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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1911)
5BKEflajHtt.! -.. ,;:2.Tn-3.;s:r-0l wiiwa'iyiugi'i'iwwuLiJiLiJiiuuiiiMu 71 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN wr-iT.T. -Htt"JvXT: THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TIII3 PnOPBIlTY OF THB UNIVBnSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. Published by THB STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL 8TAFF. Editor S. O. COTNER Managing Editor A. II. DINSMORE Assoclato Editor T. M. EDOECOMBE Asaoolato Editor RICHARD MEYER BU8INE88 STAFF. Managor V. C. HASCALL AeslBtnnt Manager.... C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Managor. ...J. V. MORRISON Editorial and Business Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Pottofflco, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. 8UB8CRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 2683; Bell 1123. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will bo charged for ut tho ratu of 10 conts tho Insertion for overy llftocn words or fraction thoro of. Faculty notices and University bul letltiH will gladly bo published froo. Entorod at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter, undor tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. FEBRUARY 11, 1911. L.E8T WE FORGET. To tho follies of. yesterday often may bo traced tho wisdom of today. Wo stumblo and begin to wondor, wo fall and then sometimes learn. Some people muBt fall tho second tlmo bo fore lcnowledgo comes, and, tho rec ords In tho hands of tlfo delinquent committee show that one man fell four times and then thoro was no suro sign that ho had profited by his oxporienco. Such things aro a dlsgraco to the -i unlxoxflltY.- and tho action of tho au- thorltlcs in refusing registration to nlno applicants Is to bo commend ed. Their efforts to ralso tho stand ard of tho university should, recolvo tho sanction and support of each In dividual and ovory organization Inter ested in tho school. Tho University of Nebraska 1b not a .place for Idlers and loafers. It Is nn Institution for New High Toe Tan Shoes Button and Lace Get Wise, You Fellows 1415 O St. tho dovolopment of tho young men and women of tho state, and tho sooner tho "Bluffer" cln'ss finds this out tho better for all concerned. It will at least mako tho work of tho delinquent committee loss strenuous, and savo a fow littlo unpleasant affairs. SENIOR ELECTION. ' 'While personal feeling should bo kept out of all campaigns, nnd it is to bo regretted that It ovor showed itself at all In tho raco for tho presi dency of tho fourth year class, still tho way It has turned out has not been detrimental to tho university. It is a credit to tho two defeated candi dates and their supporters that thoy havo burled tho hatchet and are will ing to Btand by tho decision of tho claBS. It Is tho proper spirit and no harm can ovor como from it. Tho bitter fight has made tho elec tion of class officers Interesting and lively. Class spirit has boon stirred up, nnd tho way tho office-seekers worked was really pleasant to boo. It has "been no half-hearted affair, and now that it is all ovor and everything ' has conWoTICrrlglitTTfidlmlversIly haB very little to regret. Tho seniors .havo set a good example for" other . classes to follow get out and work for ydur man, and then when It 1b over, forgot It. Gone, gone, gone! They aro gone, gono to tho flro wo hope, for they havo mado hideous, countenances that wero otherwiao comely; they havo brought forth showers of tears, nnd now they too havo boon forced to travel tho same road thoao few well pruned and potted hairs. It is with joy wo behold tho senior solons shorn of their folly. THAT HORRIBLE CLA88 MEET. Our poot, being Inspired by divine spirits (apricot brandy) wont violent ly Insane ovor tho freshman-sopho-moro athletic meet. Wo plibllBh bo low a good oxamplo of his ravings: Hero's food for thought that's really good to eat; tho freshmen and tho Bophoniores liaya .a moot. In glancing at tho linos above, you feel a shock run through your frame, or, If you fool no shock at all, why, thon your system is to blame. For, who can bo bo calm and cold and read with passlvo staro, tho awful grand noBB of tho nows that's plainly writ ton there? Just pause and think what all this means, this ath(e)lot!c moot; tho freshmen, victors in tho fall, 'aro Buroly liard to boat Tho sophomores tired of dlro defeat (of this pleaso mako a note), aro out for blood and all declare thoy'll got tho froshmon's goat. They loudly claim In accents wild that ro-vongo must bo thelrB, nnd when tho love feast has bogun they'll take tho bill o' fares. And going through tho bill will coyly pick out what 1b host, then hand the frcBhmen what Is loft and lot them havo the rest. But freshmen only wink at this, thoy, claim that fato Is storn, nnd everything tho sophs do LgoLlIiOYfiurQ havo got to cam. Both teams aro sure tiio niectMs theirs, and neither team will shirk. Believo me, though, tho ope that wins is going to do somo work. Agricultural Club. All members of tho Agricultural club aro requoBted to meet at Town sond's at 1 p. m. Saturday to havo BUDD thoir plcturo taken for tho Corn busker. Charter Day Try-outs. Try-outs for all events of tho Char tor day meet will bo held In the armory this afternoon at 3 o'clock. No entries will bo mado after thiB tlmo. THE BULLETIN "rrrr February. 11 English club, entertained by Miss McPhoo and MIbs Pound at 1632 L street. 11 Komonsky, talk on Omaha In dians, M. It. Gilraoro, 8 p. m., tho Temple. 11 Sophomoro-froshman Indoor ath lotlc contest, 8 p. m., tho armory. 11 Basketball, Nebraska vs. Kansas at Lawrence. 12 Sunday morning meeting, Phillip A. Swartz, 9 a. m., Y. M. C. A. rooms. 11 Portfolio club, Sara Hayden, "Chester French," 4 p. m Library hall. 'fse!! mw nlJVJZ 'A t ,. Men si meeting, Ceora Lanham, reader, 3:30 p,m Oliver theater'; EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS tihtf A NICE DAINTY LUNCH FOR MINE A nice hot snappy drink on a cold day, and then there are other soda drinks, too. Egg Drinks, Lemonades, Crushed Fruits, in fact anything in the drinkable line you might desire. Dainty Punches for parties, Delicious Brick Ice Cream for banquets, Hot Drinks, Whipped Cream. THE FOLSOM Glee Club Concert OLIVER THEATRE March 3, 1911 PHILLIP A. SWARTZ HERE. Speaks to Men Sunday Morning In Temple Rooms. Tho international secretary of tho Y. M. C. A. Is visiting Nebraska for three days in tho Interest of tho stu dont volunteer movement. Ho mot tho volunteer band last evening and is meeting studentfe today at tho Y. M. C. A. rooms. All men aro invited to attend tho mooting Sunday morning at 9 o'clock., Mr. Swartz will speak. Every man should mako an effort to hoar him. SWITZLER CH08EN. Unanimous Choice of Junior Law ClaBs for President. Still maintaining its record for swiftness in handling its affairs, tho Junior law class yesterday elected It. M. Swltzlor of Omaha for president in loss than three minutes. Mr. Wundor placed tho name of Mr. Swltz lor in nomination. A motion closed tho nominations nnd the secretary was Immediately Instructed to cast tho vote of tho class for tho Omaha man. W. M. Summorvlllo- has been at tho. head of tho class during tho semester past. FOREST CLUB ANNUAL. Nebraska Only School to Put Out Such a Publication. Work on tho Forest club annum in -progressing rapidly,-and it Is hoped io aavo it ready for distribution the last of this month. Wado It. Martin, '11, is editor-in-chief, and Richard Guthrlo, '12, associate editor. , This is tho third edition of tho Forest club annual, and will bo larger than the monxs m rorestry, Nebraska is the only ono which lm n,,hu,,i ,; thing of this kind. a31lcrcF M y- 1307 O STREET yiPRINTINGlLS Boo TJa Before Ordering Elsowher Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-100 No 14th St. The First Trust and Savings Bank A PEW CENT INTEREST A $1 opens an account 189 South 11th Stroot. 3l CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. L. HAUL, President F. El. JOHNSON. Vlce-prealdeat BEJMAN C. FOX. r.Bfilor W. W. HACKNEY Tf! ...,uA .--. : m Herpolsheimer's Cafe Dinner U30 to Jt30 OEj Supper 5i30 to 7i30 CUC ALSO CAFETERIAN STYLE Hot Waflis with Maple Syrup IQi UNIVERSITY JEWEI J & OPTIGM!! C. A. Taockeir JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FROMT . Vour. Patronage Solicited A - ,i J