A THE DAILY NEBRASKAN -i- -A- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TUB PROPERTY OP TUB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor. 0. O. COTNER Managing Editor A. II. DINSMORE Annoclato Editor T. M. EDGECOMBE Anaoclato Editor RICHAItp MEYER BUSINESS 8TAFF. Manager V. C. HASCALL Assistant Manager.... C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Manager.... J. V. MORRISON REPORTORI AL Athletics and MJlItary..T. J.'lIARORAVE Society und Personal.. F. C. McCONNELL Nebraska Hall H. C. HOUGH Sciences and Gorman.. E. J. HUBERMAN Engineering II, A. HUNTINGTON -Agricultural.. ..,.,. .j ..... .E. HuOIlAVEH LUW A. U. HUHA1IUT Temple A. C. DAVIS Library and University Hull.. II. 8. HUSE AsHlstant Reporters V. A. STURM K. S. WHERRY Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Postoffloe, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Slnolo Copies, B Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 3145; Auto 2098. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will bo charged for at the rate of 10 ccntB tho Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of.- Faculty notices and University bul letlnH will gladly bo published freo. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as socondclass mall mattor, under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. MARCH 14, 1911. JUNIOR WEEK. Another event tins boon Inaugurat ed at tho University of Nebraska which In tho future will become one -oF-ItB-tradiUftiiK. T-lilH-lH-thoJuuioc Week, which has been so successful at WiHconslu and a number of the other turgor schools of the United Stiitcs. The luBt Junior Weok piny at WIbcoiihIii drew tho lurgest crowd in tllo history or that institution. Thoro is no reason why It should not bo equally successful at Nebraska. All depends on whether tho students care LADIES LOW SHOES $4.50 and $5.00 Valuis S2.50 for It and are willing to lend It sup port. In years past tho junior prom was considered tho big class event. In fnct It was tho leading social affair. But whore (ho junior pluy has been established tjio big danco has boon forced to tak,e a second place. It re quires m oro preparation and Is far mouo roprosontatlve of what a col lege should stand for. It represents training' and intelligence while the prom typllles something altogether different. The play Is tho grand crowning evont of tho week and one at which all tho university can and should bo present. THE FORUM. To tho Editor of tho Nobraskan: Recontly the Rag devoted its edi torial column to calling tho law stu dents a bunch of rouli-nocks. Yostor day It used Its Bpace to toll us that riding bicycles on tho university side TYPEWRITEDS ffl- MAKES Rent applied on purchj ii! , - 10LD w REHTED price. Two year written chine aold. Distributor! New Model, LC. Smith & Broe. yiiible. pedal price list. Auto phone 2080. Bell phone .1299. walks should be stopped and that gos siping at tho library had become la mentably common, while today It tells tis that wo should not walk on the grass. I realize how dlfllcult it is to find material for tho editorial column and that turning out an editorial every day becomes a grind. Still I thinlc that somo of the subjects which tho Rag haB chosen are lamentably shal low and that they do not warrant dis cussion, at least not the space that tho Rag gives them. Take for In stance tho matter of riding bicycles on tho sidewalks, which the Rag would lead us to beliove has become n seri ous nuisance, demanding immediate attention. As far as I can see tho of- fondorfl consist of a fpw nrofoflflors who oro willing to sacrifice dignity to speed, that they may devoto a Tow ex tra minutes to breakfast before hur rying to their eight o'clocks. Who would bo so heartless as to deprive them of this small privilege? Wo can .step aside. Thon, too, calling the laws names helps nothing. Bveryono knows that tho laws are noisy and that thoy have boon, slnco any 'one remembers. Probably thoy always will bo. But who can oxpoct a bunch of lusty lunged Btudonts, deprived of tho soft ening influence of tho co-eds and con fined In a small corridor to bo silent and dignified? Why should thoy? Tho editor attacks another custom that has always existed and most llko ly always will. He objects to the Btu donts goBsipIng at tho library en trance. Ho says: "It is no credit to tho university to liavo a largo number of men and women out on the front Bteps . . . this condition has bo come Intolerable and those people ., ,. . should-bo r-ofuscd-ttdmisslou-L to the library." How ridiculous! Bo cause a friend meets a friend on tho library steps and stops to talk things over he should be refused admission to tho library! NoRher do I agreo with tho editor when ho says "has be come." I cannot soo that there Is any more conversing on the library stopB than there always has been, ox- BUDD 1415 0 St. copt that tho warm weather has mado It possible to linger longer outside. Perhaps the editor would llko to turn tho university Into a convent. As to tho presence of tho students on tho stops being no credit to tho university, it certainly Is no discredit. The broadening influence that conies from mingling with ones follows, to say nothing of. the pleasure that coiiicb from It, Is'ono of tho most beneficial Influences that a university possesses. Were It not for this we might as well do our studying with a' correspond ence school. In ending, I will add that I am In sympathy with tho Rag, that I appre ciate tho efforts made to mako It a good paper, and that my criticisms are made that It may profit by them. So omit tho knocks and tho editorials about tho trivial, potty things and fill your columns Instead with boosts and things mora vital to the development of tho university and tho student body. ROBERT L. FERGUSON. guaranteewlth every-m4 B. F. SWANSOK CO., Inc. 1 So. 13th St, Llacole, HeW. Quality and Style in Men's and Young Men's clothes at the lowest pos sible prices-this is our aim -and-wehit- the -mark-every- time, in other words we give you clothes satisfac tion and save you money too. Just try us and we'll prove it. Speier & Simon North-East Corner 10th and 0 Straits EXCLUSIVE HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON SONS Zef-lf- On March Z JUNIOR CLASS PLAY "A Message From Mas" OLIVER THEATER One Performance A NICE DAINTY LUNCH FOR MINE A nice hot snappy drink on a cold day, and then there are other soda drinks, too. Egg Drinks, Lemonades, Crushed Fruits, in fact anything in the drinkable line you might desire. Dainty Punches for parties, Delicious Brick Ice Cream for banquets, Hot Drinks, Whipped Cream. THE FOLSOM 1307 o street SfBSB Jgy fjHr jj?g r - and 141k AGENCY cnhTdarar Only, at 8:15 P. M. j Lincoln Sanitarium Plunge Til Oreil Salt Watir Si ImIbi fmi ?7Tme.n Aternoom and HTeaiuwi. UIm QiuUibiiii, Monday ud Frt4r JtamiB, til struts. ShcIiI rarSM knutti ftr 4 o r IV I A i V 4