A i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TUB PIIOPERTY OP TUB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Ncbronka. Published by TUB STUDENT PUBLICATION BOAIID EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor S. O. COTNER Manning Editor A. II. DINSMORE AHSoclato Editor T. M. EDGECOMBE AbsocIiUo Editor! RICHARD MEYER BUSINES8 STAFF. Manager V. C. IIASCALL AsslBtant Manager. ...C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Manager. ...J. V. MORRISON REPORTORIAL. Athlotlcs nnd Military.. T. J. IIARORAVE Hooloty and Paraonnl..F. C. McCONNELL NobroHka Hall II. C. HOUGH Scloncofl nnd Gentian.. E. J. HUBERMAN J3nirlnoorlntr........R. A. HUNTINGTON A gr I cultural. E. JI.' 'GRAVES': UlW A. C. SCHMIDT Temple A. C. DAVIS Library nnd Unlvornlty Hall.. II. S. IIUSE ABHlHtunt RoportorH V. A. STURM K. S. WHERRY Editorial and Business Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln! Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 92.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, S Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1688. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 3145; Auto 2098. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will bo charged for ut tho rato of 10 cents tho Insertion for every flftoen wordB or frnatlon there of. Faculty notlcoa and University bul letltiB will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall mattor, under tho Act of Congress of March 8, 1870. MARCH 8, 1011. THE TRACK COACH. Nebraska has hud hor shnre of ex perience resulting from delay- In the "Choice of coaches.- -The -outcome- of. tho basketball season shows that if tlto team had been organized and training begun a little earlier, tho C'oinJniBkcrs would have had a good chnnco for tho Missouri Valley title. Our teams are much stronger at tho end of tho season than at tho begin ning as compared with our rivals. Tho weather is getting warmer and it will soon bo timo to begin training. share. . it-is up to the athletic board to do its part and choose a coach at tho earliest possiblo moment. Re member Nebraska must win the con ference meet this spring. GET BU8Y. Dasoball men should get busy. It is almost tho middle of March and or ganizations should be perfected before tho time for the games arrives. If tho intramural leagues aro organized now therq will be that much off our hands, and when it comes time to play ball, wo can play ball. Otherwiso much valuable time may be spent in wrangling over immaterial matters. Tho committee in charge has called upon the students for help and. sug gestions: TIiobo interested In the game and especially thoso who intend to take part should offer their assist ance at once. Although no intercolleglato games, will be played by Nebraska, a series of contests could1 be nrranged which would prove almoBt aB Interesting and exciting. It is highly probable that tho rules of the conference will be modified at no distant date so that Nebraska can ngain send forth n nine.. The sport should bo kept alive as much aB is possible under tho circum stances so that if intercolleglato base ball is revived, interest will not be' entirely lacking. THE FORUM. An editorial in last Thursday's Ne braskan has caused . some comment among the "masses" of the university. It would Boem that tho writer of tho editorial took exception to the In creasing number of fraternities in our midst. There-nretwo points'- upon- whioh his Bta'ml may be questioned. First, ob to the "personnel" of fraternities, wo ennnot seo tho evil of a greater number of fraternities. Why will there bo a "state of circumstances . . . which Is hardly desirable" cre ated? Is tho material for fraternities at Nebraska so scarce that only a few hundred can be, chosen from four thousand? It seems possible to add Ladies Oxfords $4.00 and $5.00 Values BUDD $2.50 1415 O St It Is Impossible for the men to go ahead and work of their own accord without any direction. The track coach should be chosen at onco so that ho can begin to get the men in terested before time for actual work. Nebraska has more promising mate rial for a championship team than last year. The old men who are back in school are anxious to have a win ning team and aro willing to do their several more organizations without perceptibly lowering "the standard of excellence." Second, why is it "not desirable to have overy man in the school a mem ber of some fraternity"? If it is good for a few, why not for all? Is it nocesasry ' for a definite lino always to be seen between Greeks and "barbs"? Tho "barbs" aro wondering how' badly they aro Injuring the "per sonnel" of tho school by venturing In. Lotius hope things are not bo bad as they seem. A BARB. Cosmopolitan Club. All members of the Cosmopolitan club meet at the cost entrance of tho Administration building Thursday at 11 o'clock .to have their picture taken for tho Cornhusker. Phi Delta Epsllon. There will be a meeting of the Phi Delta Epsllon fraternity Wednesday at 5 o'clock In the Cornhusker office. WALT Stands for tbo Latest and bo4t in Music. 1215 O St. tSPRINTINCmJ W Bee Us Before) Ordering Elsowhtr Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-180 No 14th St J. C.WOOD and CO. The Best is Always the Cheapest. 11)22 N St. Auto 1292 Boll 147 GLEANERS and DYERS c VrIGBV TYPEWRITEBS " MAKES But applied on purchH , , l . .,- SOLD er RENTED price. Two year wrlttew flfllRMnf aa nrlflt av.Mtt m. - ohlne gold. Distributor! Nw Model, L. C. Smith & Bros. YisiMtV Ceil or write for catalonia and spedsl prioe list Aeto phone 2080. Bell phone 1299. B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. IIS So. 13th St, Ltacelo, Mtftr. Lincoln Sanitarium Plangm Tfc BrHt Salt Waltr Mm In T HOURS i Ladlet, MomUfg JUottt luUm, OMtlimea, Afternoon and kt&1bs. lilii an QulMMtt. koadty u( frtr StialMlr 1411 Ml Simla. SpicUl rutm Arrufri ftr EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE 0H0G0LATES AND BON IONS Tei-iF aJ7$7& On March J8 JUNIOR CLASS PLAY "A Message Ftom Mats" OLIVER THEATER One Performance Only, at 8:15 P. M. Our Sale Begins Today All Pennants included at from 20 to 50 percent off. You can save money by buying now. TH E-tJNfVERSHY BOOK STORFt 340 NO, Ilth STREET iinnri.wxit f I, ,(?:. EtJ-y-ife-i.-gr; . iffi.treTyrrTif jVT-iflMirtrifrfcT-r' V- i. "k. A