-""Uijauat1BS9T" vWiMcWWWjVigps THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN K V I- CAMPUS GLEANINGS Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. B. H. Held, law 11, haB gono to Omaha for a few days. Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P. Shirley FoaBlor, 13, has left school and Is working for tho Burlington. Don Camoron'a Cafe, 119 So. 12th. Tho junior class election will be hold next Tuesday in tho chapel. Have your clothes pressed at Web er's Sultorium, Eleventh and O. tf Professor C. W. Pugsloy 1b at Co lujnbus, O., attending tho national corn show. Chicken pie supper, U. P. church, 16th and R, Friday" evo, G to 8. 80-2t Helen Hallaw'ay, 13. Pi Beta Phi, has returned! to school after a sem ester's absence. Headache cured. G. W. Howe, op tician, 319 N. 12th St. 80-2t Howard Thomas, ex-'ll, Phi Gammn Delta, recently spent a few days with friends in town. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 . No. 11th. In place of the regular meeting of tho Palladians tonight a valentine party will bo given. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13th and P streets. Helen Fair, 13, Alpha Phi, returned yesterday after a two weeks' visit to her homo in Hardy, Neb. George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling CardB, In vites and Programs. -I-- -The Junior law class will elect of fleers this morning at 11 o'clock No candidateslmve-'-ns--yeK-announcejd-HNitjGonnellr themselves. Tho friends of R. M Switzler have been urging him to come out for tho presidency New Arrivals Jersey Vest Sweaters fulk Prou Dlnn Uornnn FURNISHER bray, diub, mar uuii. 132b o The Medical society will give a so cial at tho Temple this evening. All medical students are urged to be pres ent Miss Greene's Cafoterid. Best noon day lunch In town. For both ladles and gentlemen. Any service from 10c up. tf AH members of the Agricultural club are requested) to be at Town senda studio at 2 p. m. Saturday, Feb ruary 11th; Hlltner Bros., Florists, 118 So. 12tH St-. PhoneB Auto 1894, Bell 330. Choice roses, carnations and chrysanthemums. Wo solicit tho university trade. . Tho junior prom committee an nounces that sophomores and fresh men will be excluded from tho dance. A now method of selling tickets is be ing planned, which will prevent any of tho under classmen from procur ing them. Ladies Velvet Button Shoes More in Stock $3.00 t220 O John Laird, formerly ut 1130 O St., is now at Chapman's barber Bhop, 127 No. 12th St. Former patrons wol come. 81-5t The meoting of tho Union Literary society tonight will bo in tho nature of a Valentino party. Preparations have been made for an all around good time. Dean Richards of tho engineering collogo gave a lecturo laBt night on "Rofrigorating Machinery" before an audlenco composed mostly of engineer ing students. Walter Wohlenberg, 10, .who haB been ill for the last two months, will return to Pittsburg next week, where ho is employed, by tho WestlngliouBo Electrical company. Harry Wilson, ox-'ll, has been visit ing university friends. Mr. Wilson has been In the mercantile. busineBB at Crawford, Neb., but is now on his way ,to Canada to buy a largo ranch. A. H. Miller, deputy supervisor of tho Holy Cross national forest reserve in Colorado, gave a very Interesting address last night to the students In forestry, on planting and reconnais sance. Beta Theta Pi forfeited last night to tho Alpha Tau Omega team in tho intorfratornity basketball tournament. The championship in the first division now lies between tho Delta Upsilon and Alpha Tau 'teams, each having won four games. Learn touch typewriting without going to commercial school. Wo fur nish university students with a com plete course in touch typewriting and rent you any make of typewriter, three months for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange, 140G O street. tf Tho Platform club met last evening in tho Tomplo and elected the follow ing officers: B. B. Johnson, president; H. B. English, vice-president; F. C. secretary Gr U Rein treasurer. Following the election the question of national versuB state con servation was discussed. 33 Discount Wool Sweaters Goat and Vest. AND HATTER street SENIOR FORMAL TONIGHT. All Tickets Have Been Sold Grand March at 7:45. Those attending tho senior formal should bo present at 7:30 at the Lin coln hotel, as tho grand march starts at 7:45. It is hinted to juniors, seniors and alumni that the entire eighty tickets have been exhausted. People without tickets are cautioned not to appear as those without tick ets will not be admitted. CORNHU8KER PICTURES Juniors and seniors have only $ until Feb. 18 to get their pic- tures In the 1911 Cornhusker. JOKE8 Save your Jokes for the Joke box or hand them In at the office. $ AJg -g Alt .A. .Sl A. .U .k si i 1 si U b 1, L Street. Classified Column Advertisements for this column should bo left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p, m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. For Sale Due bill on loading pho tographer in Lincoln. Seo Nobraskan managor. tf For Sale Full dreBB suit, absolutely now, bIzo 37 long, 1910 modol. Bar gain ?25.00. Call Men's Furnishing Department, Rudgo & Guenzol. 79-5t For Sale DreBB Bult for short man, very reasonable price. Call Auto 2989. 81-3t Educational. Learn -Wireless and R. R. Telegra phy. Shortago of fully 10,000 operat ors on account of 7-hour law and ex tensive "wireless" developments. Wo operate under direct supervision of telegraph officials' and positively placo all students, when qualified. Write for catalogu. Nat'l Telograph Inst., Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis, Davenport, la., Columbia, S. C., Port land. Ore. tf L08T. Lost Beta Theta PI pin. Finder return to or notify Arthur Wherry, 1520 P street. Auto phono 7399. 78-5t Lost An A. K. &. E. 8-inch slide rule, on campus. Return to Nobras- kan office. 81-3t -F-OUND Found In University hall, a silk muffler, a Unicersity fountain pen and nn automatic self-filler pen. Owner may have samo by Identifying and paylngi for this ad. 78-3t Found On sidewalk In front of the campus, a neck fur. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for this ad. 78-31 Phillip A. Swartz will speak "before tho noon meeting of tho Y. W. C. A. to day at 11:50. Ho is international sec retary of the students' volunteer move ment. Ho speaks again at the Sunday morning meoting for men in tho Y. M. C. A. rooms at tho Templo building. Herpolsheimer's Gaft Dinner Jit 30 to 1:30 Supper 5t30 to 7t30 25c ILS0 CAFETERIAN STYLE Hot Wallii with Maplt Syrup IOi WPRINTINGUgr Boo TJa Before Ordering Elsewhar Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Bookleti VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-100 No 14th St. TYPEWRITEBS ALL MAKES Bent applied on purchH SOLD er RENTED price. Two year written chine sold. Distributor! New Model, L. C. Smith & Bros. Tidbit. GeJl-or-wnte-for-catelofloie-and . - pedal price list B. F. SWANSONTCEnficT Auto phone 2080. Bell phone 129ft. 1U St. 13th St, Urala, Ktftr. If You Put On a Shirt bought of us thoro can, bo no disappointment in fit, fabric or fashion. Stop and see our now Man hattans thoy represent per fection in the art of shirtmak.-. ing. In attractive patterns and gurranteed to hold their color. $1.50 to $3.50. Does milder weather make you want a now hat? Tho Spring Stetsons have come and your choice is a mong them. MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre "8T7T!7rr7ENrCIHT,- FBBTTr 8peclal Dramatic Announcement The Melo-Dramatic Sensation of All Tlmo Henry W. 8avago Offers "MADAME X" Mat Ore. $1.00. Bal. 76c & 50c. Gal. 25c. Night Ore. $1.50. Bal. $1.00 &. 75c. Ql. 50c. MONDAY NIGHT, FEB. 13 HONEYMOON TRAIL Bargain Prices 25c to $1.00 Tuesday Mat. and Night, Feb. 14 THE SMART SET Wed. Mat. and Night, Feb. 15 MADAME SHERRY LINCOLN "IFn'aW a,ao ORPHEUM KRIS ADVANCED VADDVILLE Murphy & Nichols Co. Goleman's Cats and Dogs Leo Carrlllo Clark 8lstere & Fa mum Nevlns & Erwood Russell & Devlrne Aldro & Mitchell Mats. 15c and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c Lincoln Sanitarium Plunge TH Brut Silt Watir SvlMlag M BBBBS99SSS99B9BaKS 1 OURS i Ladles, Mornings KxMt luliti, Otatlaaea. Afternoons and Brenlniis. Uw and QsnUsmsa, Monday and Friday &!. 1411 til M Strut. tpiclil Partln kmH4 ftr minMM'i 4.l v