THE DAILY NEBRASKAN y THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TUB PROPERTY OF THE UNIVER8ITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. PublUhod by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor 8. O. COTNER Mannulni Editor .A. II. DINSSlORE AbhocIiHo Editor T. M. EDGECOMBE Afwoclftto Editor RICHARD MEYER BU8INE88 STAFF. Muniitfor V. C. HASCALL Aaslfltnnt ManaKor....C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Mnnagor....J. V. MORRISON Editorial and Bualnets Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Poitoffice, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable n Advance. Single Coplei, 0 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night PhonoaAuto 1888; Auto 2083; Bell 1123. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be charged for ut tlio rate of 10 centu the Insertion for evory fifteen words or fraction thoro of. Faculty notices and University bul letins will gladly be published free. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, us ncoond-cliiKs mall matter, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. REPORTORIAL. AthlolU'H and Military.. T. .1. MARGRAVE Hocloty and PurHQiiaL.F. C. McCONNELL Nrimwku Hall H. '. HOl'UH HclnncoH and Gorman.. E. J. HUHERMAN EiiKlnonrltiK R. A. I IUNTINOTON Agrlcultuml E. H. GRAVES Lnw A. C. SCHMIDT 'IVniplij A. C. DAVIS Library and Unlvorslty Hall. .11. S. Hl'HE AHMlHtniil RoportorH V. A. .STl'RM K. S. WHERRY FHBRUARY 21?, 1011. DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING? Did It over occur to you that you might .know Bomothlng thnt would be news to other people? Wliilo the No brnsknn Htnff trys to Ret InwUI of the -ne(vanl- UniL-auL.aoQ'tliiniJJini happens about tho campus, tho day 1h too long and tho university too largo for Homo one to bo preHent at every little thing which occurs. The moil who work on the paper have their studieB to take care of as well as other Btudents. Above is published a list of reporters. (Jet acquainted CO-ED SHOES Velvet, Suede, High and $4 and $5 Values $2.50 with thaw. If you know of something that wflnjik bo of lnterost toll one of theBo men, about it. Remember that if you krlow of one thing that has hai ponoll today and it does not appear in the Nobraskan tomorrow t Is your fault. Come through and help us get all the news. - HOW PATRIOTIC! Displayed in one of the west base ment windows of tho Administration building, two lonely little flags wero the solo demonstrations of the patriot ism of Nebraska. Not a picture" of the man whoso birth tho twenty-second of February is eet aside to commemorate was to bo seen nnywhore. Tho lazy ropes rotted by many days of disuse were tho only ornaments of tho naked flag .poles. Students strolled along to their classes in the same leisure-like manner. Not one seemed to realize that Wednesday was a holiday. Tho time allotted to the school year may bo too Bhort to dismiss classes for tho day. That Is all rlghL It is no serious reason for complaint. But it, does seoih that at least one flag could bo raised above one of tho build ings. Every day sonfe ono is urging -Ai&-tx-JtJtoorfora noble aim In life. wo are extolled to do great and to do great things; to strive for tho' u building of tho nation and of its cit- It For tho ono man who did more thnn ! any other in moulding the destinies of our country, for him who was our Mrst great organiser, for him who was our first general and president, for him who took a few scattered colon ists and led them to victory against tho trained armies of Europo and es tablished a nation destined to bo tho greatest of all time, for him, wo who receive the roward of his labors can not ralso a Blnglo flag. If wo intend to make greatness and nobleness tho standard of our Institution, we may search tho past in vain for a better examplo than Washington. Ono has said, "No nobler figure ever graced the forefront or a nation's history." Pagan Japan and othor foreign coun- Hrics-honor-hlm: Perhnps-the-Univer-- Blty of Nebraska does too, but it haB not shown its appreciation. The Kansan says that Missouri haB been put out of tho race for tho Mis souri Valley championship. Kansas should not forgot that sho has two games with tho Oatrnhuskers and may bo put on tho toboggan herself. Iowa students Insist that their in stitution should drop out of tho Mis souri Vallby conferonco. This should not cause any excitement among tho othor Valley teams. Tho 'Withdrawal of Iowa should rathor bo hailed with delight. Although her iprowess on tho athletic field has never been terrify ing in tho least, her mightiness in the council chamber has been felt. It was Iowa who insisted on many of the by-lawB that have been more detri mental than beneficial. Sho has made tho rules of the Missouri Valley con ference conform to those of tho Chi cago conference In order that she m,lKht belong tq both. Trying to servo both mastors sho" has'found'her self in a bad plight and now must choose ono or Iho other. I,et "Baby" Iowa go and we will be rid of that nursing Job. A courso in practical lumbering will be given at Yale this semester. Low 1415 O St. 1 THE BULLETIN February. -Sophomore class meeting, "Memo rial hall, 11:30 a. m. -Convocation, Henry Earnes, illus trated lecture on Descriptive Music. -Vesper services. Memorial . hall, 5 p. m. -Union-Palladian debate, Union hall, 8 p. m. -Basketball, Kansas vs. Nebraska, Armory, 8 p. m. -Basketball, Kausas vs. Nebraska, Armory, 8 p. m., informal dance. -Basketball, Missouri vs. Nebraska, Armory, 8 p. m. -Basketball, Missouri vs. Nebraska Armory, 8 p. m. -Convpcatlon, Professor Chatburn, "The Road Situation in Nobraa ka,". 11 n. m. March. -Convocation, Professor Ayles worth, exrColorado agricultural "UOllegerll-airrji: 2.1-23- 24-24-24-25-27- 28-28- 3 University Glee Club, Oliver the izenshlp; to bo men of chrnncter, all 1b eo'strango. BUDD BE INDEPENDENT! It Bis JlL W& YOUR OWN "RAG" NOT TOO LATE YET TO SUBSCRIBE EXCLUSIVE HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON B0NS Get-tf Glee Club Concert OLIVER THEATRE March m j TYPEWMTEBSgg fc-, ptdal price jfat B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. AttU phont 2080. BU phont 129ft. 1U St. 13th St, Ltacoln. Md UVl PRIMTIMRYOU WAMT Beo Ua Before Ordering rrograms, Menus, Announce- mentey-Stationeryy Booklets. VANTJNE PRINTING CO. 128-180 No 14th St H AGENCY 3, 1911 ahlla Lincoln Sanitarium Plangm TH IrMt Salt- Wflir XtiMriii NH MPSf?' . Moraines Bxm lutey. J QBUmm, If oadftj ul Trul inr 1411 m i Kim. shcUI Hit Arrupl nr Harpolsheimer's Caf Dinner J J j30 to 1:30 AC. Supper 5j30 to7t30 jLQQ LS0 CAFETERIAS STYLE Hl Wiflti with Maplt Syrup I0i i -.1- , - i A .i; , . '