gWFueBKjajJ?afram J .lZv THE DAILY- NEB;BABKAN wr V s; t: V MISSOURI DOWNED BY K .vFASTER CORNHUSKERS -' Continued from Pjiko 1 thrpugh, Cohen and Parker were great, point makers for tlio TlgerB. lOarly'liv tho second half Edwnrdft fell on. tile bnck df his head and It wob neqbflsUry to take time out, A few moments later ho foil again and CaM Ho' Went In to take. IiIb plueo. How They Did It. ' The Beore In detail whb aB follows: Preo ' MIsftbuiM PohIb. OoalB. throws. Cohen, rf J I 0 Parker. It. ....... :i 2 PurkhlBor. e 2 T tfdwiird, rg 0 0 HurniB, lg 1 0 OastUo.-'Bub. rg I 0 I I i tr o o o 8 8 7 Froo typjbruaka KouIb. OoalB. throwB. Gibson, rf 1 HutchltiBon. If. .. 0 Hlltnor, c "I Frank, rg :i (Jnrrior, lg. Wallers, sub. If. :t a 0 II 2 t 2 o r o 12 0 II 0 0 0 0 Nebraska 21 Missouri 14 0 First Second Final half. half, score. 0 30 9 2.1 Referee Robert .W. Stephens. The Kansas Game. ! Tun second contoBt of the Kansas i Nebraska doublc-hoader aeries, played on the ftrmory floor Saturday night. 'resulted In a decisive victory for the Co r n li us k e r five. Although t lie score wn Virtually a tie at' tho cIobo of the ftrat half, it wob apparent that the op poBltirin to tho locals wa weakening, and at the finish of the game Nebrns- Three Days Left Trouser Sale m f ft i n O Ph O "2 we place on sale our entire stock LcU Llllg I CU. y of Men's and Youn? Men's Trous ers at the following: prices. Remember this includes our entire stock. Sale lasts just Five Days. Three Price Lots---$2.50 to $7.50 Pants Lot 1 $1.50 Lot 2 $2.50 Lot 3 $3.50 Mayer Bros. New Spring Hats Ready For Your Inspection. i ka had ucquired a lead of ten points. Tho Nebraska boys certainly played in good form in the Saturday game. It was evident from the time that the whistle first sounded that the locals were going to retrieve their right to the ohumplonBhip over Kansas, which they nominally lost In tho even break on the Inwrence floor two weeks ngo. They inanireBter TITo direct results or weeks of rigoroiiB training ond de fined coaching which has been their lot the paat few weeks. In fact, It was generally declared that If the all-year-round' coach basiB had been estab lished a year ago, the .prospects- for Nebraska basketball championship would have been strongly affirmative. "Skinny" Hiltnor showed a remark able prowoBB in broaking up the for mation plays, "Jimmy" Gibson ex celled in finding the baskots at for- "WjrrTT; probably playing evenf "more consistently thnn did Frank, although Frank was an indisputable co-worker in locating the ring for goals. Hutch inson and Carrier both watched the goal of the opposition for any attempt ed "assaultB." and were there with tho goods like a team of goats. Notice. A meeting of tho Junior class will be held jn the Temple theater at 11:30 ninr-Thursday for the .purpose-ofr electing minor ofTlcrB. H. B. PEARSE, President. i H Starting Today we offer the men of Lincoln the opportu nity to secure the choice of all our Men's Fancy Suits and Overcoats, worth $18, $20, $25, $30.00 and $35.00 for exactly $11.00 Nothing like this has been offered you before. It is simply the . biggest and best offer we have ever made. Come now and choose from more suits and overcoats than are to be found in any of the four stores in Lincoln. There are plenty of high grade Hart Schaff ner & Marx suits, also other makes that toe the mark in quality, style and workmanship with this famous make of good clothes. Do not overlook our' remarkable Odd Trouser offer. All men's odd trousers that formerly sold for -v - $5.00,. $6, $6.50, $7, $7.50 arid $8, your choice $3.75 Armstrong ? x tf Clothing Co. V t- jw rt'jwi' - ' . k -I I. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS M T Ui - -$ $..; V'j-- BMBB nMmwrarnrrrmar irr;; f.fiWMWiWtta -i v 2fc -i r