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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1911)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN T , THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln Nebraska, Published by .. THE STUDENT PUBLICATION DOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor S. O. COTNER Mnnnnlng Editor ,A. II. DINSMORE Afisoolato Editor T. M. EDGECOMBE Asaoclato Editor RICHARD MEYER BUSINESS STAFF. Manager V. C. HASCALL ABslatnnt Manngor....C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Mnnngor....J. V. MORRISON REPORTORIAL. Athletics and Military. .T. J. HARORAVE Society and Personal.. F. C. McCONNELL Nebraska Hall .II. ,? . "OUOII Sciences and German.. E. J. HUBERMAN EiiKlncor iik R. A. huntinutuw -ATfi Innltnrnl .-rEh-Hr-OR AVK Law A. C. SCHMIDT Temple a. u. uavih Library and University Hall.. If. H. HUBS Asslstnnt Reporters V. A. STURM K. S. WHERRY Editorial and Business Offloo: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Poitotflcc, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. 8lnalo Copies, B Cents Each. Telephonet Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 3145; Auto 2998. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho'rato of 10 cents tho Insertion for every flftoon words or fraction there of. Faculty notlccB and Unlvorslly bul letins will gladly bo published free. S4-P Entered at tho postofilco at Lincoln, Nebraska, ib second-class mall matter, under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. MARCH 10, 1011. havo driven tho good Samaritan to despair. Tho Nebraskan docs not want favor for favor. All It asks is a square deal. , Did you Bee him yesterday? Per haps it made you feel like the equator on a sunny day or tho north role in a blizzard that fur cap. n ' The grass has begun to grow and 1b easily trampled out. Nothing makes a campus look worse than to see a baro space along the side of each walk with hero and there a cut-off. It is up to each one to stay off tho grnBB now and give It a chance to grow. Wo havo too little at Nebraska to afford to have any killed. There Is one ugly nth hntwopn. tlm. jvnlk, nppQHltn . theJ Administration building and tho east end of tho Armory. Students insist on making thU short cat when thoy aro late to class and find it convenient at other times as well. It would not look half bo bad to have a walk in its place. It would rather improve the appearance of tho campus besides be ing a groat convenience. REV. 0. W. FIfER IS CHOSEN NEBRASKA ALUMNUS TO PREACH BACCALAUREATE SERMON NEXT JUNE. COURTE8Y. Wednesday night tho intorfrnternlty -oounoll met-and traiiBttctedbUBlneBB-l which was of Interest to tho univer sity. Every effort was made by a re porter of tho Nebraskan to And out what happened. IIo made inquiries of several members of tho council and waB told that there wob nothing for publication and that everything was secret. However, he was Informed that a certain person might give out something that would bo of IntoreBt and every effort was put forth In try- Rev. O. W. Fifer, pastor of the Graco Methodist Episcopal church in Des Moines, has been selected to preach tho baccalaureate Bermon at tho commencement exercises next June. Ho graduated from tho Univer sity of Nebraska, taking .his bachelor of-Hterature-deKrooT In-OSSO-and- tho master of arts(ln 189C. After graduation Rev. Flfer spent some time hb a reporter on the State Journal. Later he decided to enter tho ministry and ufter being ordained was assigned a pastorate in Nebraska Two years wore spent at Genova, from which place he went to York, where he remained about five years. Rev. Flfer then received tho call to tho Graco Methodist church at Des Moines. J; w j:M riWk. &K1t I There Is as Much Class to My Spring Hats as $4 or $5 Will Buy Anywhere $2.50 WHY PAY MORE? BUDD 1415 O St, Ing to get hold of this special person who alone was empowered to make disclosures. Ho could not be found and no amount of ringing tho tele phone from tho time the council ad journed until midnight could arouse him. Yesterday morning tho Stato Jour nal contained an account of what had happened and also "the list of commit- -tees-appointed, -tlndor- tho olrcum stances this is most aggravating. Tho Nebraskan is trying to furnish Its readers with all the news whilo it Is news. It does not ask for any special favors, but does demand that tho so cieties and organizations of tho uni vorsity, rogardless of what they are or of whom thoy are composed,' show It the Bamo courtoBlos that aro extend ed to tho city papers. Whether this was Intended as an Insult or a call down or what not for tho Nebraskan, 1b Immaterial. It Is something which any college paper would resent as be ing, discourteous in tho oxtreme. Tho intorfratornity council is not ' alone in showing such discrimination. TJierQ..iirjD jilUqra. ivhaJiaxe-rofused to- lot tho NehraBkan havo anything un til after it had been published In the. city papers.. Theso same persons are not afraid to come Into our office with a glib tongue and a 'complacent smilo and ask favors, that to grant would Ho has showed himself nn efficient pastor in a leading church In that city and Is an eloquent speaker. When tho news of the choice spread about tho campus there was a great deal of favorable comment. THE BULLETIN March. 9, 10, 11 Interstate high school bas ketball tournament, Armory. 10 Vesper service, Memorial hall, 5 p. m. 11 Catholic Students' club, room,. Temple, 8 p. in. music 11 Mrs. ID. B. Conant, song recital, Temple, 11 a. m. 1C Annual junior class convocation, Temple,' 11 a. m. T 18 Junior play, "A Message from Mars," Oliver theater, 8:15 p. m. 21 Convocation, Dr. Louise Pound on "Chanticleer." 23 University Cadet band concert. 24 Union Literary society play .at Temple theater. L Last Saturday Was a record breaker in our hat department. .We are selling the best hats in Lin- oln-for-the-money. At-$fc90- we sell as good a $2.50 hat as anybody's. At $2.40 all leading $3.00 brands, and at $2.90 we match all $4 com mers. Why not save 60c? Palace Clothing Go. 1419 "O" Street BLACK AND TAN OXFOR OS FOR SRRIING TO $6,00 A PAIR We aro checking in snappy now lines of Men's Spring Oxfords almost every day there are some particularly attractive models In Hanan and Stetson lasts In both Tan and Black, at $5.00 and $6.00 Men's Oxfords at $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00.. You will find a good lino at these prices, both Tans and Black, In olther tho newest extreme lasts with high-arch, high-heel and high-toe, or the more conservative styles for the men who prefer them. Wo carry them In all sizes and widths from AA up to "E. Shoo Section Main Floor. EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON RONS m 0K m ErM K L rKlr Elm -i A i 4 ; h fw JWf-HM'"-, f,T '."'!. '' ' '"' w ii i J'