JUllWM ill T THE DAILY NEBRASKA!! Directory of Advertisers The following merchants and busi ness men of Lincoln are anxious to serve the University students. By placing their advertisements In the columns of the Dally Nebraskan they show that they want your trade. And you may be euro .that the merchant who If willing to make a little effort to get your patronage Is the one who Is going to treat you honestly and considerately In attempting to keep It. 80 you as well as the Nebras kan will profit by trading with these people: DANKS First Trut & SavlnB Contrnl National Bank BAKERIES FolflOiri BARBER 3HOPS Oroon's Cnipltal Hotel BOOK STORES Co-op University CLEANERS Weber's Sultorlum CLOTHING Parquahar ' ' Magco & Doomcr Mayor Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. COAL Whltobroast CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitchen DRY GOODS MUlor & Paine DIUJCKJISTS RlggB FLORISTS Chapln Bros. Illltnor Bros. FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Magco & Doomor Mayor Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon. Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTERS Budd Fulk Armstrong Clothing Co. Magco & Doomcr Mayor Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Spoler & Simon JEWELERS Hallctt Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans OPTICIANS Shoau PHOTOGRAPHERS Dc GaBton & Houck PRINTERS George Bros. SimmonB Van TIno RESTAURANTS Camoron's 'Y. JkU C. A. Spa HorpolBuclmor'B SHOES Armstrong Clothing, Co. Budd . Men's" Bootory Mayor Bros. Miller & Paine Yatos French WnrthonV I SKIRTS Skirt Store TAILORS Elliott BroB. THEATERS " Oliver f Orfcilleura' ""TYPEWRITERS LlricolnTypcwrlter Excuango Stetson Hats Just the mere fact that we offer you Stetson Hats is proof enough that the best hat values are found at this store. Let us show you the rieuTStetson Hals. $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $7.00 MAYER BROS. CHINK CLUB COMES. New Freshman 8oclety Organized in' Shroud of Mystery. Chun Chin Hoi is the chlnk-llko nnmo of tho mystorlous now Bocloty which has made Its appcaranco In the freshman class. It Is so far all a -myatoryr -No one aeomstakiiQAY whp Ib in the organization, neither could the nlms and purposes of tho club 'be discovered. All Is a deep, dark mys tery. Tho blackness of night and tho ghostllness of tho wildest caves can not compnro with the awful voll which enshrouds tho appearance of this now and mystorlous society. What may bo Its origin? Whothor it Is a political or a social club, no body . knows. Its namo Bavors of China, but its membership must be less than small If it Is doitondent upon tho Chinese race, aB there are no Chlncso mon registered at Nebraska. Tho namo of tho promotors and char ter members could not bo learned laBt night, but a prominent freshman vouched for tho accuracy of tho re port. PALLADIANS WIN DEBATE. Girl Convinces That Her Sex Does Not Need the Ballot. Tho Palladian debating team, sup porting tho negative, defeated tho af firmative team from the Union Htor- m UNIVERSITY JEWEI Elt & OPTtCttl C. A. Tucker JEWELER , S. S. Shean 4 OPTICIAN 1128 I STREET, YELLOW FRIIT Yovr Patronage 'Solicited WALT Stands for tho TJaTest ;n4tJ63tr1n7 Music. .i ' tvj '01215,0 81.1 Glee Club Concert OLIVER THEATRE March 3, 1911 nry socioty In their annual debate last night upon tho question: "Shall Women in Nebraska Have the Bal lat?" Tho Union team, W. T. Wol vington and H. B. English, based their arguments upon the basic principle of democracy, that the governed have the right of an active part in tho gov ernment, and upon the fact that woman's suffrage ahs been successful whore tried for example, tho part tho women played in tho recent recalling of a mayor in Seattle. The negative, upheld by Alma Plas ters and D. M. Rogers, devoted their energies to showing that It Is not woman's duty to vote; that sho has not tho time nor the deslro to vote, and that conditions in Nebraska do not domnnd that she be given the bal lot. Both sides presented their argu ments clearly and concisely. Tho de cision given out by the judges, Prof. Edwin Maxey, Prof. O. H. Virtue, and R. H. Kendrlck, was two for the nega tive and one for tho affirmative. Besides the debate, Nova Thomas rendered a piano solo, and the Palla dian quartette was on tho program. The University of Wisconsin has organized an advertising club with tho Idea of securing more ads for the dally imTer.' A now athletic field has been com- TRtdtlDntuiiatf-at-aco8tr'6r$l)r OOO. Lincoln Sanitarium Plungm Tti Prill Salt Water Swlnwloi f OURS 1 Ladle, Morning Bxoept ImKtars. GtnUamen. Afternoon and Branlng. Lasix and Gentlemen, Monday and Friday realace. 1411 ill M itniit. tpielil Partus Arruftf Far IF IT'S PRINTINGS m Boo Us Before Ordering Elsowhtr Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklet! VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-180 No 14th St The First Trust and Savings Bank A PEN CENT INTEREST A $1 opens an account 180 South 11th Street 3Z CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. L.HALL. President W. Tf. HACKNEY, JIL, M Herpolsheimer's Cafe DinwU)30toJt30 OR Suppet 530 to 7t30 00 ALSO OAFETEMAN ST TH NttWaflM ym Mill tyraf MT n H MSfjM T I ukd.Jvj '?,15nm-.. v. j v.jfw; ' " "" ! VFWWi?irt'r " Hh;