The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 11, 1911, Image 3

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ft -VUiSlk'M0tMUiiat Wai-
-& . t I ft rf, .iMBat
iiiMi., i mm w mr unntmn lArrnoa
. f
' Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th.
Tho Hayes hall girls will hold their
annual danco tonight.
Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P.
Russoll Pierce, Phi Delta Theta, la
spending tho week end at homo.
Don Cameron's Cafe, 119 So.. 12th.
'Junior and freshman elections next
Have your clothes pressed at Web
er's Suitorium, Eleventh and 0. tl
'W. B. McKay, '98, was a rocont vis
itor at tho Delta Tau Delta house.
Chicken pio supper, U. P. church,
16th and R, Friday ovo, 6 to 8. 80-2t
Andrew Nelson, S. A. B., is lectur
ing before- farmers' Institutes'oVerthe
Green's Sanitary Barbor Shop, 120
No. 11th.
"Jerry" Warner and Louis Magor,
Kappa Sigma, have left school.
Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa,
13th and P streets.
Lewis and Ralph Smith, Kappa Sig
ma, havo returned to school after a
semester's absence.
Roy Matters, '11, Kappa Sigma, has
roturned to school after a semester's
George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth
street, Printers. Calling ,Cards, " In
vites and Programs.
Prof. Sara Hayden of the depart
ment of fine arts announces that tho
first class in design will meet Tues
day, February 21.
Learn touch typewriting without
going to commercial school. Wo fur-
pish university students with a com
plete courso in touch typewriting and""
rent you any make of typewriter.-three
months for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter
Exchange, 1406 O street. tf
John Laird, formerly at 1130 O st.,
is now at Chapman's barber shop, 127
No. 12th St. Former patrons wel
come. 81-5t
Dr. C. E. Bessoy represented tho
university ns honorary pallbearer at
the funeral of Bishop Bonacum
Miss Greene's Cafeteria. Best noon
day lunch in town. For both ladieB
and gentlemen. Any servlco from
10c up. (f
Tho Medical society social last
evening was well attended by stu
dents and faculty. A very pleasant
evening was enjoyed by those pres
ent. Wanted Two good men for road
work. Must bo hiiBtlors. -Western
Publishing and Engraving Co., 521
Richards block. 81-2t
Kappa Sigma holds its annual for
mal jiartyffr" tho LTflcolnnnF oven
ing. Their annual banquet comes
Monday and many nlumni aro expect
Dale Lapp, '10, Delta Delta Delta,
who was an assistant In tho botany
department last semester, has re
signed to take a similar position in
tho Fremont high school.
Alpha Theta Chi Is having a repeti
tion of their last year's Blck spell.
J, A. Melville and John Buol havo
scarlet fover. They are quarantined
on tho third floor of tho house.
Carl Stall, ox-'12, and Leonard R.
Heggolund, '10, of Omaha attended
tho senior prom last evening, and will
spend tho week end at the Delta Tau
Delta house.
At tho Oliver theater men's moot
ing Sunday afternoon, a group of
readings will bo given by Coora Lan
Ham. Miss Lanham is a reader of
national reputation. She has ap
peared in all of tho larger cities from
Classified Column
Advertisements for this column
should be left at the business office,
basement Administration building, be
tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or between
2 p. m. and 5 p. m.
Want ads will positively not be In
serted unless paid In advance, at the
rate of 10 cents per Insertion for
eVery fifteen words or fraction there
of for the first Insertion; threo Inser
tions 25 cents; flvo Insertions 40 cents.
For Sale Duo bill on loading pho
tographer In Lincoln. Soo Nebrnskan
manager. , tf
For Sale Full dress suit, absolutely
now, slzo 37 long, 1910 model. Bar
gain $25.00. Call Men's Furnishing
Department, Rudgo & Guenzok 70-5t
coast t6coast; Tho-meeting-Sunday
Bhould bo a hummer. Tho doors arb
open at 3:30 o'clock and all seats aro
that nobody's nose is like any other nose, but he who
can fit any nose knows how to fit your nose- Give us
a trial and wear that smile that won't come off.
Established 1871 HALLETT, Registered Optometrist Uz o St.
Hiltnor Bros., Florists, 118 So. 12th
St. Phones Auto 1894, Bell 330. Choice
roses, carnations and chrysanthemums.
We solicit tho university trade.
C. R. McKibbin, Sigma Nu, has loft
school. Ho will manage tho Grand
Island baseball team during the com
ing season.
Clark Phillips of Omaha, a medical
student of tho university, Is in town
today to attend tho dance at Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Thomas camo
up from Nebraska City for the gradu
ation recital of their daughter, Miss
Rita Thomas.
Miss Helen Nason, ox-'12, Alpha
Phi, of Omaha, Neb., recently accept'
ed a position in ono of tho .govern
ment schools at Panama.
The botany department recently re
ceived two small collections of plants,
ono of mosses from Minnesota, the
other of lichens from Maine.
Tho faculty of tho summer session
will meet with tho chancellor Monday
evening in his office at 5 o'clock to
discuss and arrango tho curriculum
for next summer's session.
Bot Sem hold its annual Darwinian
convocation laBt night. Seven mem
bers were promoted and eight n6w
members were Initiated into tho soci
ety. Papers were read by Professor
Gilmoro and Professor Swank.
P. J. O'Gara, '02, visited tho botany
department Wednesday. Mr. O'Gara
entered tho government servico after
his graduation, and at present has an
important position with tho Roguo
River Valley Fruit association of Ore
gon. The Union and Palladian Literary,
societies each hold aa elaborato val-'
ontino party In their halls in tho Tem
ple last night. A. largo attendance
contributed to tho sucqess of both
For Sale DroBs Bult for short man,
very reasonable price. Call Auto 2989.
Loam WirolesB and R. II. Telegra
phy. Shortage of fully 10,000 operat
ors on account of 7-hour law and ex
tensive "wireless" dovelopmbnts. Wo
operato under direct supervision of
telegraph officials atid positively place
all students, when qualified. Write
Tor catalogu. Nat'l Telegraph Inst.,
Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis,
Davenport, la., Columbia, S. C, Port
land. Ore. tf
Lost Beta Theta PI pin. Finder
return to or notify ATthur Wherry,
1520 P street. Auto phono 7399. 78-5t
Lost An A. K. &. E. 8-inch slide
rule, on campus. Return to Nobras
kan office. 81-3t
A PHj Derbies
would bo of no 'use to you if
thoy wore not tho kind you
But wo havo tho kind you
want Stetsons the standard
of quality everywhere.
With the first touch of spring
mtuTGr"begins to undergo a
chango in dress.
Do you not fool a kindred
Why not gratify it by get
ting a now Stetson.
We havo thorn in tho latest
spring styles.
$3.50 to $5.00
1109 O Street
Lost In geography lecture room,
Thursday afternoon, a now copy of
Stevens' Plant Anatomy. Finder
please notify W. D. Barnard, 334 No.
13th. 82-lt
& fc- it- 4fc 4fc 4l 4t& 4l& it it- it 4k l& & &
$ Juniors and seniors have only $
until Feb. 18 'to get their pic-
$ tures In the 1911 Cornhusker. $
8ave your Jokes for the Joke
box or hand them In at the $
Oliver Theatre
Special--Dramatic Announcement
The Melo-Dramatlc 8ensatlon of 'All
Henry W. 8avage Offers
Mat Ore. $1.00. Bal. 75c & 50c.
Gal. 25c.
Night Ore. $1.50. Bal. $1.00 & 75c.
Ql. 50c.
Bargain Prices 25c to $1.00
sick: shoes
Have Your Shoes Re
paired at Our Shop.
120 O Street.
We Make Our Own
Also all kinds of Dainty
Sandwiches. Beat service
Lincoln Candy Kitchen
14th and O S. W. Cor.
Tuesday Mat. and Night, Feb. 14
Wed. Mat. and Night, Feb. 16
I llinni U MATINF-nS (Bxcepf Monday) 3:30
UnUULn EVCrtlNOS AT 8:30
Murphy & Nichols Co.
Goleman's Cats and Dogs
Leo Carrlllo
Clark 8lsters & Farnum
Nevlns & Erwood
Russell & Devlrne
Aldro & Mitchell
MatB. 15c and 25c
Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c
Lincoln Sanitarium Plungm
TU flrnt Silt Water Swlnwltti ftl
PURS 1 Ladles, Morning Hzoept ndara.
QenUenen. Afternoon and Erentnat. LaiUa
and Qtatlaman, Honda? and Trldajr Brcnlnct.
1411 ill H Itmli. Siiclal PirtJu Arrtiftl ftr
TYPEWRITEDS " MAKES Rent applied on purchiMJ
faffmitiKj SOLD or RENTED price. Two year written
guarantee with every mm-
c vmm Mil w w TV m v&& nyHi y llAoV
ohlne iold. Difltrbutow New Model, L. C. Smith & Broi. Yieible.
rwtrlol nrlm lff
Avto phone 080. Bell phont 1290. t Se. 13th St, Llmcelm, Heir.