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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1911)
THE DAILY HEBBASKJlH Directory of Advertisers Th followlnfl merchants and busi ness men of Lincoln are anxious to erve the University students. By placing their advertisements In the columns of the Dally Nebraskan thy show that they want your trade. Ana you may be sure that the merchapt who Is willing to make a little effort to get your patronage Is the one who Is going to treat you honestly and considerately In attempting to keep It. 80 you as Well as the Nebras kan will profit by trading with these people: BANKS First TruBt & Savings Central National Bank BAKERIES Folsom BARBER SHOPS Groon'B Capital Hotol BOOK STORES Co-op University CLEANERS Wober'B Sultorlum Wobds CLOTHING Farquahar Magoo & Dcomor Mayer Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. Dundoo Woolen Mills COAL Wbitobroast CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitchen DRY GOODS Miller & Paine DRUGGISTS RlggB FLORISTS Chapln BroB. C. H. Froy Hlltnor Bros. FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Magoo & Deomor Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon. Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTERS n Budd Fulk Armstrong Clothing Co. Magoo & Deomor Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Speler & Simon JEWELERS Hallett Tucker OPTICIANS Shoan PRINTERS " George Bros, Simmons Van Tlno RESTAURANTS ' , Y. M. C. A. Spa Herpolsholmer's SHOES Armstrong Clothing Co. Budd Men's Bootory v Mayer Bros. Miller & Paine Yates French '.,'' . THEATERS " Lyric Oliver . . -Orphoum- s YOUNG MEN Who want clothes a little or even decidedly different from the ordinary will find, no matter how your taste runs, that we can please you. Particular Attention has been paid to the selection of our Young Men's Garments for Spring, and we have the smart, snappy styles, new patterns and color effects that we know you will like. COME IN AND SEE THEM Young Men's Suits $10.00 to $30.00 Men's Suits $10.00 to $45.00 MAYER BROS Young Men's and Boys' Department Second Floor, BRILLIANT PLAY MARKS CL05EFINALS Contlnuod from Pago 1 mann, Rector, forwards; Burkonrod, mann, uecmr, j. "" ;"";hftbojatoj3Ll been divided up into a center; Howe, Crocker? TnuISrrB8ctlng ro6ms,-all weTT CU1I1 - " nuillliuilt E,vi, ifiinuiuu, tion. Tho apparatus was old and rather antiquated and tho Items of light and ventilation were not well cared for. Since tho (Ire tho third floor has boon complotely remodeled and tho equipment that has been Installed 1b thoroughly modern. Tho anatomy Hugg, cpntor; C. Mann, Hagor, guards. Wllbor was dofoatod by South Om aha 40 to 23. Monoffoo starred for the boyB from tho packing city. Thoy had good team work and kept close guard on Prucha, Wllbor's star, all tho time. Prucha, who Is tho whole Wll bor team, could not got away to mako many trials for goal. Tho llno-up: Wllbor Prucha, Shl morda, forwards; Savago, center; Chouloupka, Aksamlt, guards. South Omaha Monoffoo, Collins, forwards; Shlolds, center; Barry, Philip, guards. Tho heavy Beatrlco team boro down tho llght-wolght Geneva boys In a game which was chiefly featured by tho gameneBB of Gonova's light. Tho Bcoro was 3G to 19. Both displayed wonderful team work and Geneva played with Its usual spood. Luso for Beatrlco made a numbor of very dif ficult goalB and Stockton made a good record on free throws. Tho llno-up: Geneva Soverns, Shlckloy, forwards; Garrott, center; P. Sloan, Schneider, guards. Beatrlco Luso, Stockton, forwards; Hobbs, center; Rutherford, RIeckor, guards. Tho final games will bo played at tho Armory tonight between Lincoln, South Omaha and Beatrice. Tho games start at 8 o'clock. Tho dopo rathor favors Beatrice as winner on its showing last night Clovlnger and Brannon rofereed tho games last night and will bo on tho Job again this evening. They are giving excellent satisfaction. SPRING IS HERE ORDER NOW FOR EASTER weTT lighted and ventilated. These rooms aro equipped with now dissecting tabloB which aro constructed through out of metal and are a great improve ment over tho old wooden tables which thoy replace. Bach room is provided with a drawing table for tho convenience of tho workers. A tar floor has been laid throughout to deadon tho nolso which was annoy ing to tho persons below. A new and modern lecture room ad- Joins tho laboratory and has been flttod up with a comploto sot of anatomical charts. Adjoining tho lec ture room Is tho locker room, which will bp equipped with largo steel lock ers which, however, have not yet ar rived. Tho Installation of this locker room permits students to change quickly from their laboratory cos tume to their street clothes. Ono of tho most valuable additions to tho equipment of the department is a stereoscopic machine for project ing diagrams of tho ideal dissections of Dr. Cunningham, tho world's foro- moBt anatomlBt. These diagrams aro actual photographs of dissections which the machine enlarges and rend ers more clear. It would almost bo possible to obtain a complete Idea of anatomy merely from tho study of theso photographs, Under these now and favorable conditions tho delayed work In anatomy Is going on rapidly. Don't Put It Off Order Now tho Uatest-- Styles & Cuts SUIT $AJ5L TOPCOAT We Glvo Absolute Per-.-fect-Flt-Made .to. Measure DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS 1218 O STREET Try Our Maraschino Cherry Chocolates Also All Kinds of Dainty Sandwiches Best of Service LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN 14th and 0 S. W. Corner OENTML NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets T. I HAIX, PrealdUnt . F. B. JOHNSON, Vlc-prealdat BmCAN C. FOX, C.hler W. W. HACKNEY, SIL, uttL CBSS. n STUDENTS ON A STRIKE. NOW HAS MODERN EQUIPMENT FIRE DID SERVICE FOR ANATOMY DEPARTMENT IN BURNING OLD APPARATU8. TYPEWRITERS' -" ' ' Lincoln Typewriter Exonango. ? B..P. Swanson Co. . . . Tho flro that ravaged tho third floor of tho Mechanic Arts -building per formed tk valuable service for the anatomy department of tho school of medicine. Before, the flro, tho do- ' ' ' "r nnWmnnt, -wuh laborinc under very ad- .verso conditions with poor facilities fdr carrying on the .work of dlsBec- Ne'arly Three Hundred Desert Classes at Rlpon College. Tho strike germ, so prevalent among tho various labor unions of tho country, has invaded a rather now Held. According to a dispatch from Rlpon college, at Rlpon, Wisconsin, tho student body, has gono on a strike following tho dismissal of five of their follows for infractions of School rules. Only a vary small per cent of the 300 students attended class yesterday, tho otherpenaTngthoIrtIrao"loltorlng about the Btreets or doing picket duty near .the campuB. The First Trust and Savings Bank 4 PER CENT INTEREST A $1 openi an account 189 South 11th Street. Harpolsheimor't Cafe Dinner JJ30 to Jt30 OR - Supper 5t30v to 7t30 UU . ALSO CAFETERIAS STYLi Htt Waflis wlflrNapIt Syrup IOi - X. u