THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TUB PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERHITY OF NERRA8KA Lincoln, Nobronka. Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD ' EDITORIAL 8TAFF. Editor 8. O. COTNER Managing Editor A. II. DINSMORE ABBOolata Editor T. M. EDGECOMBE ABoclat4 Editor RICHARD MEYER, BUSINESS STAFF. Managor V. C. HA8CALL ABfllBtant Manager.... C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Managor....J. V. MORRISON Editorial and Business Office ! BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BL'DQ. Postofflcc, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, B Cent Each. Tetephonei Auto 1888. Night Phones AutP-18S3 Auto 2683; Bell 1123. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo oharged (or at tho rata of 10 cents tho Insertion for every flftocn words or fraction there of. Faculty notices and University bul letins will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho postofflco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter, under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. FHBIITJAJIY 22, 1911. . Elthor tho signs of tho tlmoa havo failed to reveal themselves or olso tho engineers havo forgotten that It has boon their cuBtom In tho past to give a vaudovillo show each year. Do wo hear a noise? 'Do you see anything about tho cam pus this morning to remind you of the fact that It 1b Washington's birthday? Look carefully. Scrutinize each build ing. 'RomembeTlhlirTHoKaTmasTiaiKet7 ball team Is composed of Jayhawkors. They still havo In mind what happoned on McCook field on tho fifth day of last Novombor. Don't forgot wo must beat Kansas again. The basketball games now being played botween tho class teams aro interesting and exciting and tho stu- Those French Flannel double collar shirts $2 50 dents Bhould support them. You can holp your class to win tho champion ship by getting out and cheering tho men who are in tho contest. Experiments demonstrating tho (Practical uso of cement to the en gineering classes havo proved very beneficial to tho student. Now out on tho westerly side of tho campus east of Library hall is a certain tree, and arranged around that treo aro certain stono seats, placed thero as a gift to tho university by tho class of 1906. Now this certain tree has grown and increased in diameter with tho years, and as a result Is pushing its uncom fortable stono corset In overy direc tion, and tho tlmo will como to pasB when tho Btono seats aro of no uso to tho campus loungers whatever, for thoy "will havo been rent asunder by tho irresiBtlblo onslaught of tho op pressed tree. Somo day when these practical demonstrations aro going on, what would be tho matter of mov ing tho stone so as to glvo the tree room to grow and cementing the structure together again? -NEW.TABLE8JN4J8E. Changes Jnj Arrangement. of Mechanic '' Arts Building. - Tho damage done io the Mechanic Arts building has boon completely re paired, and tho students havo been at their roguhir work since tho first of tho week. '" Several improvements havo been made, mainly in tho ar rangement. Tho drawing room was formerly near tho center of tho build ing and tho anatomy department on each side. Now tho drawing room 1b at tho east end of tho building and tho anatomy at tho west. Tho drawing room has been much improved by tho addition of several largo sky-lights and Tungsten lights over each desk. 'Fifty now tables ar rived Saturday to replace thdso 'de stroyed by tho flro. They are of the standard mako, of the best quality, fitted with Yalo locks and were put in at considerable cost. MANY TRIAL8 AND TRIBULATION8 Greeks Experience Much Delay In An nouncing. Fraternity rushing this someeter was not as stronuous as in former years, judging from tho short list of pledges which havo been announced. Few of tho fraternities last night wore willing to mako any statements. Sev eral mado tho oxeuso that they did not caro to announce pledges until tho reg- istrar had passed judgment on tho list of men submitted) for bis approval. When a Nebraskan reporter tele phoned to ono house ho was answered with tho cool information that it was against their policy to publish a list of pledges in tho newspapers. Only four Greek letter organiza tions have made public a list of "plodgos-and -tho-entire -list-includes only bIx men. Tho men who" havo ac cepted tho pledge pins nre as follows: Alpha Thota Chi, Carl Worley of York; Beta Theta PI, Ralph Kissinger of Fairfield; Kappa Sigma, Clarence Benjamin of Arapahoe; Sigma Alpha Bpsllon, Carl Meyer of University Place, Glen Mosley of Lincoln and Jack Abbott of Hyannls. BUDD 14150 St. THE BULLETIN February. 22 Engineering society. 22 Students' Debating club, U10G, 7:30 p. m. 22 Y. M. C. A. mid-week meeting, Tenvplo, 7 p. m. 23 Convocation, Henry Eames, illus trated lecture on Descriptive Music. 24 Vesper services, Memorial hall, 5 p. m. 24 Unlon-Palladian debate, Union s hall, 8 p. m. 24 Basketball, Kansas vs. Nebraska, Armory, 8 p. m. 25 Basketball, Kansas vs. Nebraska, Armory, 8. p. m informal dance. 27 Basketball, Missouri vs. Nebraska, Armory, 8 p.m. 28 Basketball, Missouri vs. Nebraska, Armory, 8 p. m. 28 Convocation, Professor Chatburn, "Tho Road Situation in Nebras ka," 11 a. m. March. -2 Convocation, 'Professor: Ayles- worth, ox-Colorado agricultural college, 11 a. m. 3 University Glee Club, Oliver the ater. . BE INDEPENDENT! . READ YOUR OWN "RAG" NOT TOO LATE YET TO SUBSCRIBE - EXCLUSIVE AGENCY . . HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS vetihif Glee Club Concert OLIVER THEATRE March 3, 1911 HBfJMaBaVsBMBMM - - " "VaMMiBMMiBMMMBM TYPE WRITERS " MAKES Rent applied on purchwd - MLB or RENTED price. Two year writEm SjdiJ price list B. F. SWANS0N C0 Inc. to phont 2080. Sell phont 12Wi 143 S i3th St, iti HsW. UPRINTING Bee Us Before Ordering Elsnwhai jT Programs, Menus, "Announce; ments, stationery, 'Bookleti VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-180 Ntf 14th St ! j' ctJlla s Lincoln Sanitarium Plang Tit frtit Sill Waltr Iwllii H MOCKS i Ladlea, Moraines Ka4bt hiim WJUibo. Afternoon and KrnUBafkLuEa aaa QsaUtmsa, Moaday and IMter JStmuSSt 1411 itl Simla, tticlil FartM.lmutf r Hgrpolsheimor's Gaft Dinner J 1:30 to J 1 30 OC- Sopper-$t30rto-7r30r JrAWy-r -j ALSO CAFETERIA STYLI MM Willis with Mipl Syrty Kb V NJ, V --