Believed r Election of Dr. Bowman a
Step in that Direction.
Dr. Bowman, who succeeds Dr. Mac-
-Leun as prosldonoty-tlie University.
of Iowa, Is a young man thirty-three
years of age. lie has had but little
administrative experience. Explana
tion as to the board's choice of so
young a man is thnt Dr. Bowman as
secretary of tho Carnegie foundation
for tho advancement of teaching, haB
become more or loss familiar with tho
problems in connection with rival In
stitutions maintained by a Binglo
state.' Tt uTay even' wpremmTed frorir'
this that Ames and Iowa state univer
sities will eventually bo unified. At
least many have expressed tho opinion
that it may bo brought about.
Has the "Spring Fever"
Got Into Your Blood?
if it has, the chances are that you, like the earth and
nature will want to, at this-time, don your best attire
you are likely thinking of Spring Clothes, and you no
doubt want to look as well as possible. We think it will
be hard for any man to resist the smart, snappy styles,
all wool fabrics and fine tailoring in the Suits and Top
Coats we've assembled.
prices are lowest here, quaility considered that's
one reason why we're doing the largest clothing
business in Nebraska.
Spring Suits, Top Coats and Rain Coats,
$10.00 to $40.00
Ai?mstoiigLClotliiiig Co,
GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Hand Tailored, All Wool Clothing
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