The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 24, 1911, Image 3

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Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th.
Helen Bouse 1b visiting at David
Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P.
. C. A. Phillips, '03, vlsitod Wednes
day at the Delta Tan Delta hoiiBe.
Have your clotheB pressed at Web
er's Suitorlum, Eleventh and O. tf
Delta Tau Delta will give an lnfor
nial party next Friday night.
Good things to eat, "Why" Res
taurant, 133 No. 12th St. 85-4t
Harry -Wharton has been sick for
several days at the Delta Qh house.
Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa,
13th and P streets.
Beta Theta Pj. will give an Infor
mal tonight.
Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120
No. 11th.
Tho Agricultural club will give a
dance this evening at the Temple.
George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth
street, Printers. Calling CaVds, In
vites and Programs.
Delta Gamma will initiate Saturday
and hold an informal in the evening.
Hlltncr Bros., Florists. 118 So. 12th
St. Phones Auto 1894, Bell 330. Choice
roses, carnations and chrysanthemums.
We solicit the university trade.
The Silver Serpents arc to be en
tertained at a reception March 4 at
the home of Breta Mills. The senior
girls, members of the Black Masque,
will be the hostesses at this reception.
Invitations were mailed yesterday.
Learn touch typewriting without
going to commercial school. Wo fur
nish university students with a com
plete course-iir-touch-typewritlflg-and-rent
you any make of typewriter, three
montihB for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter
Exchange, 140G O street. tf
Mark and Jean Hargrave went to
Omaha yesterday to attend tho auto
mobile show held last night.
Prof. Grove E. Barber gave an Il
lustrated lecture last night on the sub
ject, "Illustrated Italy."
An Informal wjll be given by the
band at the Temple March 10, which
will be limited to band members only.
The band has planned to give a
concert at the Oliver theater Thurs
day night, March 23. Tickets will be
on sale In a few days.
Lnvern McDavltt, '11, who gradu
ated at the mid-winter commence
ment is located in Kansas City, where
ho is working on the Kansas City Star.
Mnrlo Hermanson, who has been
visiting at the Delta Delta Delta houBe
for the past week, left yesterday, for
her home at Kearney. EfTIo Miller
went with her to spend a few days
In Kearney.
Dean Wolcott will leave for Chi
cago Sunday, to attend' a meeting of
the Ajuerlcan Society of Medical Col
leges, and alBO sit In the council of
education. Ho will be gone tho
greater part of next week.
The privates of company I of the
cadet regiment were entertained by
the officers last night at the Phi Delta
Theta fraternity house. This was the
first smoker of a series given each
year by olhcers of the several com
panies. A series of addresses are being
given Sunday evenings' at 7:30 at All
Souls' church. Unitarian, 12th and H
streets, on important themes connect
ed wllh human life. The subject next
Sunday Is. '-'Is There a God?" All
stalentB are lnvftod.
The debate this, evening between
the Union and Palladlan literary soci
ety teams will .bo open to the public.
The debate is to be held In Pallandlan
hall-or-theTamnle building tonight at
8 o'clock. The question to be dis
cussed Is "Should women In Nebraska
have the right to vote?"
Classified Column
Advertisements for this column
hould be left at the business office,
basement Administration building, be
tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or between
2 p, m. and 5 p. m.
Want ads will positively not be in
serted unless paid In advance, at the
rate of 10 cents per Insertion for
every fifteen words or fraction there
of for the first Insertion; three Inser
tions 25 cents; five insertions 40 cents.
Learn Wireless and R. R. Telogra
phy. Shortago of fully 10,000 operat
ors on account of 7-hour law and ex
tensive "wlroleBB" developments. We
operato under direct supervision of
telegraph officials and positively place
all students, when qualified. Write
for catalogu. Nat'l Telegraph Inst.,
Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis,
Davenport, la., Columbia, S. C, Port
land. Ore. tf
For Sale Due bill on loading pho
tographer In Lincoln. Seo Nebraskan
manager. tf
For Sale A good kitchen range;
nearly new; cheap. Seo Nobraskan
managor. tf
For Sale Thoroughly modern 12
room hoiiBe, suitable for fraternity or
sorority, at 1420 R street. Auto 4530.
Ties That Have Life
dominate in the new spring
Tho solid colors and sombre
shades that have prevailed the
last two years are losing their
Tho Persian diagonal stripe
is one of the most popular of
tocts; We have them-infill
Gingor and good taste are
Look at tho display in our
windows and you will fool
their attractive spell.
1109 O Street
For Rent To girls, furnlBhed rooms
at 1430 R street. Phono Fl2.r)G. 90-2t
Have you tried our glasses? If not, why not? Try
them and we will have your good opinion with that
of others for whom we have worked.
Established 1871 HALLETT, Registered Optometrist "43 o st.
Delta Chi will entertain at a party
at the St. George, studio Friday even
ing. Carl Stahl, ex-12, of Omaha was a
recent visitor at the Delta Tau. Delta
house. .
A house party will be given tomor
row night by Phi Delta Theta at the
fraternity Ijoubo.
J. F. Stevens of Lincoln will ad
dreBS the Medical Boclety at its meet
ing Friday night.
Alpha Zeta, the agricultural frater
nity, will hold its semi-annual open
meeting Saturday evening.
Roy. Nelson, ox-'lO, is touring the
western coast with tho intention of lo
cating there permanently.
Allen Bochter, '13, has been enjoy
ing a visit from his father, William
Bechtor of Pierce, foj several days.
W. S. Curtis ot Omaha was the
gue&t of his Bom Randall F. Curtis,
for a few hours yesterday.
Numbers 101 and 102 of the studlcB
from the zoological laboratory have
recently been, Issued. Number 101 Is
by Dr. Powers and Claude Mitchell,
and deals with a new species of micro
organism that were produced by artl
iicial conditions. Number 102 1b by
L. R. Swingle of Wesleyan university,
and takes up the transmission of dis
ease from onct( rat to another by
mwane OH organisms carried by fleas.
Notice Is hereby given that any sub
scriber, who was a subscriber last
semester and who has not re-aub-Bcrlbed
this semester and desires to
discontinue, must notify the managor
on or before Mtorch 1st; otherwise hlB
copies will continue to be Bent to Sta
tion A and ho "will bo charged with
the same. Failure to take- his- payors
from Station A will not constitute such
notice. If these subscribers will act
accordingly the management will be
saved considerable expense and trou
ble. 90-5t
For Rent From April 1st, 12-room
house at 1420 R street. Ennulro 1420
R street. Auto 4539. 90-3t
-u08T. ,,.
Lost Lady's gold watch, with own
er's monogram on case. Finder pleaBO
return to Nebraskan office. 89-3t
Lost A fountain pen, In chemistry
lab., Friday afternoon. Return to Ne
braskan office. 90-31
Lost Black covered note book con
talnlng notos on English constitutional
hiBtory, also labor legislation in Eng
land. Finder please notify Ben Cher
rlngton, 511 No. lGth, or leavo at Rag
office. 89-3t
Oliver Theatre
Tonight, 8at. and 8at. Mat.
Clyde FitchV " fffTiysPC
Best Comedy M I lm L9
Night, 25c to $1.00 Mat., 50c and 25c
Tuesday Night, Feb. 28
Prices, 50c to $2.00
Found 'A gold bead necklace, at
the Co-Op Book Store. Owner may
have same by calling at Co-Op and
Identifying. 91-3t
Last chance to buy Broken Lines
of "F. F. H." shoes JO QQ
3.50, 4.00 4.50 Values
1220 O Street,
March 1 "Queen of the Highway"
Justice Fullerton Has Cab Case Under
The University of Nebraska law
Bchool had an' inning in Judge, Fuljer
ton'B court yesterday when tho case
of Eugene A. Levi vorsua R. H. Luik
hart was brought to trial. Never In
the history of tho court was" there bo
much legal talent present. Besides
Dale Boyles and W. M. Sommerville,
who were the attorneys for tho plain
tiff, a large number of students at
tended in a body to offer advlco if
necessary, and the court was swamped
with evidence ranging from extracts
of a family Bible to district court
The .case is .an outgrowth of the
famous "cabs Is. cabfl" war. TUr. !Lovi'
is a liveryman and alleges that Lu lk
hart owes him for cab hire to a
formal last spring. Luikh art's at
torneys claim the hack was rented to
two couples and that their 'Client has
paid hi& share and also set up 'the
plea of infancy. Justice of the Peace
Fullerton, will hand down a decision
7n tfiree or lourHayB. "Ther amount
of judgment asked byi the plaintiff is
$1.7& and costs.
I lUPni U MATINEES (Bxcepf Monday) 3:30
LIRbULn bveninos at 8:30
Mats. 15c and 25c
Evening' 15c. 25c, 35c and 50c
The Best and latest photo plays
shown in the city. Change of pro
gram Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Mats. Wed. and' Sat 15c aria! 26c
Nights at 8:30 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c
Pennant Candy
Qt Free Pennant with coupon
from Jonnaen's Flnr Candy.
Meier Drug Co.
13Ui and O Itrceta.