The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 04, 1911, Image 3

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'.' i
C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 0 street.
Ralph Kissinger, '14, Fairfield, lins
been initiated into Beta Thota Pi.
Chapin Bros. Florists, 127 So. 13th.
Tennis enthusiasts at tho Farm
have begun training for tho spring
tennis season.
Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P.
The Spikes held a meeting at tho
Delta Upsilon house Thursday even
ing. Have your clothes pressed at Web
er's Sultorlum, Eleventh and O. tT
Thero will bo a meeting of tho
Tegner society Saturday at 8:00 p., m.
in Scienco Hall.
Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa,
Roy O. Wardo has changed his loca
tion to Woods Barber Shop, 120G 0
Btreot. 93-10t
Station A will bo closed on Sunday
hereafter in accordanco with tho now
order to tnko effect tomorrow. Tho
question of whothor tho postofllco in
tho city should bo open on Sunday
was recently put to a popular vote,
which was almost unanimous for clos
ing. Wo havo had our littlo "Flaro Up"
and, aro now ready to give you prompt
and efficient service at tho old stand.
Ted Marrlnor cleaner, dyor, and
hatter, 235 No. 11th St. Auto 4876,
Bell 1609.
Tho editors of tho 1911 Cornhuskor
bavo adopted unusual methods by
which to get a sufficient numbor of
jokes to fill tho pages of tho year
book. A Cornhuskor has been offorod
Classified Column
Advertisements for this column
should be left at the business office,
basement Administration building, be
tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or between
2 p. m. and 5 p. m.
Want ads will positively not be In
serted unless paid In advance, at the
rato of 10 cents per Insertion for
every fifteen words or fraction there
of for the first Insertion; three Inser
tions 25 cents; five insertions 40 cents.
13th and P streets
Tom Buoll, ox-'09, late of TUVorott,
Washington, was a visitor at tho Phi
Gamma Delta house yesterday.
Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120
No. 11th.
An important meeting of tho Uni
versity Senate will bo hold this morn
ing at 10 o'clock in room 204 Admin
istration building.
- George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth
street. Printers. Calling Cards, In
vites and Programs.
Tho last numbor of "University
Studios" contained a vory interesting
artlclo on "Trado and tho Flag," by
Minnlo Thorp England of tho Polit
ical Economy dopartmoht.
Hiltner Br"os., Florists, 118 So. 12tB
St. Phones Auto 1894, Bell 330. Choice
roses, carnations and chrysanthemums.
Wo solicit the university trado.
Dean Burnett of tho agricultural
college returned yestorday from
GreBham, whore ho gave an address
For Sale Duo bill on leading pho
tographer In Lincoln. See Nebraskan
managor. tf
For Sale A good kitchen range;
noarly hew; choap. Seo Nebraskan
manager. tf
to tho fraternity or sorority sending
in tho. best collection of jokes. In
order to interest all tho Greek lottor
societies, tho manager has sent to
each fraternity and sorority houso an
attractively bound book, labeled
"Cornhusker Jokes," and containing a
numbor of blank pages upon which
tho anecdotes may bo written.
Learn touch typewriting without
going to commercial Bchool. Wo fur
nish university students with a com
plete course in touch typewriting and
rent you any mako of typowrltor, throe
monbhs for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter
Exchange, 1406 O street. tf
FOR RENT To' girls, rooms at 1430
R St. Boll phono F-125G.
For Ront Thoroughly modorn 10
room houso at 1426 R street. Inquire
at 1420 R. Auto 4539. 97-2t
For Rent To girls, a room at 1430
R street. Phono A 1256. 97-2t
Catholics, Notice.
Tho Students' Catholic club will
meet at Townsend's Saturday, March
4, at 2 p. m., to havo pictures takon
for tho Cornhusker. 94-4t
LOST A gontleman's gold watch,
hunting caso, in M. E. locker room.
Return to Nobraskan ofllco. Roward.
LoBt On or near tho campus, a
brooch sot with small topaz stones.
Return to Nebraskan Office. 97-2t
Inspect a Garment from
Every Angle.
and if it' a a Kensington you
can find no flaws in it.
This is so, not because tho
flaws arc coTTeonlell, biurbo"
cause there are no Haws.
Now is tho time you should
bo thinking of your spring
Perhaps you're not ready
to buy perhaps you don't
know what you want.
In any case stop and talk
with us about it.
Wo are ready with stylo
1109 O Street
Tho University of Washington has
a fully equipped printing j)lant and
prints, all its own publications. Tho
-boforo the Farmers1--Institute; He-f-newspaper-has-a-wlreless-statlon-and-
speakB at Norfolk today before tho
same organization.
publishes wireless messages from all
along tho Pacific coast.
Young Men's
soft hats in browns,
aiid grays
$2.50 to $5.00
1 325 O STREET
The latest Spring
styles in
i Tween "
Found Near Tomplo, ribbon watch
fob. Owner may havo samo by Iden
tifying and paying for this nd. 92-tf.
Wanted to Buy 'Old gold and silver
Jewelry. C. F. Spain & Co., upstairs,
138 No. 12th St. tf
A man intending to bo a lawyor
should first bo proficient in handling
men. A well-established firm desiros
a few .hustlers among tho law stu
dents for summer vacation work. Ex
cellent terms. For particulars drop
a lino to Box 815.
Professor Pugsloy of . tho depart
ment of soil agronomy haB been in
vited by tho oxocutivo commlttoo of
tho National Corn Show to form ono
of a party which will mako a tour of
tho south in search for a suitable city
at which to hold tho noxt corn show.
Friday a delegation of Beatrice high
school students visited tho university.
They bravely displayed their colors
orange nnd black and consequently
attracted more attention. Thoy vis
ited tho different buildings and a tow
stayed for tho vesper services. Every
one seemed glad to seo tho interest
In tho university displayed by these
.high school students.
Attends Meeting of Association of
American Medical Colleges.
Dean Wolcott returned from Chi
cago Friday forenoon, whoro ho has
been attending a meeting of tho Asso
ciation of American Medical Colleges,
of which Nebraska Is a member.
Thero woro about fifty representatives
In attendance, most of whom woro
deans of their respective colleges.
Dean Wolcott reports an excellent
Tho meeting of tho English club,
announced by mistako for Saturday
evening, has been postponed.
One Hundred and Fifty Members Hold
Chancellor Avory and Dr. Bessoy re
cently received a lottor from E. E
Glllisplo, secretary of tho Nebraska
Idaho club. A short time ago 150
members gathered to pay homago to
tho memory of tho two presidents
whoso birthdays came in February,
Washington and Lincoln. Of tho
club Mr. Gllllspio says: "This organi
zation, although started as a stato or
ganization, contains about twenty U.
of N. men, who malco all our meetings
hideous (7) with Unl. yells and songs.
Our decorations aro golden rod and
scarlet and cream, tho latter always
predominating." Enclosed with the
lottor was a press clipping of tho ban
quet, at which woro given tho follow
ing toasts: "Lincoln tho Holy City,"
"Lincoln, tho City Exemplary the
Capital of Nebraska."
Oliver Theatre
Mon., Tues., Wed., March 6, 7, 8
Matinee Wednesday
Klaw & Erlangcr's
Ore, $2.00 Bal. 8od Out Gal., 50c
March 13th Oliver Theatre
At tho Stato University of Iowa a
recent action of tho faculty has taken
away tho two-hour credit formerly
given to women students for dancing.
M E IN ! !
The last chance to buy. broken
lots of F. F. H. Shoes for
- "-1320 C Street; "
Eames to Take Party to Europe.
Henry P. Eames, who is to conduct
ono of tho parties of tho Bureau of
University Travel to tho "Homo of
Music and Musicians," in Europe, tho
coming summer, has received word
from hiB friend, Norman O'Neill, .sec
retary of tho Association of British
Composers, that tho association will
glvo the' party an evening concert at
their London headquarters between
July IX and 16. Mr. O'Neill is tho
composer of tho incidental music to
Maeterlinck's "Blue Bird," and this
courtesy will enable members of tho
party to meet some at least of tho
most eminent British composqrs of tho
day., Mr. Eames. has just announced
his five lectures oh 'Wagner and HiB
Operas of tho Niebelungen Ring," to
bo given on consecutive Sunday after
"World's Greatest Pianist"
Prloss $1.50, $1.00, 75o, 60o
I lUOni U MATINEES (Gxeep! Monday) 3:30
Chas. Leonard Fletcher & Co.
Melvllo & Hlggins
Swain's Cockatoos
Hfbbert & Warren
Robert DeMont Trio
Dorothy Kenton
.The Two Ahlbergs "
Mats. 15c and 25c
Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and '50o
noons, cqmmencinb March 12, dt fifif
Beginning Monday Evening, Feb. 27'
Mats. Wed, and 8at. 15c and 25o . -
Nights at 8:3(H-15c, 25c, 35c, 60c ' ",