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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1911)
tjaf- -1iiai..t. .f ja. ,mW THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I r a: ifc ii T K li V A y v CAMPUS GLEANINGS Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & p. Have your clotheB pressed at Web er's Sultorlum, Eleventh and O. tl Try a lunch at 'the Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13th and P streets. Greon's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 Nn 11th B Good things to eat.. "Why" Rcb- 1 taurant, 133 No. 12th St. 85-41 j George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth V""i-eet, Printers. Calling Cards, In- ureo utiu jrtuiiauiu. Sem Bot-will meet-Thursday-evenings at 8 o'clock. Papers will bo read by Penna Beeler and George Crocker. Hlltner Bros., Florists. 118 So. 12UJ St. Phones Auto 1894, Bell 330. Choice roses, carnations and chrysanthemums. Wo solicit the university trade. The date of the lnterfraternlty meet has been postponed until March 4. This action was taken at a meet ing of the council Tuesday afternoon. John Ijiird fnrmoHv nt nan n of y-'inov at Chapman's barber shop, 127 au. itin bi. rornier patrons wel come. 81-Bt I ." IjrjJU willing WUIIUUI yolng to commercial school. Wo fur- ynlsh university students with a com- jr plete course In touch typewriting and rent you any make of typewriter, three I months for $6.00. Lincoln Tynewriter Exchange, 1406 O street. tf Prof. John W. Coulter,, head of the botany department in the University of Chicago, and editor of the Botan ical Gazette, sent- a letter to Dr. Bes- sey expressing his regret over the 'iieatn or rroressor I'liTTTIps. Who WTraM a frequent contributor to the Gazette and as such became known to Prores ( sor Coulter, who Is one of tho loading botanists of the country. SPRING FULK H tetson Hats FURNISHER 1 325 O Others $2.50-$3 Dean C. E. Bessey received a letter from Mr. C. A. Scott. Kansas state forester, expressing his deep regret over the doath ef Professor Phillips. Ho was Intimately acquainted with him, and In his letter says, '4t is a terrible blow to me, for I regarded Phillips almost as a younger brother." Chancellor Avery has authorized tho removal of the university her- berlum from University Tiall. room 102, to the museum. The herbarium, Vwhlch Is the result of twenty-six Yyears' collecting by "Professor Bessey, is made up of over 220,000 specimens, many of which could not be replaced If destroyed. Under the directions of ofesBors Barbour and Bessey, the herbarium will be moved to the fire proof museum. This is a' dllilcult task and will take considerable time. Columbia and tho University of Paris will exchange professors.' Correct Style Shoes "JF-F-H" "Antelope I The Nifty Shape Gunmetal Lace and Button Plenty 1220 O MILITARY BALL PLANNED. Hathaway to Manage Big Cadet Dance (Sain Is Master of Ceremonies. Plans are now bolng made for a military grand ball to be given soon after Easter vacation. It will prob ably replace the two small dances given In former years by tho Omcera club and by the nOn-commlsBloned of ficers respectively. The military ball will be a now ovation at Nebraska, but It Is thought It will be a great success. ' The committee In charge of the new military event has for Its chairman Capt. Harry C. Hathaway. Sergeant Harry N. Cain is to bo master of cere monies. Captain David White, Lieu tenaoUColonel Harold : WT Coultor-r Major Frank Rhode and Sergeant Vic tor Krnuse are members of the committee. NO SERVICES IN LINCOLN. Body of Professor Phillips Taken to Cedar Rapids. Tho body of Professor Frank J. Phillips was sent to Cedar Rapids, la., hiBt evening, where the funeral ser vices and Interment will take placo. No services were held In Lincoln. The body was taken to the rooms of Castle, Roper & Matthews yesterday afternoon and lay In state from 4 to 5 o'clock. .Many students and friends viewed the remains. Professor Phillips' brother ' arrived In the city about noon yesterday and the- funeral arrangements were made as tfoon as possible. Cedar Rapids Is the old home of Professor Phillips. Mrs. Phillips' relatives have been here since Monday. The notes left by Mr. Phillips give no further reuson lor his Biileidc. Tho one to his wife ex- -r.j ;:T I-. .: li ., . imi-hbuu inu iiuhiiu uiiii cneii Bt)m should grow into nn upright man and the one to his mother concerned In sunrancc matters. The Forestry club went In a body NEW Manhattan Shirts Will Not Fade AND HATTER STREET to view the remains yesterday after noon. There were many floral offer ings. Thy American Society of For esters of Washington, D. C, sent an enormous bunch of white HlTes. The Forestry club also sent an appropri ate offering. Professor Sponslor ac companied the remains to Cedar Rap Ids as a representative of the uni versity. Notice. All freshmen wishing to enter the Intercla8s debates will please notify us at once. Tho try-outs will bo hold February 22 in L315. 'FREMONT MICHIE. CHAS. EPPERSON. 84-4t Cj At Wellesloy more than GOO stu dents have been enrolled In the com pulsory spelling courses for delin quency In this branch of English. of Sizes. Street. s&A- Classified Column Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five insertions 40 cents. For Sale Duo bill on leading pho tographer In Lincoln. Sea Nobrasknn manager. tf Educational. Learn WlrelcBS and R. R. Telogra phy. Shortage of fully 10,000 operat ors on account of 7-hour law and ex tensive "wireless" developments. Wo operato under direct supervision of telograph officials and positively placo all students, when qualified. Write for catalogu. Nat'l Telegraph Inst, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis, uavenport, la., Columbia, S. C, Port land. Ore. tf WANTED. Wanted -I have an excellent selling proposition to mako to soveral Ne braska studontB for next summon Wo have paid over $45,000 to our students alone during tho past three years. No house to house canvassing; no deliv ering of goods. It will pay you to In vestigate. See me In Mr.' Kendall's office, Y. M. C. A. room, Tuesday or Wednesday, 2:00-5:30 p. m. J. E. Spiegel. 83-2t Wanted Dish wiper, at The Wcb ley. 217 North 14th St. 83-tf At Yale. Phi Beta Kappa elects to niemhcrslilp tlioso wU6 attain ainnr erage standing of 3.10 on the work of Junior and senior years, 400 being the inn xi inn in. Through n recent ruling of the Stanford faculty, women's basketball has been discontinued as an inter collegiate sport of that university. The reason for this action is given to be the fact that not enough Inter est has been taken In the game. Tho Wright brothers are lending an aeroplane motor to the aeronauts of Michigan for experimental purposes. Undergraduates have Already con-, structed several different types of planes and the motor is to be tried in each one to test their relative mer its. Prizes will be given the most suc cessful machines. UNIVERSITY JEWEI Ell & OPTHttl C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Yovr Patronage Solicited iv, TYPEWRITERS AIL .' SOLD -vM u..x r TorTrirS flail rT XrA -fr MfainmiA m,A ptclal price list B. F. S WANSON CO, Inc. Auto phone 2080. Bell phone 1299. 113 St.' 13th St, UmMm, MJ. c- ' -M fV pi ''HI I You Will Be Pleased if you inspect our lino of now spring hats. lnmr Tiunlity-Ts-abovo-re-proach--all the accepted shapes brims, colors, etc. Stetson the standard of quality $3,50 to $5.00. The Ilawes van Gal hat in smart styles $3.00. Care in selecting your gloves and shirts is also essential to a natty appearance. Our perfect Perrin's gloves and reliable Manhattan shirts are sure to please. MAQEE & DEEMER ' 1109 O Street AT THE THEATRES (LtfJEAjHElLrBE FRI., 8AT. & 8AT. MAT., FEB. 17-18 "Polly of the Circus" Night, 25c to $1.50 Mat., 25c to 75c MONDAY NIGHT, FEB. 20 ZBY8ZKO V8. WE8TERQAARD Tues., Wed. and Wed. Mat., Feb. 21-22 A BROKEN' IDOL Night, 25c to $1.00 Mat., 25c to 76c HMMMMHMk LINCOLN MAT,NI?iNTspffl05:,?oy a,ao ORPHEUM IKSVsi! ADVANCED VAUDVILLE Helen Grantley & Co. Bowers, Walters and Crooker Bowman Bros. McDonald, Crawford & Montrose Neuss & Eldred 8cheda The Havelocks Mats. 15c and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c The Best and latest photo plays shown In the city. Change of pro gram Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ELITE NO. 2. Tho University of Washington adopted tho honor systern Just before mid-year exams. . Lincoln Sanitarium Plungm TH 6rut Sill Wattr'Iilwilin M shh5hs-bhmhshb OUJUh Ladles, Mornings SUreeyt ludara. Qs&tlsmas. Afternoons and BtsbIbas. UIn aaa OaBtUaKB, Monday aad rrAajr tb1i,( 1411 tri KrMti, Spclil rtrtM Arrautf ftr MAKES Rent applied onpurchoJ or RENTED price. Two vear written .,, SuteewLtoevtiym