The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1911, Image 3
gJB P. A l&Y-,. N;B BRA8KAN 2 . Ht I,j U tfM"vt. :'':. nr.'f J J-LihiJ, -.' "J". 1'' CAMPOS GLEANINGS . & it lj. nBmy, lonsi, xxs V.'Btrcqi, yt ywam rortor, 14; of North-Bond has Ifeon forced to leave school bocauso of tckne8s.'-'i'w -v4' t . k'. . - "' Chttpln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. G. C. Kiddoo is attending tho Y. M. C. A. convention in Omaha today add tomorrow. !, Capital Hotel BarbdV Shop 11 & P. , M. E. Stricter, '10, Js looatcd at Davenport; la.,, whero Ho has a posi tion with tho Burlington. ; Havo your clothes proBaed at Wob oY's Suitorium, E16venth and' 0. tf Mrs. Alice Bovins, who ihas boon v,lsltlng hor daughter, Mildred, '12, loft yestorday for Los Angoles. x ff-ry-aHunch-at-tho-Yr-M; C. a: Spa; 13th and P streets C Don't forgot tho play at tho Oliver next Saturday ovoning. This Is ono of tho bjg events of Junior Week. ' Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. . Tickets are now on sale for tho jjinior play, and can bo obtained from members of the committee and cast. George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling CardB, In vites and Programs. L. B. Temple, ox-'ll, was a visitor at tho Phi Kappa PsI house yester day. Hlltnor Bros., Florists, 118 So. 12th St. Phones Autd 1894, Bell 330. Cholco roses, carnations and chrysanthemums. We solicit tho university trade. A. J. Ludden, ex-law '12, now in structor in tho sclonco department of the Beatrice high schopl, Is visiting at tho Delta Chi house during tho tour nament. Tho Komensky club met in M. A. 160 Thursday evening, and a short program was rendered, rifter which tho Bohomian members of tho state legislature who had been invited re sponded to calls for improhptu speeches. A number of those men are graduates of Nebraska. Young Mod's soft bats in browns, 1. and grays $2.50 to $5.00 FOLK FURNISHER AND HATTER 1 325 O STREET Roy O. Warde has changed his loca tion to Woods Barber Shop, 1206 O street. 98-10t Charles J. JonklnB of Haiglor, who was a member of Dr. Bessoy's botany class in 1886, was a visitor at tho botany department Thursday. Mr. Jenkins is In tho land business and last year was tho Nebraska delegate to tho national irrigation congress at Pueblo. Learn touch typewriting without going to commercial school. W, fur nlsh university students with a com plete" course in touch typewriting and rent you any .make of typewriter, three months for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange, 1406 O street. tf WHAT Any Shoe in the House - Tki Wart lw '. vii nsvv Ji Jirefest7.9fM&5' vdVeV 'Wd uwr, zae no. llta Bt. AUW 4S7, Boll 1609. -A great deal of the success of tho" basketball tournoy now behig held un dor tho auspices ot the university7, Is bolng credited to tho hospitality of &0.jra.trnItleB, which are providing iiuuioB ur mo umorenc teams. toim lowing 1b whoro tho teams aro stop ping: Gonova. Delta Tan: Pnnrrnl City, Sigma Nu; Omaha, Phi Gamni; south Omaha, Phi PsI; Tecumsoh, Alpha Thota Chi; Falls City, Beta Thote PI; Wllbor, Kappa Sigma; Boa trido, Delta Chi York, Phi Dolta Theta; Aurora, Sigma Alpha Epailon, and Koarnoy, Sigma Chi. FIRST CALL FOR TRACK MEN. Coach Field Is Ready to Commence : Work-at-Once; Coach Field is already at work and yesterday Issued tho following statd mont to track mon: Sprinters, weight mon, middle and long distanco runners, polo vaultors, board and high jumpers, aro called to appear on tho athletic field today at 2 o'clock. All tho track mon in tho university, freshmen included, should attend tho first workout this after noon. Owing to tho late start this season tho track mon aro urged ,to makb every attempt to respond to tno call of tho coach and show thoir good spirit by attending tho dally work outs which commenco today. In preparations for tho two big in door moots tho sprinters must put in some hard licks during tho next fow weeks. It is expected that Nebraska will send a good roprosontatlvo team to each of tho indoor contests which occur at Omaha and Kansas City. In order to do this all tho eligible mon must commenco work at onco. a tf, FIELD, .- Coach. CORRECTION NECE88ARY. Household Arts Club Has No Men Members. On account of tho inability of a Nebraska reporter to decipher hforo- The latest Spring styles in i TweeiV Hats glyphics a terrible stir has boon caused among a certain fow of tho university. This poor follow was handed a list of namos with certain explanatory inscriptions attached, and was told that a now club had boon formed. This club Is called' the "Household Arts" club Instead of tho simple "Household" club. But the real grief came ovor tho mistake in translating a fow marks for tho word "man" when It should havo boon "now." The members of" tho club wish it understood that thoro are nono of tho stronger sex allowed in tho or ganization and that thoso labeled "mon members" woro really girls who aro tho now additions to tho club. YOU THINK? WW mm am m. l r'Mwl MUMOlUn Classified Column 3: Advertisements .for tHls column should be left at the business office basement Administration hiillHInn h tween .1 1a m. and 12 m., or betweqfj p. m. ana o p, m. . Want ads will positively not be Irti sorted unless paid In advance, at thq rate of 10 -cents per Insertion for ever fifteen words or fraction therei of for the first Insertion; tHree Inser tion 25 cents) five insertions 40 cents, FOR 8ALE, For Sale Due bill on loading phdJ tograplicr in Lincoln.' fide Nobraskan manager. tl 111 ' ' i For Sale A good kltchon ran go; noarly new; oheap. Sod Nobraskan manager. ti For Sale Full dross suit, size 34', cheap. Enquire Burts Suitorium, 1106 O streot. 100-31 L08T. ' LoBt Pi Phi Borority pn, set with diamond and ruby. Return to No braakan oulco. Reward. 100-3t FOUND. Found Near Tomple, ribbon watch fob. Owner may havo same by Idon tifying and paying for this ad. 92-tf. WANTED. ' Wanted to Buy -Old gold and sllvof Jewelry. C. F. Spain & Co., upstairs, 138 No. 12th St. tf. University students dosirlng em ployment during ttio summor can learn of a good paying proposition by ad dressing application to No. 1 In caro of tho Dally Nobraskan. ANNUAL GYMNASTIC EXHIBITION March 23 Is Set as Day to Pick Ne braska Team. Tho annual gymnastic exhibition has beon set to occur March -25 in tho Armory. Tho primary purpose of this event will bq tho selection of a team to represent Nebraska in tho annual western intorcolloglnto gymnastic meot to be hold at tho Chicago uni versity April 22. Preparations for the Nebraska ex hibition this year aro much more de tailed than formerly. The roprosont atlvo team will bo chosen from tho winnerg In tho heavy gymnastic events, Including horizontal bars, par allel bars, sido horso, flying rings, and tumbling. Other events, such as club swinging, fencing, throo classes of wrestling, will feature tho exhibition. Tho representation from the women's department of physical education will also be a more prominent feature than herotoforo. Demonstrations in both folk and artistic dancing will be given. The men's gymnastic classes will give exhibitions in first year ap paratus work and advanced apparatus. Ono final match in both tho wrestling and boxing contests will also add vari ety to thd entertainment. Senior Class Play. Try-outs for the senior class play have been postponed, from Monday till Tuesday afternoon. C. A. Tucker JCWfLtft S.S. Sheati orriciAH c The Signs of Spring are bo numerous that you can no longer doiibt that it is ac tually here. Thojrmngfiuiiuggotions- como with it. Not only our windows but all our dust-proof cases aro filled with, spring Kensing tons. It is a pleasure for ud to show them it will be a pleas ure for you to see them. Material, workmanship and style are all there. A good tailor might posBi-bly-turn out as fine garments, but he couldn't begin to at our prices. MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre TODAY 2:30 TONIGHT S:15 "PAID IN FULL" Mat., 25c and 15c Night, 16c to 50c Tuesday Night, March 14 MARY MANNEItING Wed. Mat. and Night and Thurs. Night, March 16-16 "The Queen of the Moulin Rouge" March 13th Oliver Theatre JOSEF HOFMANN "World's Greatest Pianist" PrloM $1.50, $1.00, 75tf, 50o ' SEWS WOW ON SALE I IIIPM'U MATINEES (Bxctpt Mikity) 3ij4 LinbULIt BVBN1NOS AT 8ia0 ORPHEUM SUMi! ADVANCED VAUDVILLE The Five Armanis Covington & Wilbur Austin's Animals Floyd Mack ' Rosa Roma DuCallon . Sharp & Truek Mats. 15c and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 60cr LYRIC Beginning Monday Evening, MN ' II .1 YATEJ8-FRENCSH CO THE C0UEQE.WIMW MimntjmmumtL NIQHT8 at 8:30 25cf,Mc He, . M MATS, WV ftd t 10 fl'3e! I.l n lOTOStreSEr Uw rxrewtfc 5illiMii Mtaaktaal mMmmmimtm MMMMMMIi