The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 10, 1911, Image 4
' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Directory of Advertisers The following merchants and busi ness men of Lincoln aro anxious to serve the University student;. By placing tholr, advertisements In the columns of the Dally Nebraskan they show that they want your trade. Ana you may be sure that tha merchant who Is willing to make a little effort to get your patronage Is the one who Is going1 to treat you honestly and considerately In attempting to keep It. 80 you as well as the Nebras ka nwi 1 -n rofltbylcadJn gjwjthj!!0!?. people: DANKS First Trust & Savings Coiitrdl National Dank BAKERIES Folaom BARBER SHOPS Groon's Cniirltal Hotel BOOK STORES Co-op . University CLEANERS Wcbor's Sultorlum CLOTHING Farquahar Magoo & Deomor Mayor Brop. Palaeo Clothing Co. Spelor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. COAL Whltobreast CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Gapdy-Kltchen ., ,t ,, DRY GOODS Miller & Paine DRUGQISTS , Rlggs FLORISTS Ohapln Bros. Hlltnor "BroB. FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk . Mageo ,&t Deeper. - v : Mayor "Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon. Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTERS Budd . -. Fulk Armstrong Clothing Co. Magoo & Deomor Mayor BroB. Palaco Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon JEWELERS 0 Hallott Tucker LAUNDRIES " Evans OPTICIANS Shoan " PHOTOGRAPHERS Do Gaston & Houck' PRINTERS ' Georgo Bros. BASKETBALL TOURNEY GOINGjTFULL SPEED Continuod from Pago 1 South Omaha and Beatrice Win. South Omaha's fast team walked 11 way from Central City to tho tunc of UC to 6. South Omaha played a fast game, but lacked in team work. They aro, however, ono of tho favorites for the winner of the tournament. Beatrice won from West Point In a ragged game, H8 to 4. The winners simply played horBO during the last half. Tho Beatrice boys are big and aro probably the heavlefit team ent ered. In Luso and Stockton they have two excellent forwards, and Hobbs played ono of the best centers seen so fur. This team Is also picked as a winner of tho tournament and certain ly, stands a good show. Kearney-Geneva. The Kearnoy-Genovu game was one of the most Interesting of the evening. Geneva won 44 to 14. Kearney made but two points tho first half. The Geneva boys are all Btnall, but they played In whirlwind stylo and their team work was by far the best seen as yot. Severns, the smallest man In tho tournament, Bhot goulB from every ungle, and the other forward, Shlck loy, also played a wondorful game. The two guards, P. Sloan und Schneider, covor their men In groat style. Geneva Is another team tho spectators picked as certain to figure prominently In tho Ilnal results. The Kamos tomorrow commenco at 2::i() p. iu when Lincoln plays Clarks and Omaha meets Aurora. The other matches will follow immediately. The I I Quality and Style in Men's and Young Men's clothes at the lowest pos sible prices-this is our aim and"Whi1rfeiTiark every time, m other words we give you clothes satisfac tion and save you money too. Just try us and well prove it. Speier & Simon North-East Cornir (Oth and 0 Sis. 1 I "Simmons Van Tine RESTAURANTS Cameron's ' y. M. C. A. Spa Horpolsholraer's SHOES Armstrong Clothing Co. Budd Men's Bootory Mayer Bros. Miller & Palno Yates French Wnrthon's SKIRTS ; Skirt Store TAILORS Elliott Bros, i iiaiveB wnitnrflfteen minutes: T-he-1 teams will draw by lot to see who plays Sidney who drew the bye for the first round. Tho team drawing this bye will not play during tho sec ond round, but will enter the semi finals. This evening the folloging games will bo played: Wllber vs. York, Schuyler vs. South Omaha; Beatrice vb. Geneva, subject, however, to one dropping out In favor of Sidney. The Outcome. For tho most part Individual playing was the feature of the tournament. The Stromsburg forwards were more accurate shooters than the Omahas. Guarding was a strong point for Lin coin. TecuniBeh, like many of tho other loBers, could not get together, and was hindered by delayed passing In team work Geneva showed ul the better and Is likely to win from Boa trice today. Beatrice buB a strong ag gregation and 1b going to put up a hard game. These two with Wllber are favored ns tho winners, showing up better than Lincoln or Omaha. South Omaha seems to bo the fourth In line. The teams doped to win in today's contests are Lincoln, Omaha, Wllber, South Omaha and the doubts favoring Geneva against Beatrice. Many of the followers of basketball have prophesied that the winner of thlajimlchjB sure tojjo to the flmils. If Geneva succeeds in beating Bealflce she will have the best chance for the trophy. "West point put up little op position and the real strength of thoir opponents was not put to task. The greatest odds Geneva has to contend with Is the sniallness or the men entered, while Beatrice Is tho heavi est team on tho lloor. ALL SOULS' CHURCH, UNITARIAN Corner H and 12th Streets ARTHUR L. WEATHERLY, Minister A CHURCH WITHOUT A CREED All Souls' Church is an Association which stands fora rev erent attitude toward the Facts of Life. It has the University Ideal, the Search for -Truth. It welcomes to its membership people of all beliefs. Such a modern, open-minded, facing-the-future organization ought to appeal especially to students. You ar cordially invited to attend its services. Sunday Morning, March 12, 10:45 Sermon by Rev. Henry Wilder Foote of Boston, Educationol Secretary of ttfe American Unitarian Association. Subject -"Power the Goal of Life." "The Relation of the Public to the Public Schoql" by W. L. Stephens, Superintendent of City Schools. Social Ethics Class, 12:15 Prevey. Probation Work" by Mrs. O. E. Musical Vesper Service 4 p. m. The Riccally Quartette. - - - i Jh - All Students are Cordially Invited thhatEKB ; : - Oliver Orphoum TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter Exchange B. P. Swanson Co. "Mr. and Mrs. Albln Frederick Palm who havo been making a tour of tho oaBt, stopped over In Lincoln yester day. Mrs. Palm Is connected with tho .University of Utah, and showed a great Interest In affairs at Nebraska. She Is on tho editorial staff of the Ldir.anicle.u. .publication of the Utah university, who has boon examining the systoms by which the different collego papers of tho country are run. Con siderable tlmo was spent In tho Ne braskan ofllco. TVPPWRTTFD 'ALL MAKES Rent applied on purchase) SOLD or RENTED price. Two year written , guarantee with every jn ohlne sold. Distr'butors New Model, L. C. Smith & Bros, risible. 25J5 SEE 8X catalogua ' ' B.F. SWANSON CO., Iric, Auto nhone 2080. Bell Dhone 1299. 1 So. 13th St., Lincoln, Nebr, jPfff Lincoln Sanitarium Plunge The Oreat'Salt Water Swimming Foal i . " ' ' HOtmSi Ladlbi, Mornings Uxoept Su4Ti. tyentlemcn. Afternoon and Evening, LadUi and Qoutlomon, Monday nd Friday HTtnlgjri, 14th md U Straits. Special Parties Atramed Tar A rk i C. v