THE DAILY NEBRAIKAN v t Y 0 1 V CAMPUS GLEANINGS Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Drum Major -Mullin of the univer sity cadet band has loft school. Capital potol Barber 8hop 11 & P. Katherlqe Yates entertained the members of the "Mico and Men" cast at her homo last ovenlng. Don Camerqn'a Cafe, 119 So. 12th. H. O. Coulter 1b comth arid ant of cadets at the Nebraska Military Acad emy. Have yqur Clethea pressed at Leb er's Sultorium, "Elovontnand O. if Tho Delta Gamma will give a the ater party Wficjnesday evening at tho Oliver. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. Mr. Ernest L. Kretsinger, '10, Is studying law with, his father, Hon.-EJ. L. Kretsinger , of Beatrice, Nebr. Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13th and P streets. Phi Delta Thota defeated the Phi Kappa PbI by a score of 24 to 23 In tho Interfraternlty basketball BerJes. George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling Cards, In v,ltea 'and Prqfeirams. Miss Greene's Cafeteria. Best noon day lunch In town. For both ladleB and gentlemen. Any servlco from UkFtitfr """ tf Hlltner Bros., Florists. 118 So. 12W St. Phones Auto 1894, Boll 330.' Choice roses,- carnations and chrysanthemums, o sojklt the university trade. Mr. Wank O. Wheelock, '10, who Is connected -ftiti tho Bell Telephone company at Omaha, was the guest of friends Sunday. Delta Tau Delta fraternity enter tained at a- house party Saturday -oveningr-SoYeral-alumnt'of tho fritter' nlty- were present, including Ellett B. Drake, '09. ojt Beatrice, Netf., and "Vm. B. Aton, O30-'i2, of Alexandria, Nebr. Sam Buck, law '12, has rpturnod to Nebraska. Ho spont last semester In tho law college of tho University of Washington at 8eattlo. Work on the program for University night, February 17, Ib nrocro$slns: ran- .idly. . Dress rohparsuiB for tho festivi ties will be held Thursday evening, February 16. Tho unlverBlty band1 will hold one of its celebrated Informal danceB In tho near future It was tho custom a few years ago to givo theBo dances every few weeks. Mr. Clifton, president of the Iancus ter Gardeners' association, gave a very interesting discussion on "Vogotablo Growing" last ovenlng boforo tho mem bers of tho horticultural seminar. On tho western coast tho romanco languages soem to bo considered more important than German. Out of an enrollment of four thousand six hun dred students registered for Spanish and six hundred for French; 'Prof. R. A. Emmefaon, liead of tho department of hortlculaure, was re cently granted a leave of absence, and is doing research work at Harvard uni versity in 'heredity plant breeding. During Prof. Emmerson's absence the department of hirtlculturo 1b in charge of ProfeBsorB Westgoto and Howard. Classified Column ELECTION8 TOMORROW. Seniors and Sophomores Will Decide on .Class Officers.. Class elections still continue to bo tho Ibsuo among those politically In clined. Owing to tho (prominence and activity of the varlouB candidates, moro than the usual amount of enthu siasm has been stirred up. Doflnlte dates have been announced for the elections. Tho senior election comes Off Thurfldiiv In MnmnrtnT Imll PresldenrsoaTSTJttaiirBophoTiiorfrclaBfl announces tnat tneBopnomore election Will txf held Thursday at 11:30 In the Temple. Before tho election of of- ZYERYBODY KNOWS that nobody's noae is like any other nose, but he who can fit any nose knows how to fit your nose- aive us a 'trial and wear that smile that won't come off. Established 1871 HALLETTit Registered Optometrist Uz o st. One of tho senior law seminars lias organized into a club for tho purpose of study. It will meet regularly and go over tho semester's work. Grace Holman, '12, has re-entered tho university. She has been In at tendance at tho University of Minne sota during tho last semester. N. E. Buckley, '05, stopped at tho Phi Kappa PsI house while in Lincoln yesterday. He is with tho Union Pa cific at Omaha. Clifford Hardin, ex-'ll, has returned to enter the university. Ho has been working for the Northern Pacific at Winnipeg. Learn touch typewriting without going to commercial school. Wo fur nish university students with a com plete course in touch typewriting and rent you any make of typewriter, three months for -f 6.00. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange, 1406 O street. tf fleers several important committee re ports will be heard. The Junior nnd freshmen elections will probably bo hold Tuesday, Febru ary 14. Considerable campaigning has been done by some of the first year men in behalf of their favorite candi dates, and the finish will bo exciting. The sophomores had announced .their election to bo held in Memorial hall, but changed tho place of meeting to the Temple in order to accommodate tho seniors. Relay Men, Notice. Sophomore try-outs for the relay team to represent tho class In tho in door meet with tho freshmen will be held Wednesday, Feb. 8, at noon, in tho gymnasium. AH men who expect to compote are requested to bo on hand promptly at 12 o'clock. C. F. PHILLIPS, Chairman. Ladies Velvet Button Shoes More in Stock $3.00 YATESFRENCH dfc. 1220 O Street. Advertisements for this column should ba 'left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be in serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 1o crfnts per insertion for every fifteen ords or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three Inser tions 25" cents? five insertions 40 cents, For Sale Duo bill on loading pho tographer In Lincoln. Soo Nobraskan managor. tf For Sale Full dress suit, absolutely now, sizo 37 long, 1010 model. Bar gain $25.00. Call Men's Furnishing Department, Itudgo & Guonzol. 79-5't Educational. - i IS SH B BBJ SUMS in MJflBEj Learn WiroloBB 'and-R. Rr-Tolognn- pny. Bnonage of fully 10,000 operat ors on account of 7-hour law and ox tensive "wireless" dovelopraonts. Wo operate under direct supervision of telegraph officials and positively placo all students, when qualified. Write for catalogu. Nat'l Telegraph InBt., Cincinnati, Philadelphia, MomphiB, Davenport, la., Columbia. S. C, Port land. Ore. . -- . ' - fr LOST. ' lx)Bt Beta Theta Pi pin. Finder' return to or notify Arthur Whorry, 1520 P street. Auto phono 7309. 78-5t Lost On tho campus, a silver cuff button and a German book, "Lyrics and Bounds." Return to Nobraskan ofilce. 78-3t Lost A black cravenotto ovorcoat, taken from Nebraska hall Friday after noon. Return to Nobraskan ofilce. Re- .ward. : 70-it - FOUND. Found In University hall, a silk muffler, a Unlcorsity fountain pen and an automatic self-filler pen. Owner may Have Bame by Identifying and paying for this ad. 78-3t Found On sidewalk in front of tho campus, a neck fur. Owner may have same by identifying and paying foi this ad. 78-31 Simmons the Printer T i V nM of PRINTING Engraving Embossing Auto. ?319 317 So. 12th Tle First Trust and Savings Bank A PEU CENT INTEREST SI opens an account s 180 South 11th Street. 32 ONIVEIISITY JEWEI 1 & OPTKUI C. A. T-i " ib m JEWELER s.s. OPTICIAN 1123 I STREET, YELLOW FRONT Vovr Patronage Solicited S(iean " A Business Proposition demands your attention. It is to. your financial benefit to take advantage of it. Broken lines of our winter suits and overenntfl nrn not i '"T 7-0t,exnauateil.. 7 i 1 1 1 n . . i iuu uun sun oo ntteu m some very choice garments at one-third off. The old has made way for tho now the new spring Man hattan shirts and Stetson bats are now on display. MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre TONIGT-AT-8:16 WHITESIDE; In "THE MELTINQ POT" Prices $1.50 and $2.00. Gal 50c THUR8DAY NIGHT, FEB. "9 Handicap Wrestling Match FRANK GOTCH $1.50, $1.00, 75c and 60c , 8AT. MAT. & NIGHT, FEB. 11 HENRY W. 8AVAGE Offers ; "MADAME X" 'Mat. $1 to 25c. Night $1.50 to 60c Feb. 13 "Honeymoon Trail" Feb. 14 The 8mart Set. LINCOLN MATWSKO "38 ORPHEUM ftWiB ADVANCED VAUDVILLE l Murphy & Nichols Cp. Goleman's Cats and Rogs Leo Carrlllo Clark 8lsters & Fa mum Nevlns & Epfioptl Russell & Devlrne Aldro & Mitchell Mats. 16o and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c jUPRINTINtiU AJT Bee Us Before Ordering Elsewhere Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, $ookleti VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-180 No 14th St ' TYPEWRITERS AU MAKES Kent applied on purchu - SOU) w BIHTtD price. Two year writtSS chin. ,R Di.Wbutpr N.w Modd, L. gBSggSSgg J ' Auto phona 2080. Btll phona 12M. 143 Se. 13th St,' Uace'la, Mefcr.