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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1911)
' $himmu!i!umm3m!m&mi'mMm!s'!.3 .-xjaaag&sxusszrj'sui' ?l. t .' Jtt9ulBl9sXW HHiSIH!Wi!lliljiJi3i5.JjyfflifflHti ) 'I THE DAlt.Y NEBEASKAN . Directory of Advertisers THo following merchants and busi ness men of Lincoln are anxious to serve the University students. By placing their advertisements In the columns of the Dally Nebraskan they show that they want your trade. And you may be sure that the merchant who is willing to make a little effort to get your patronage Is the one who Is going to treat you honestly and considerately In attempting to keep It. 80 you as well as the Nebras kan will profit by trading with these people: BANKS ' First Trust & Savings Central National Hank BAKERIES Folaom BARBER SHOPS . GVeon's . Capital Hotel BOOK STORES Co-op University CLEANERS Weber'H Sultorium CLOTHING Farquahar Magoo & Deemer Mayer Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Speler & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. COAL Whltobreast CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Cmidy-Kitchen- DRY GOODS Miller & Paine DRUGGISTS Riggs FLORISTS Chnpln BroB. Hlltner Bros. FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Mageo & Deemer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Speler & Simon. Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTERS Budd Fulk , Armstrong Clothing Co. Mngee & Deemer Mayor Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Speler & Simon JEWELERS Hallett Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans OPTICIANS Shean PHOTOGRAPHERS Do Gaston & Houck PRINTERS Georgo BroB. Simmons Van Tine RESTAURANTS Cameron's Y. M. C. A. Spa Herpolsholmer's SHOES Armstrong Clothing Co. Budd Men's Bootory Mayor Bros. Miller & Paine Yates French Warthon'fl SKIRTS Skirt Store TAILORS Elliott Bros. THEATERS i Oliver Orpheum . , .TYPEWRITERS ' . ' Lincoln Typewriter Exchange B. F. Swanson Co. MID-WINTER COMMENCEMENT Continued from Pago 1 Richard Oscar Green, Arihur Holland KoBsler, Calvin Turner .Moore. Paul Harold Pierce. Carlos Foster Wallace, Frank Storey Wiles. The Collogo of Agriculture, Bache lor of Science in Agriculture 1 : Homer Lawrence Matthews. The College of Law, Bachelors of Laws 1: Benjamin Alonzo Brown. Frank Charles Burke, Barton Lamb Green. Albert Milton Thompson. The Graduate College, Masters of Artu i- rftopr0 Herbert Coons. A. B.. 11)08 the University of Illinois agri cultural botany; Otto Julius Graf, A. B., 1!)0I Union College iihilosonhv. political Bclenee and sociology; Rob ert Melyne Isham, A. B., 1fl0!) Nebras ka Wesleyan University chemistry; John ErnBt Weaver. B. Sc. 1900 the University of Nebraska botany. Candidates for state military com missions: Captain, Yale Chenoweth Holland, Lancaster county; second lieutenant, Arthur Holland Kcssler, Clay county. GOVERNOR ALDRICH. Will Give an Address at Convocation Today. Governor ('. II. Aldrlch will speak at convocation today. His sub ject has not been announced, but it Is sure to be one of Interest to the Btuilents. and It Is hoped a large au dience will be present to hear the chief executive. SJJEH MqSJ JSNE B R A S K A . Arrived in Lincoln Last Night To Be Cornhusker Guest Today. Ewnld O, Stlehm Is here today to confer with members of the athletic board regarding the coachshlp at Ne braska. He Is here ut tho invitation of the athletic board. Neither he nor C. ('. Chllds, who was here last week, have been offered the position. Stlehm arrived at" 5:45 o'clock last evening ovor tho Burlington. He will be the guest of the university today. Members of the board will meet him UiIb noon at a luncheon at tho Cuulell hotel. Ho will loave this afternoon for Rlppon, Wis., where he is physical director of Rlppon college. ROUNDING INTO SHAPE. University Night Program Is Nearing . Completion. Preparations for University night still go merrily on and things have assumed the proportions of a Mulshed production. According to indications tho entertainment planned by the committee will be absolutely the most unique and satisfactory from every standpoint ever attempted at the uni versity. The star feature of the even ing will be a clover sketch by the lnterfratornlty minstrels. Each fra ternity In the university Is to' be rep resented, and the act is said by those who have witnessed the rehearsals to bo a whirlwind of laughter from be ginning to end. Other Interesting parts or the entertainment aro to be put on by tho Gleo club and tho Agri cultural club. The Gleo clul will give a good program, to act as a drawing card for their entertainment to be hold later In the season. f Practically no parties or meetings have been scheduled for Friday night, consequently the attendance is expect ed to tax tho capacity of tho Temple theater. Tho fraternities are planning to attend In a body to watch tho an-tics-of their- felIow-J3reeksf and all other organizations will bo well repT resented. Tho doorB will be thrown open at 7:30 and the first number will start at about 8:15. There will bo no charge for admission. BE INDEPENDENT! BBBBBJBHBJSHBJBHBJBJBHBJBJBJBJBBjJlJlJBlllallllllllllllKa: READ YOUR OWN "RAG" NOT TOQ LATE YET TO SUBSCRIBE -Yt-Wt-C- A9QNEB EfclCE. College Associations to Meet at Morningside. The north central territory of col lege Y. W. C. A. associations, which Includes tho colleges and universities of Minnesota, South and North Da kota, Iowa and Nebraska, has made arrangements for the Mrst annual con ference. This wfll be held at Morn lngsldo college, Sioux City, Iowa, on February 24, 25 and 2C. According to repprts, a splendid program has been provided for and a large delegation is expected to be present. The local association Is planning to send a large representa tion to the convention. NEW BULLETIN BOARD. Small Revolving Tower to Be Illumin ated. Yesterday a wooden contrivance much resembling a small tower was placed In rront or the Administration building. There was considerable speculation ub to the meaning of its appearance, some going bo far as to assert that It was a sentry box Tor the delinquency commlTcee. Inquiry revealed the fact that It was a new bulletin board to take tho place or the old one used heretofore. The new arrangement is an idea emulating from the oHico or the super intendent or constructions. The cyl inder will set on a revolving stool post 18 inches from tho ground, and will be placed In the center of the walk directly In front or tho Admlnls tratlon building. Another new and startling feature of the welcome stranger Is the Illumination. Electric lights will bo placed under tho roof like lop, 0 that tho notices may bo read in the evening without stralnlne tho eyes. WA4.T Stands for the Latost and host in Msic. I2ir O St. PREPARE FOR CONCERT. Glee Club Working Hard on Program for March 3. The Glee club is working hard on the program to be given on March 3 at tho Oliver theater. The men aro meeting twice a week for practice 'Md much Interest is being shown in u& coming performance of the university singers. At a recent meeting of the club i:lnns for tho concert wore discussed and now oMlcors elected. Three of tho Bongs to be given on Mnrch have never been heard in Lincoln. Ono of them was written especially for the club by Pror. Robert W. Stevens. The new officers or the Gleo club Are: President, H. H. Tod'd; secretary and treasurer. C. L. ClarTvj- librarian, K. F. Warner. ENGLAND HONORS WALLACE. Bill In Parliament to Investigate Work of Nebraskan. That the English parliament maj-4 honor Pror. Charles, William Wallacef or the University or Nebraska is the report brought here by Mary L. Sul livan, an Omaha woman, who has just returned rrom a visit to Emrinmi '!' bill has been Introduced in parliament providing for an investigation of Pro fessor Wallace's discoveries, and, It they are found to bo worthy, ofllclal recognition will bo given hihi. Professor Wallace Is now In Lon don, having been granted an exten- sio leave of absence from his work here in tho English literature depart mont. .He has dugjntt of tho masses of material In tho British record office very important documents bearing on the llfo or Shakespeare that disclosed facta 1 which have been disputed foiV" years. Each member of tho band at WlsN coiiEin is presented with a fob bear ing the Inscription "University of Wisconsina Regimental Band," and the recipient's nameT"'GoI(rfobs are given to, those who have playelTTbur yours, and silver to tho three-yenr men, and copper to the two-year men.