THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE PROPERTY OV THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nobranka. Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor S. O. COTNER MannBlng Editor A. II. DINSMORE ABflOolato Editor T. M. EDGECOMBE Aflsoolato Editor RICHARD MEYER BU8INE88 8TAFF. Manager..... V C. HASCALL ABBlstant Manogor. ...C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Manager.... J. V. MORRISON AthlotlcB and Military.. T. J.'lIARORAVE Socloty and Personal.. F. C. McCONNELL Nebraska Hall II. C. IIOUOH Scloncofl and aorman..E. J. HUBERMAN Engineering II. A. HUNTINGTON Agricultural E. II. GRAVES Law A. C. SCHMIDT Tomplo A. C. DAVIS Library and Unlvorfllty Hall.. II. fl. IIUSE ABBlstant RoportorH V. A. STURM K. S. WHERRY Editorial and Bualneia Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Pottofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. 8lnolo Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 3145; Auto 2908. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will be charged (or at the rata of 10 contB tho Insertion for every flftocn words or fraction there of. Faculty notlcos and University bul letins will gladly bo published freo, Entered at tho poBtodlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as aocond-clasB mall matter, under tho Act of Congress of March 8, 1870. MARCH 4, 1911. FOR THE UNIVER8ITY. Tho institution of a high school basketball tournament to bo hold on tho campus Is a groat thing for tho unlvorslty. No bottor schomo could havo boon dovlBod-for advertising tho -unlvorslty,. It roaches- tfttf studontl body of tho secondary, schools and brings homo to tho very ones who aro prospoctivo studonts tho advantages of Nebraska. No amount of lltoro, turo could accomplish what this moot will. It is not bo much tho parents who should bo encouraged to send LaBt night tho Glco club gavo a concert that was" a credit to thorn solves and tho unlvorslty. Those who did not nttond mlsBod somothing. Tho Glco club should havo a night to thomsolvcs for this ontortalnment, and offorts wore mado to havo no other functions scheduled for that night. Novertholss, thoro woro sev eral organizations which paid little heed to tho Glco club. They did not think it worthy of Bupport or belioved thoir own affairs moro important. Tho date of tho Gloo club concort is one that should be kept freo and no other ontortalnments scheduled. If thoy havo boon arranged, -every effort should bo put forth to postpono thorn to another timo. Thoro aro enough days loft on which those minor func tions could bo hold. TO MOURN LOSS Of COMPANIONS JONES AND 8CHULTE 800N TO BE FREED FROM 8MALLPOX QUARANTINE. "White flBh, fried potatoes, broad and buttor, pudding, bluoborry pie, blackborry pie, tea and coffoo and prunes," was tho answer to a quory sent ovor tho telephone last night to ono of tho Inmates at Rhodesia. "Oh, yeB, wo havo flno meals and every thing is home-made, too," ho reported. '"Wo oat, sloop, drink and aro morry all tho timo. Geo, you ought to soo mo; I'm a sight to behold; got 'em all over mo." Ono of tho favorite outdoor games 1b tho tlmo-honored "pitch," which is played with horseshoes. Anothor game by tho Bamo name proveB popu lar as an ovoning amusomont. "Seven up" is nlso .played in tho morning. Ono. of tho night wa8.roloo8.ejlyji8tori. day, which loaves only seven board ers at tho health resort, flvo men and two womon. Only three aro univer sity students. Frank Jones and C. J. Schulto will probably bo lot out next Tuesday, but Jean Cain has nearly two weeks ahead of him, and Is hop- There Is as Much Class to My Spring Hats as $4 or $5 Will Buy Anywhere $2.50 WHY PAY MORE? BUDD 1415 0 St. their children to school, but it Is rathor tho young pooplo thomsolves who should bo encouraged to como. Thoro aro but fow of tho vast num bor of studonts in tho secondary schools who havo a clear idea of what collego llfo moans or what advan tages aro to bo dorived from a higher education. Thoso' who aro ropresont ing thoir respective schools will bo ontortained for threo days by tho unlvorslty. Tho fraternities havo boon tho first to offor to keep soniO' of tho teams and othor organizations will undoubtedly follow their exam ple. In this way tho high schoolmen will bo given a chanco to become ac quainted with tho university. It will produce an effect on them which would bo impossible, if thoy "were sont to hotels. Tho basket-ball tournament will bd como moro popular ovory year and it will not bo a groat whilo until ovory school largo enough to support a team will bo represented. Thesomon will go homo and toll thoir Bchool followB about' tho unlvorslty and a greater deslro will bo created among young people ovor tho state to como to Lincoln. This is a groat thing for Linootar-and-the-Btudent-body-Bhould lend ltB support to mako tho moot a howling success. ' ' ' ing that others arrive before Jones and Schulto leave. But tho health ofllcor does not bollovo thoro will be a sproad of tho smallpox among tho students. THE BULLETIN March. 4 Board of Rogonts meet, 10 a. m. 4 Agricultural club, U binding, 8 P. m. 4 Intorfrat moot, Armory, 8 p. m.; informal following. 4 Tegner socloty, sclenco hall, Tem ple, 8 p. m. 7 University Democratic club meet ing at Lindoll Hotel, 8:00 p. m. 7 Convocation, illustrated lecture oh Rome, Professor Barber, 11 a. m. 9 Convocation, Mrs. Gronfall, ox state suporlntondent of Colorado, 11 a. m. 9, 10, 11 Interstate high school bas ketball tournament, Armory. 16 Annual junior class convocation, . Tomplo, 11 a. m. 18 Junior play) "A Message from Mars," Oliver theater, 8:16 p. m. 21 Convocation, Dr. Louise Pound on "Chanticleer' -2JWTJn lYerflltyadeJtan&jiQflcejfy 24 union -Literary society play at Tomplo theater. A NICE DAINTY LUNCH FOR MINE A nice hot snappy drink on a cold day, and then there are other soda drinks, too. Egg Drinks, Lemonades, Crushed Fruitd, in fact anything in the drinkable line you might desire. Dainty Punches for parties, Delicious Brick Ice Cream for banquets, Hot Brinks, Whipped Cream. THE FOLSOM 1307 O STREET EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON SONS " aZhTSZorcr On Match Z JUNIOR CLASS PLAY "A Message Ftom Mats". OLIVER THEATER 'One Performance Only, at 8:15 P. M. INFORMAL DANCE Saturday, Marctn 4tlk Following Inter-Frat Meet 25c Admmnssioni to Meet amdl Deuace WrniWm J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best is Always the Cheapest. 1822 N St. Auto 1202 . Boll U7 GLEANERS and DYERS c vMgHr,GBY TYPEWRITERS U MAKES Rent applied on purcW i SOLD or RENTED price. Two year written chine fold. Distributor! New Model, L. mth&BroslbiJ Call or write for catalogue and . . '.. ' pedal price list B. F. SWANS0N CO., Inc. Auto phone 2080. Bell phone 1290. 145 So. 13th St., Lincoln, Nar. Lincoln Sanitarium Plungm Tti Brut Salt Water' Swlwmlpg rn Gtntlemen. Xfiernoom and Evening.. La&M a4 Q.uU.m.n, Monday and Friday Taliii 1411 til U Striata. Special Partita Arraifid ftr innpniMTiMRYoii want Boo Ub Before Ordering Elsewha Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery. Booklat VANTINE PRINTING CO. lao-iuu wo 14th St. Herpolsheimer's Cafe Dinner H30 to Ji30 nl Supper 5t30 to 7i30 COG. LSO-JJArHERUHJsmi. JUtWiflii with Maplt Syrup IOi - V X. i' y I '