THE DAILY NEBBA8KAN V Y K nv 5 ' 1 ' ft-' . CAMPUS GLEANINGS Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Graco Rlchards,,'ll, visited In Ash land over Saturday. Capital Hotel Bar.bor Shop 11 &,P. Alpha Theta Chi has pledged Arthur Hlltner and W. H. Fowlcs. Have your .clothes pressed at Web er's Suitorium. Eleventh and.O. tZ Phi plAha Tau will meet in science hall of tho Temple building tonight at 7 o'clock sharp. Good things to cat, "Why" Res taurant, 133 No. 12th St. 85-4t The! Agricultural club held its an nual dance ot tho season at the Tern pie Friday evening. , Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13th and P streets. Frences .Nolan, Bernlco White, Gladys Siinpkins and Edna Event) spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. Saturday morning Chi Omega gave a dancing party for Paulino Kllllan and Anna Radcllffe of Sidney. .GeorgeBcos., 2,13 -South Thirteenth- street. Printers. Calling CardB, .In vites and Programs. Fred Cowlee, president of tho Zolta province of Phi Delta Theta, was In attendance at the initiation banquet Saturday evening. Hlltner Bros., FlorlBts, 118 So. 12tD St. Phones Auto 1894, Boll 330. Choice rosea, carnations and chrysanthemums. Wo solicit tho university trade. Learn' touch typewriting without going to commercial school. Wo fur nish unlvprslty students with a com-pleto-comWin-touclrtypowritlng-Tnd rent you any make of typewriter, three months for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange, 140C O street. tf Young Men's FULK FURNISHER AND HATTER 1 325 O STREET soft hats in browns, and grays $2.50 to $5.00 The freshmen will meet next Thurs day morning after convocation to elect a vice-president, secretary, treasurer and sorgeant-nt-arniB. Bets Theta PI," Phi Delta Theta, Delta Up&Ilon. Delta Gamma, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Phi Beta PI held their anmfttl Initiations last week. Wllliahi Allen White of Emporia, Kan., who is to bo the commencement orator, has wrltton to Chancellor Avery giving tho subject of his ad dress. Ho will discuss "The Educa tion of a Democracy." Beta Theta PI fraternity held an In itiation Saturday at tho chapter hotiBe. Nino mon initiated were Wil liam Lewis, William Brown, K. S. Wherry, Walter Wilson, Ralph Launs berry, Lawrence Robinson, Richard Meyer and Samuel. Starrett. Tho university authorities are con sidering tho installation of steel cases vfor the university herbarium. At tho LADIES! The new "Chick" Last patent leather cloth top button shoe in the window at . VATES-PRENCH CO. present time there are only two herbaria In the country having them, the natlonnl herbarium at Washing ton and tho herbarium at tho Now York botanical gardens. It is prob able that the Bteel cases will bo se cured, because of the greater 'protec tion they afford in case of Are. Chi Omega hold' its annual banquet at the Lincoln Saturday. Out of town guests present were Kathorlno Little, Fullerton; Edith Forrest, Aurora; Nell Blodgett, Harvard; Nina Warren, Clay Center; Farls Whithara, Fairfield; Caroline Stettor. Valentino; Allle Fur long, Auburn; Harriet Radcllffe, Sid ney; Mrs. McNamer, Chicago; Mrs. Zentmeycr, North Platte; Edith Pat terson, North Plattp; Mary Piper, Lyons; Mrs. Rlvett, Omaha, and Mrs. Hackman, Benson. Notlco 1b hereby glvon that any sub scrlber, who was a subscriber last 'seme'ster and who has not re-sub- scribed this somester and desires to discontinue, must notify tho manager on or beforo March 1st; otherwise his copies will continuo to be Bent to Sta tion A and ho will be charged with the same. Failure to take his papers from Station A will not constitute such notice. If these subscribers will act accordingly tho management will be -saved considerable expense and trou ble. 90-5t SENIOR ELECTION TODAY. Rumor that Forces Are-Lined Up for One Man. A meeting of the senior class will be jield in Mcmorinl hall this morning for the purpose of electing the Ivy day orator and the minor class ofllcers. Last week several had annoljnced'thelr Intentions to contest for the orator ship. Itwls rumored that several of these men havc-wlthdrawn and arc- lining up their forces to support one candidate. This move, it is claimed, originated among the intercollegiate The latest Spring styles in 'Tween' Hats debaters. The election will probably noi ue so ciose its was expected hu oral days ago. CELEBRATE VICTORY. Temple High School .Honors Its De bating Team. Yesterday Tnornlng the Temple high Bchool held a rally In honor of die' debating team which obtained a two to one decision over University Place high school Friday evening. Those called on for speeches were Dean Fordyce, Coach Powers and members of tho team. A Nevv York university graduate with the class of 'G7, has received the gold medal of the National Institute of Ar(a and Letters. Bible study at Pennsylvania- onrollB 725 in its list. $3.00 Classified Column Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p, m. and 5. p. rri. Want ads will positively not be in serted unless paid in advance, at the rato of 10 cents per insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five insertions 40 cents. FOR 8ALE. For Sale Duo bill on loading pho tographer In Lincoln. See Nebraskan managor. tf For Sale A good kitchen range: i-noarly-new; nhonp, Hnn Nnhrnslmn manager. tf For Sale -Thoroughly modern 12 room house, Bultoblo for fratornlty or sorority, at 1420 R street. Auto 4539. 90-5t FOR RENT. For Rent From April 1st, 12-room houBo at 1426 R street. Enquire 1420 R street. Auto 4639. 90-3t TOR RteNT To glrlB, rooms' at 1430 R St. Bell phono F-1250. LOST. Lost A fountain pen, in chemistry lab., Friday afternoon. Return to Ne braskan office. 90-3t LOST A gentleman's gold watch, hunting case, in M. E. locker room. Return to Nebraskan offlco. Roward. 92-3t. Lost Sigma Nu fraternity pin, with Initials "E. P. S." on back. Re- lurnrlo1527ljBtxeeiJlawiir.d.--IiaiL FOUND. Found' A gold bead necklace, at tho Co-Op Book Store. Owner may have same by calling at Co-Op and Identifying. , '91-31 FOUND Lady's pufso at corner of R and 13th street ''Friday. Owner may have same bjldentlfylng and paying for this ad.x'Call at Pol. Econ. Dopt., 11:15 aynf. , 92-3t. Found Near Temple, ribbon vVatch fob; Owner may havo same by Iden tifying and paying for .this ad. 92-tf. Y. M. C. A. ELECTION. Nominating Committee Selects Men Vote Thursday. Tho nominating committee of tho Y. M. O. A., which is composed of the senior members, met last Saturday and nominated ofllcers for the coming year. The following mon were nom inated: Guy Klddoo and Dave ItogerB, for president; Owen Frank and Ran dall Curtis, for vice-president, and William Forbes and Clarence Clark, for recording secretary. The election will be held next Thursday and tho Australian ballot system will be used. AH active members are urged to make It a point to cast tholr vote. This should bo easy, as tho polls will be open from 8 a. m. till 6:30 p. m. The iresldeut-elect will have thfe power to appoint his entire cabinet. ThiB election will take- effect AptII 1. T IIIVEnSITYJEWEIHtOPTtllll C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN II23 STIEETrYELUWrFMIT- Yovr Ftronac Sdktts Our Best Salesman needs only to show you our now spring duds. Ho doesn't need to talk uboufe them they spoiilt-for--themselves. . .. 'Tho liowost Shirts'our own label $1 and $1.50 The famous non-fadablo Manhattans $1.50 to $3 "'. -Not only tho wind.ows but the wh'olo 'store' is .filled '.with spring stylo suggestions. MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Streot AT THE THEATRES OuverTheatre TONIGHT AT 8:15 MAXINE ELLIOTT In "THE INFERIOR SEX" House All Sold Out but Gallery 50c Wed. Mat. and Night, March 1 "QUEEN OF THE HIGHWAY" Mat., 25c Night, 25c, 35c, 50c, V6c March 2MAY ROB8QN LINCOLN "FnaTS30 ORPHEUM Kara advanced vaudviue Chas. Leonard Fletcher &. Co. Melvlle & Hlgglns Swain's Cockatoos Hlbbert & Warren Robert DeMont Trio Dorothy Kenton " THe Two 'Ahjbergs Mats. 15c and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. ELITE NO. 2. ' ; The Best and latest photo plays shown in the city. Change of pro gram Monday, Wednesday and Friday. L Y RIO Beginning Monday EvenIng;Fe. Z7' THE MM FROM HEXICt Mats. Wed. and Sat. 15c and; 25c; Nights at 8:30 15c, 25c, 35c, ' 50c I- Pennant Candy (Jet Free.Peaaant with ceapas freai JobaMA'a Flat Ca4y. ' McieFDrug Co. 1220 O Street. 13tfe and O Sir.