fmmmmmm$mmmin-MiimmmmmuimtmiijimmMMmmuimm THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE PROPERTY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. Published by TIIK BTUDKNT PUBLICATION DOARP EDITORIAL STAFF. Kdltor 8. O. COTN1CR MamiKltiB Kdltor A. II. DINBMORB ABHOdato Kdltor T. M. EDGECOMBE AbhocIiUo Editor RICHARD MEYER BUSINESS STAFF. Manager V. C. IIABCALL AsnlBtant Manager.... C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Manager.... J. V. MORRISON Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Pavabla In Advance. -Single-Copies, 6 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 188; Auto 2683; Bell 1123. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will be charged for at the rate of 10 conta the Insertion for every fifteen wordn or fraction there of. Faculty notices and UnlvomUy bul letins will gladly be published free. Entered at the pofltofTlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, uh second-claim mall matter, under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. FEBRUARY 17. 1011. UNIVERSITY NIGHT. Tonight wo are to witness the In auguration of something rcnlly now nt 'Nebraska. Every organization In the university haB beon given nn op portunity to pnrtlclpatc In one big entertainment. It Is n university af fair, cosmopolitan In every' respect, and designed to promote the broader feeling of college loyalty among the ' students. Aa the athletic meet on Chnrtcr day Is open to till, so are the series of funny acts to be given to night. Other universities have tried the plan and iomnlthntlt-'WorkB-weHr-j There is no reason why it should not bo a great .success at Nebraska. While this Is the llrBt University Night and may be culled on experl-. ment, yet It hna come to stay. Ne braska haB few traditions, but each year adds something new to the few, and at a time not far distant Its life Shirt Sale CLUETTS $1.50 and $2.00 Grades Broken Lines will be replete with those customary eventB which lend a charm to the col legian's life. The committee has worked hard and deserves the support of the student body. Every one who can should be at the Temple theater tonight when the curtain goes up on a new chapter in the social life of the university, a chapter which will never grow old. but will bo read many times by those who eome after. SOMETHING DANGEROUS. It la not dandelions nor Russian thistles, but it 1b taking the campus sure as fate. This plaguo has made itself known in nearly every building. It frequents tho ndjaccnt grounds and forniB barrier's on walks and In door ways. Those tardy to class are fur ther delayed and occasionally the class itself has paused In' its delibera tions and marveled at this strange pest. It has Increased wonderfully In proportions the last few months, and the situation is now critically dangerous. There 1b but one way to exterminate It and that Is firough tho joint efforts of the students and fac ulty members, If any are able to render assistance. The plan of action is BlnTpleleave-your-dog8-at-homo, Tho University of Nebraska Alumni association of Omaha, which was or- gnnlzcd In the latter part of January, Is Bhowing that It is no mere nsBOclfu tion. From the time It wnB first formed It has been getting rlghtjnt tho harness and working for tlfe uni versity. There were a hundred pres ent at the first meeting when the or ganization was perfected and resolu tions providing for taking an active part In the proposed removal of The medical college adopted. There are alumni clubs in several othor largo cities and moro should be formed. Their value to the university nnd to the members Is Inestimable. CORNHUSKER CLUB. Nebraska Students at Michigan Organ ize and Elect Officers. bout thlrtyHomen from-Nebros- ka have organized a Cornnuskef club at tho University of Michigan. There is much enthusiasm among the mem bers and it is expected that they will be in a club house of their own be fore long. A dance will be given at the Country club next Saturday even ing. At a meeting held recently the fol lowing ofllceTB were elected: Presi dent, Raymond M. Grossman. Omaha; vice-president, Bruce J. Miles, Fre mont; secretary, Harry Kutakofsky, Omaha, and treasurer, William H. Mc Donald, Valentine. DRAMATIC CLUB ELECTS. After Short Program Officers Are Chosen. Tho Dromatlc club met last night and after a short program held a busi ness session and elected ofllcers for the semester. 'Birds' Christmas Carol" was given in pantomime by Miss Jasi--minp Sherladen- , The following were tho ofllcers electT ed: MIbs Howell, by virtue of being the head of the elocution department, holding the office of president; vice president, Mildred Bovlns; secretary, Florence Hostettler; treasurer, F. C. McConnell; sqrgennt-at-arms, Nye Morehouse. 14150 St. At Iowa state university the senior girls are required to wear caps. THE BULLETIN February. 17 University Night, Temple theater. 17 Gesselschaft Vereln, Professor Baumgartner, 1115 H, 8 Inv 17 Palladlan Literary society, Tem ple, 8 p. m. 17 Union LIternry society, Temple, 8 'P. m. 17 Vesiper services, university chorus and string quartet, Memorial hall, 1 p. m. 18 Catholic Students' club, U106, 8 p. m. 18 Tegner society, Temple, 8 p. m. 18 Peru club, 8 p. m., 1641 M streeL 18 Portfolio club Library building, 2 P. m. 18 Agricultural club, , Professor Smith; room 5 U hall, 8 p. m. 21 Convocation, Professor Chatburn,' on "Nebraska Roads," 11 a. m. 22 Engineering society. 'Marfchr 3 University Glee Club, Oliver the- ater. r RUDD NEW SPRING HATS At Special Prices Satur- ' Mill , , . t day. Fifty dozen Young Men's Soft and Stiff Hats all shapes and colors. Worth $2.50 and $3.00. Very Special Saturday at $1.90 Lw . i 1419 O raace LB I I iLm Isfllfl0-LVH H00h4i Correct Sprinp; Styles in Women's $5.00 Shoes on" Sale at $3.85 This offer includes such popular lines as : Suede Shoes Tan Russian Calf Shoes Satin Shoes Patent Ideal Kid Shoes Velvet Shoes Patent Colt Skin Shoes and Gun Metal Calf Shoes at $3.85 Pair All sizes in stock from AA to D widths. Main Floor. Men's Upto-Date Shoes TAN RUSSIA CALF SPECIAL VAL AT $4.00 and $4.35 A NEW SHIPMENT of Men's Tan Russia Calf Button Shoes in the latest last The Tabasco high toe, high arch, high heel and short vamp very smart for spring wear. Special values at $4.00 and $4.35. Main Floor Htrpolsheimer's Qaft Dinner JJ:30 to J30 Supper 5t30 to 7t30 25c C7Yn?s? v) r i MsssJJm 3l3 ALSO CAFETERIAS STYLE I WiflM with MapU Syrup IQi Co. STREET mute yUPRINTINGSS UES Y V 1 Vflfegfiffi Bee Us Befbrs Ordering Elsewhw Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklet VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-180 No 14th St. A i f I ft. I i