THE DAILY NEB,RA,S,KA.N B THE DAILY Epk ASK AN, THE PROPERTY OF TIIK UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nobroflkn. Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor r 8. O. COTNER MnnitRlng Editor A, II. DINHMORE Aujioclnto Editor T. M. "EDaECOMBE ABSoctftto Editor RICHAnD MMYER i lii o e , i BU8INE88 STAFF. Manager V. C. IIASCALL Ainlstant Mnnagor....C. C. BUCHANAN Clrculntlon Mnnngor....J. V. MORRISON REPORTORI AL Athletlc8 and Military.. T. J.'lIARORAVE Hocloty and Pw80ml..F. C. McCONNELL Nobrnnka Hnll H. C. HOUGH HcloncoB and airman.. E. J. HUBERMAN EnKlnorlnK H. A. HUNTINGTON AKrlcultumlr in K.-HORA.VJSB Law .A. C. SCHMIDT Temple A. C. DAVIS Library and Unlvurnity Hull.. II. 8. HUSE ABHlntnnt Roportr V. A. STURM K. S. WHERRY Edlterlpl and 6'uiTntti Otflc: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Pottofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, B Cents Each. m i . .- i i Telephone: Auto 1888. Nlaht Phones Auto 1888; Auto 2683; Bell 1123. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be charged for at the rata of, ,IQ conjo the..lnpwtlon, fOfeVery flftoert wordor fraotlbnUliere-l of. Faculty notlcon and University bul letins will glndly bo published free. Entered, at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Ncbraskn, as sccond.class mall matter, undei tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. FEBRUARY 28- 10u- A LITTLE CRITICI8M. ('rUlctam In Itself 1b an cBsontinl, but, novortholeBB, 1b n thing which can b6 'followed too fnr. In which ovoftt It becomes knocking pure and simple. -W.hen.rfiueh Is the casc tw gtiod can come of It and the autnor becomes more obnlxloua than benellclal. It is unnoceBaary to explore Into the cauBes, for tho Injury results retfnrdleBB 0f tne motive or explanation offored. Captain Hutchinson seems to have been pursued, with a vengeance In the columns of the State Journal of late. The contributor of theao athletic nrtlcle8would do well to become ac quainted with the game. He will find that many of tho greatest basketball players seldom make n coal. Their efllciency is In their nblliiy to pass and get tho ball to somo other player who is in n position to nfako the basket more easily. The Nebraska captain mlxeB in the play all tho time. His speed makes it essential that he be iiTlho game every minute. Olbson Ib not so fast on his feet and is more sure for tho basket. That Is the rea son that be is played1 in tho pivot posi tion instead of the captain. Because Hutchinson does not Btar in goal throwing tho city paper thinks bo is "mlsorable." It is safe to say Jthat no such opinion exists among tho follow ers oT Th'tTgnTire. TO SEE SOROLLA'S PAINTINGS. Miss Hayden Goes to Chicago to View Art Exhibit. .Miss Sara Hayden, art director of tho university, has secured a leavo of absence from ber classes to attend tho exhibitions of tho work of Sorolla, on vlow nt Chicago this week. Tho presence In thlB country of the now works of tho greatest artlstB of tho present time Is considered nn event of remarkable1 Interest In tho nrt world. Mlssi Hayden made a Bpcclnl Btudy of tho works of Sorolln during the sum mer she spent in Spain a few years ago. The present exhibition has been brought directly to Chicago and con slsts entirely of new" works completed since his visit to this country three yoarB ngo, and the great artist him self Ib with tho exhibition. Miss Hay den will be absent from the city about a week. NEBRA8KA WOMAN AT JENA. To Take Degree of Doctor of Phlloso- phy from German College. Winnlfred Hyde, who graduated from tho University of Nebraska In 1300, is about to tako her degree as doctor of philosophy at tho University of Jena, one of tho leading univorsi- OH YOU Oodles for men and SHOES! women 1415 0 St. 2.50 BUDD While this paper could hardly be charged with harboring personal feel lug In the matter, and it may bo an oversight. It Is salll a grievous error. The Nebraska mnn'B playing in the first half of .the game Friday night is described ns "miserable" In the Sat urday morning paj:er. In the Sunday Issue of the same publication there is no such direct comment, but every little inlBplay is mentjonal, while noth ing is Bald to reflcci merit. ThlB is the way his work In the Saturday gunio Ib summed up: "Then Hutchin son was declared fouling and Kansas tied at 17 points. . A second foul by Hutchinson gave Kansas ono point lead. Hutchinson tried for singlo arm throws and repeatedly missed." Everyone present at the Kansas gomes who is acquainted with basket ball and knows good playing when he sees it, can not help but revolt at this criticism. It Is entirely .unwarranted. In fact, 'Hutchinson mode few tries for baskets at a long distance and it was generally when there was little chance of a successful pass to another player. The little captain's floor work was a feature of the game. It Is not basket throwing that wins tho game. 'oam?work countafQ.n formore. In breaking up1 plays Hutchinson ; was a star, and when it -came to jvassing his equal was not on tho floor. tics of Germany. Miss Hyde has been abroad flvo years, having attended Bryn Mawr and Cornell universities arter graduation at Nebraska and be fore going to Germany. Miss Hyde's thesis was on "The Pragmatic Move ment In America," and was very high ly praised by the university. MIbb Hyde has not confined, her work. to philosophy. She discovered after leaving this country that she was pos sessed of a high Boprano voice of fine quality and has spent some time in itf oulturo. She Is oxpected to return to ker homo In March. THE BULLETIN February. 28 Basketball, Missouri vs. Nebraska, Armory, 8 p. m. 28 Convocation, Professor Chatburn, "Tho Road Situation in Nebras ka," 11 a. m. 28 Senior meeting, olectlon of Ivy day oratori Memorial hall, 11:30 a. m. March. 2 Convocation, Professor Ayles- worth oxrColorado agricultural college, lOTTST" "T? r 3 University Glee Club, Oliver theater. We Don't Take Your Money , if we don't please you. But when you buy a Suit or Overcoat here you can't help but be pleased, be cause you get the best quality and latest style and the bestfit it ispos sible to give you, and the money you pay for all this is just enough to allow us a legitimate profit which is right. Let us show you what we have. That won't cost you any thing. Speier & Simon Northeast Corner 10th and O Strees. A NICE DAINTY LUNCH FOR MINE A nice hot snappy drink on a cold day, and then there are other soda drinks, too. Egg Drinks, Lemonades, Crushed Fruits, in fact anything in the drinkable line you might desire. Dainty Punches for parties, Delicious Brick Ice Cream for banquets, Hot Drinks, Whipped Cream. THE FOLSOM 1307 O STREET EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON SONS 5&hif a2T$t& .rM 7 V . ' .i. "MiBaMMMiiigi,, Lincoln Sanitarium Plangm Th Irnt Silt Watir Um lot red a4 a.ntUm.n, MowUr uit Frtday llfinliljrS 1411 ill M itnili. tiiclil fvUt brum r TYPEWRITEBS L MAKES Rent applied on purchaW SOU) or MOTH) price. Two year writUn jMaa- L rarasrw: Call or Tyrite for catelpgue and . wi unco nst. d. r. awANSON CO., Inc. Mto phone 2080. Bell phone 129 1U S ISU, it, Ltacota, m! UPRINTING YOU WAN IT Bee Ub Before Ordering Elsewhere yJtTograms,Menus, Announce--menta.-Stfltinn'pri PAb-iAf. VANTINE PRINTING CO. jufo-iou no xn Bt, Hsrpolsheimer's Cafe EHnntr Ut30 to 1:30 OC. Supper 5t30 to 7t30 eO0 " CIFETEMAII$TYtl U Waflu with NTailt Syrup ft 1 s I ) T i, i th ii 1 1 ijaxfTTimrMi trM affiwanwwnHWiiOTTrtrnrwraagj