vwnr THE DAILY NEBRASKAN sT -grj --; 7-' jK1 ? THE DAILY NEBRASKAN a . v . t THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor '. S. O. COTNER Managing Editor A. H. DINSMORE ABBOplato Editor T. M. EDGECOMBE Adfelajo Editor RfCHARp JMEYfiR BUSINESS STAFF. Manngcr . i...V. C. HASCALL Assistant Manager.... C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Manager.... J. V. MORRISON Editorial and Business Office: A8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. . Postofflce, station $, Lncop, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 6 Cents Bach. TalepKohet Auto 1888. Nloht Phones uto 1888; Auto 2683; Bell 1123. INDIVIDUAL N.OTICES will be charged for at thd rata of 10 cents the Insertion for every flftccn words or froptlon thoro of. Faculty notices and University bul letins will gladly bo polished free. Entered at the postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, ae socond-claaa mall matter, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. FEBRUARY 8, 1911. A NEBRASKA DIRECTORY? Tho Harvard alunini have just Is sued a directory that 1b new in many respects to any similar publication, for it contains tho name of very man who has been a student at that Insti tution. Tho book has cost a great deal of patient labor. It was neces sary to mako many searches for mlSB ing men, and a great deal of time was required. But the result is surely worthy of tho effort. Why should Nebraska not publish such a directory? Its benefits would bo beyond estlmalo7Tobo suro there aro alumni directories, nut what Ne braska needs Ib a dlroctory that con tains tho names of all students who havo over taken, work at tho univer sity. Some of tho most loyal and use ful mon in tho outside force of the university nro men who havo never still quartored on the third floor of Unlvorslty hall. Tho increase in attendance in this department makes It' Imperative that room must bo found for tho lawyers very soon. Tho class rooms aro al ready overcrowded and tho library is far too small. 'Tho solution Is not dif ficult -a law building. EXPLANATION NEEDED. Tho refusal of tho junior law class to sign tho "honor system" indicates that Borne of tho students are unwil ling to hurry its adoption. When the proposition that they might take thoir examinations in tho library, condi tioned that thoy sign tho etntemont submitted on behalf of tho instructors, was submitted It was unanimously voted down and tho class decided to go to tho Temple. Ono of two things Is evident, either tho honor-sygtom lsnot understood by tho students, or oIbo thoy .are against it. Tho prevailing opinion 1b that it means ono student shall act as a spy upon 'another. This is tho point of dif ference and It must be explained be fore an understanding will be reached. Sunshine and warm weather follow ovory little cold snap, and we aro al ways glad. Something disappeared during tho examinations, but it has again come forth and Ib more loath to leave than over. No matter what weather prevails a fog still hangs about tho south gate. The wreathes of smoko till are visible to the eye from a distance and every wind bears tho odors of tobacco over tho city. Ye godB, what an advertisement! Each ono Is anxious to know whether the other got through, what his grade was, how he answered UiIb and how ho answered) that. Now It Is a gooTHhTngTb "Ifo so'InterGBtedin the; class work of tho university and may urge you on In tho future. But would you not be willing to do everyone a favor by meeting your frlond Borne evening when you can havo plenty of tlmo to talk? It would be such a re lief not to havo the hallways blocked -T T- GF f"T"fW -" MaKe No Dates For Febr. 17 M Vmvp,Sr4 I I f $2.50 Wool Union Suits $1.70 $2.00 Cotton Union Suits $1.25 $1.50 Cotton Union Suits $1.00 $1.00 Cotton Union Suits 89c BUDD 1415 O St. taken a dpgree. Thoy aro good loyal Nobraskans, mon whom wo aro glad to moot at any tlmo. Tho call of tho groat world outside tho campus was ir resistible and they went forth not without education but without diplo mas. Everyone wants to know whoro these men aro tyday and how to And them. Nebraska muBt have a direc tory like that of Harvard. SPELL OF CRAMP81 A year ago when the law students wore compelled to take their examina tions in tho Temple, soated on camp chairs with a piece of ipaBteboard for a table, there came forth groat waitings and many cries. Some kind ear muBt havo heard for when tho last semester had rolled by the solons wero allowed to brief their knowledge whilo seated in comfortable chajrs. But again fato frowned and the poor "lawB" aro still trying to straighten ouf thoir corporeal bodies. Tho terrible camp chairs and pasteboard tables have cast their spell of cramps over the legal victims. Why must this all bo? Again it is tho cry of "no room," and true enough that is what is the matter. In spite of tho fact that those who havo gono forth-from.thlR department nrejirjrtfe ing fame to Nebraska, in spite of tho fact that those who aro still -within tho school are "so lawless,!' thoy. aro by these little mutual admiration societies. Wo aro sorry that the basketball team had to loso to Ames at all. It Booms like tho very irony of fate. Wo have tho men who can play, and if someone can JUBt discover, the "'hoo doo" which pursues Nebraska's bas ketball team their fame will nover die. KanBas.says sho is going to take both games and haB never Interviewed tho CornhuskerB at all. THE BULLETIN February. 8 Basketball, Missouri vs. Nebras ka, at Columbia. 9 Convocation, Prof. Sarka Hrbkova, "Bohemian Life," illustrated by stereoptlconv Memorial hall. 9 Basketball, Missouri vs. Nebras ka, at Columbia. 9 Dean Richards, ''Refrigerating Machinery," M. E. building, 7:30 P. m.. 9 Spphomoro class election, 11:30 a. m., Temple. 9 Senior class election, 11:30 a. m., . .-.' . -.n ' - Memorial hall. 10 'Basketball, Nebraska vs. Kansas, at Lawrence. V . n For Lunches Put Up f& Prtte& also Ice Cream and College Ices, and Fruit Punches Call at THE FOLSQM, 1307 O St BOTH PHONES rlLZjm vvMPkkkTuMrfrtTmhisaZtSPS a iflHlflilVwSvBflNUIIijih .jcv. Lincoln Sanitarium Plungm Tk. O.ll W.L" I.L.I.. it " in aim on nam raw im mmmmmmsBaasaasmmmmBmmmmt MOCKS i X1m, Moral fexetyt 'talM. OraUBm. AfMraooas m4 KtmUbm.. tMMt M SWImu, Moadar rrur twSiS1 14tl Ml ttmts. tftclil PtrtM iimju'fn T- r ?i i EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AMD BON BONS &htf' cfihista wr i NOTIC E SUBSCRIBERS We are still continuing to send The Nebraskan to those who were subscribers last semester, but who have not subscribed, so far, this semester. & & jj If you are one of these and do not desire your subscription continued stop in at the office or notify us by postal ; otherwise we shall take it that you desire the SUBSCRIPTION CONTINUED H IJa ir i I I V- S JHWMS5r IT