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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1911)
THE DAILY NEBEASKAN THE dAILY NEBRASKAN & THE PROPBIWJX OF,- - f , THE UNIVERSITY OF NlfcBBAiWfJW Lincoln, Nebraska.-' ' 1 , u ,,.,.. , Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION DOAHD J EDITORIAL trtAff. ' " Editor 8. O. COTNER Managing Editor....... A. H. DINSMORE Associate. Editor... .T. Mi EDGECOMBE Associate Editor RICHARD MEYER BUSINESS STAFF. Manager V. C. HABCALL Assistant Manager.... C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Manager.... J. V. MORRISON :,,.,,. i REPORTORI AL Athlotlcs nnd Military.. T. J.'hARGRAVE Boolaty ana Personal.. P. C. McOONNELL Nobraskn Hall II. C. HOUGH Sciences nnd Gorman. ,E. J. HUBERMAN Englnoorlnff R. A. HUNTINGTON Agricultural E. II. ORAVES Law A. C. SCHMIDT Tapiplo, . ....... .A. C. DAVIS Library and University HalL.H. S. HUSE AsalBtant Reportora V. A. STURM ' K. 8. WHERRY menTadminSst Editorial and Business Office: Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payabla In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1868; Auto 8145; Auto 2098. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo ohargod for at tho rate of 1Q conta tho Insertion for ovory flftoon words or fraotlon there of. Faculty notices and Univorslty bul letins will gladly bo published freo. Entered at tho postofflco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter, undor tho Aot of Congress of March 8, 1879. MARCH 11, 1011. THE TOURNEY. Tho baskotball tourney hns already proved a grand buccobs. Tho inter est taken by tho different schools of tho stnto has not boon lacking and thoy havo sent somo good toams. Tho university has boon givon an op portunity to see what tho secondary mon can do. and aU 3Yhohavoattondz. ed tho games have got their money's worth. Tho variety of play and tho frlondly rivalry of tho schools has mado tho games Interesting nnd ontor-talnlng. OH YOU Oodles S2.50 for Men and SHOES! Women 1415 0 St. Ono thing that has gono a groat way toward making tho tournament tho bucccbb that it has boon is the assistance tondored by the fraterni ties. A great deal of oxpenso has been avoided and tho boys havo been ontortained In a way that no ono elso could do it. Not only hnvo tho visit ing toams boon taken caro of in tho way of food and sholtor, but thoy havo been takon about, tho campus and Bhown tho different buildings of tho university by tholr hosts. Such treat ment can result in nothing but good for tho institution. Every ono of these men is going home with a -deeper feolingof appreciatlon-'for tho university. They havo seen some thing of tho college men and what thoy stand for, and several have ox pressed a desire to attend no other college than Nebraska. The teams that have come through to the finals have had no easy time in winning their way. Thoy aro not going to give up. So near to the championship of the state, thoy aro going to fight hartfc in the finishing contest. No one should fall to see the game tonight. Let the university ' mon get out and give their college yells- in- the true- old- Nebraska style and let? them know tho university till exists. Give, a cheer for tho mem who JS!!SJCjajW-oar.. J-wlli add life to tho gamo and make it tho raoro enjoyable ,;, v "fiv , '"Glvo,Soino coplo-an Iftch'an'q they wHf takft a tyird."' do it le Witti tho smokers. In times past thoy woro contoht with concroKatlnK at tho 'floulh"gafo a'llUlo to ono sldo and disgracing tho whole university. Now they deem themselves moro important nnd block tho entranco to tho cam pus. It is almost impossiblo for ono to1 squeozo his way through these smoking cinders, Many of tho women coming to and from classes walk around out of their way and oven prefer being late to trying to run tho gauntlet of tho nicotine worshipers. If th'oso Bamo porsons who Insist on their presonco at tho gates during in termissions were halt decent, thoy would at least got to ono sldo whoro tnoy would not bother overyono. If tho Individuals can not tako care of ry society play at vorsity should tako measures to ro- movo tho nuisance. How would It Boom to havo tho fountain on tho campus running these warm days? It is a good preventive of tho hook worm. FIlLI TO (OACH TRACK TEAM AME8, KAN8A8 AND MINNE80TA ARE ON THE SCHEDULE OF DUAL EVENT8. O. P. Field was yestorday elected coach of tho univorslty track toam. This announcomont was not altogeth er unsuspected slnco Mr. Field has been assistant in tho department of physical education for Bomo time and also baskotball coach during tho last soason. If his offorts as track coach are aB successful as they havo been In othor divisions of tho athletic -riculumr Nebraska will agnlmnako a crediblo Bhowlng in the Intercollegiate moots. Tho Nebraska track schedule for tho coming season has also been an nounced, as follows: BUDD April 29 Amos at Ames. May C Kansas at Lincoln. May 13 Minnosota at Minneapolis. May 20 Open date. May 26 and 27 Missouri Valley con ference at Des Moines. Nebraska will probably bo repre sented in both of tho westorn Inter collegiate indoor athletic meets to bo held at Kansas City and Omaha. An Invitation has been received for entry to tho Kansas City athletic moet for March 25, but as yet no formal ac ceptance has been made. In all prob ability, however, a small toam will participate in this event. Tho athletic board ofrtha university has-already approved"" the Nebraska elitry in the Omaha meet to be holdon April 1. Heretofore Nebraska has boon very successful in this moet. If hold in ac cordanco with previous custom, it will also be a handicap event GOVERNOR WILL SEE PLAY. He and Mrs. Aldrlch Accent Invita tion of Committee. Tostertay tho junior play commit tee called' on Governor Aldrlch- and extended an invitation to him and Mrs Aldrlch to. act as- patroa and patroness of the play. The governor accepted at once and said that he w"M-W-ntere-Mlaa-plemgexl terle'- present. Ho expressed a great inter est In thoJunlor woek. . "york ori the play hsr' been going forward' at a rapid rate afrd the cast has put in extra time duriftg tho past week. In order to have it ready for presentation noxt Saturday. THE BULLETIN March. 11 -Catholic Students' club, music room, Temple,, 14 Mrs. B. B. Conant, song recital, Tomplo, 11 a. m. 16 Annual junior claBs convocation, Tomplo, 11 a. m. 18 Junior play, "A Message from Mars," Oliver theater, 8:15 p. m. 21 Convocation, Dr. Louise Found on "Chanticleer." 23 Univorslty Cadet band concert, Tomplo theater. J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best Is Always the Cheapest. 1822 N St. Auto 1202 Bell U7 GLEANERS and DYERS c "f TYPEWRITERS SOLD er ohine fold. Diitributore New Model, L. C. Smith A Bros. rfaflK Call er write for catalogue sad t B ,..-.. . peek! price list & F. SW ANSON CO, Inc. Aata phone 2080. Bell phone 12981 I So. !3ta St, Ltecelo, r "r ji "in h A NICE DAINTY LUNCH FOR MINE A nice hot snappy drink on a cold day, and then there are other soda drinks, too. Egg Drinks, Lemonades, Crushed Fruits, in fact anything in the drinkable line you might desire. Dainty Punches for parties, Delicious Brick Ice Cream for banquets, Hot Drinks, Whipped Cream. THE FOLSOM EXCLUSIVE HUYLER'S & FINE OHOOOLATES G&hlf ctihT On Match J 8 JUNIOR CLASS PLAY "A Message Ftom Mats" OLIVER THEATER One Perfortnance Only, at 8slS P. M. WA LT Stands for tho Latest and boat in Music. , , 1210 Qjjfc. Pennant Canity Oct m Free' Pennant wHW asuwutlr ' from Johnson's Pin Caady. Meier Driig Co. 13th nnd O Streets. LEL PRATING MM Bee Us Before Ordering EbewfcsW Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTINGTCOr 123-180 No 14th at KK andMonpudss RPfTEl prioe. Two year writteej Lincoln Sanitarium Plang Th 6rul Sill WalK III -let, fttt HOURS i LadUt, Moralas Hxoept ftfttfSM. OSBtltKea. Attornootu sa "f-ir tii-lts SJU OsntlsmSA. Uomds ad TriiirtnMmT 1411 u I ItmU. Setdil parito hmoi ftr 1307 O STREET AGENCY HUDSON'S AND BON RONS A 1 .'." i,m jT H V