THE DAILY NEBBA8KAN Directory of Advertisers The following merchant! and butl nets men of Lincoln are anxious to serve the University students. By placing their advertisements In the columns of the Dally Nebraskan they show that they want your trade. And you may be sure that the merchant who Is willing to make a little effort to get your patronage Is the one who Is going to treat you honestly and considerately In attempting to keep It. 80 you as well as the Nebras kan will profit by trading with these people r ' BANKS First Trust & Savings . Central Notional Bank BAKERIES Folsom BARBER SHOPS ; Qreon'B Capital Hotol BOOK STORES Co-op University CLEANERS Wobcr'B Sultorluni CLOTHING Farquahar Maggys & Deeinor Mayer BroB. Palace Clothing Co. Speier & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. COAL Whltobreast CONFECTIONERY ' Lincoln Candy Kitchen -DRY-GOODS Millor & Paine DRUGGISTS RlggB FLORISTS Chapln Bros. Hlltner Bros. , . FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Mageo & Deemer Mayer Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Speier & Simon. . Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTERS Budd Fulk Armstrong Clothing Co. Mageo & Deemer Mayer Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Speier & Simon JEWELERS Hallett Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans OPTICIANS Shoan PHOTOGRAPHERS De Gaston & Houek PRINTERS George Bros. Simmons Van Tine . . RESTAURANTS Cameron's Y. M. C. A, Spa " HorpoIshelmer'B ' , SHOES 'Armstrong Clothing Co. Budd ' Men's Bootery s Mayor Bros. Miller & Paine Yates French Warthon's SKIRTS ' Skirt Store TAILORS Elliott BroB. THEATERS Ollvor- -7 . . Orpheum TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter Excbango B. F. Swanson Co. i I SPRING has brought to this store, from the leading fashion creators in men's and boys' things to wear, the finest and most complete collection of original and exclusive models that were ever shown in Lincoln. tj Our price range is unlimited; men's suits start with the very best values the market affords to sell for $10.00 and on up to the very highest class garments made. . 9 Many unusually attractive models for the young and middle aged men more con- -sor-vatLvo-forthosQ wJioljyIsJx. X Spring Suits $10.00 to $45.00 MAYER BROS Your Money Back if You are Not Perfectly Satisfied DARK HORSE MAY WIN RESULTS OF HIGH SCHOOL BAS KETBALL TOURNAMENT ARE IN DOUBT. "ArfnirKenronTBrroTt6v conrplele for the big basketball tournament which will decldo the high school champion ship of Nebraska. The schools that have entered are all confident of mak ing a good showing at the least and several are sure that they will carry off tho trophy. But to pick the win ner at this early day is almost impos sible, as many of the teams have not met each other, and means for a Judgment by comparison of scores are Bcanty. Tho Lincoln team has been win ning for the past few years and many favor them as tho victors. Omaha Is reported to bo stronger than last year and Intends to make a hard fight for the title. Some of tho smaller schools are not far behind and It would not be surprising If the tourney went to a dark horse. Season tlcketB will not be good for tho tournament, and a charge of 2f cents will be made for each game. As a largo number of the university stu dents have expressed a desire to at tend tho most of the games, the ath letic board has decided to make a ffspecial rate.' Tickets which will ad mit to all tho conteBtB may bo secured for fid cents, the general admission charge for two games. These tickets are now on salo at the Co-op and Uni versity book stores. pha Omicron. PI attended In bodies. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell will bo at homo at St. Paul, Minn., next Monday. A second wedding of Interest In uni versity circles waB that of Miss Ger trudo Waldman, of Lincoln and Earl S. Carpenter of Roosevelt, Ariz., which 1 took- pdaco Tuesday Jfebruajry 23 jit tha 'First Methodist church in Phoenix, Ariz. Mr. Carpenter Is a former North Platte boy and n graduate of the Ne braska state university with the class of 1908. He Is now an electrical engi neer In the employ of the United States government and stationed at Roosevelt, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter will be at home at Roosevelt after March IB, and will make tho Journey from Phoenix to their new home via the stage route. Pennant Candy Oct a Free Pennant with coupons from Johnson's Pine Candy. Meier Drug Co. 13th ami O Strents. INTERCLASS DEBATE TONIGHT. MITCHELL-TROYER WEDDING. University Alumni Make Matrimonial Ventures. D. C. Mitchell and Miss Nliw Troyer were married lasUnight at the First -Baptist church at 8 o'clock. About 300 frlendB were present. Mr. Mitchell graduated from tho university last year and Is now director of athletics at the Minnesota school of agriculture. Mrs. Mitchell is ex-'13 and h, mem ber of Alpha Omlcron Pi, The maid of honor was Miss Ethel Troyer and Claude Mitchell acted as best man. Tho bridesmaids were Misses Louise -BarrrGraco-Bemiett7HeleTi"DinHmorD" and Marguerite Klinker. The ushers wore members of tho groom's frater nity. Tho Alpha Tau Omega and AJ- Freshmen Meet Sophomores in Initial Contest of the Series. Interest lncrenses in tho InterclasB debates ns the time for the contests approaches. The try-outs were more closely contested this year than ever before and brought out more debat ers. There has not only been quantity of material but quality as well, and when the class teams meet no one will have a walk-away. Preparation has been carried on In a strenuous manner for the past week. It has re quired a great deal of labor to search out matorlal and prepare tho debaters. Tho freshmen meet tho sophomores tonight In U10G for tho initial con test. The Juniors and- seniors debate Thursday evening in the same room. Tho Judges who will decide the fate of the lower classes ore Dean W. G. Hastings, Prof. G. O. Virtue and Prof. G. A. Stephens. The First Trust and Savings Bank 4 PER CENT INTEREST A $1 opens an account 189 South 11th Stroet Herpolsheimer's Gaft Dinner Ui30 to It30 OR Supper 5i30 to 7t30 sCDQ ALSO GAFETERIAN STYLI Htt Wafltt with Miplt Syrup If i Try Our Maraschino Cherry Chocolates Also All Kinds of Dainty Sandwiches Best of Service LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN I4lh and 0 S. W. Corner OLD GRADUATE PAYS VISIT. South Dakota Legislator Was Editor of Hesperian 25 Years Ago. Hon. A. H. Blgelow, '87, who is now city superintendent of schools at Lead, S. D.t stopped over In tho city a while yesterday on his way home. He lias been attending the sessions of the South Dakota legislature, of which he Is a member. Mr. Blcelow -waff -effltor-of tlre Hesperian- Ttlnmr twenty-five years ago. He stated that seven of tlie teachers in his schools wero Nebmslcans. LET US MAlfc THAT SPRING SUIT Satis facton Guaranteed $15 Made to Your Measure DUNDEE WOOLEH HILLS 1218 O STREET 1 V -f y