The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 08, 1911, Image 1

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i i
be 2)aih IFtebrasfcan
j Vot X. No. 78
Price 5 Cents.
i .1
i -
Chancellor Avery Receives Frst JSIo
tlce by Mall Yesterday Award .
to Be Made by Committee.
An j announcement has been definite
ly published to university students
that a medal will bo awarded to the
cadet who, In competitive drill, will
'demonstrate his superior qualities as
a soldier, Inducting all the requisites
of general military efllclenoy.
The genoral order, No. 8, Is Issued
by Capt. H. B. Yates to the cadet bat
talions last evening Is as follows:
"Brigadier General John J. Pcrsh
ihg, ,U. S. army, 'has offered a medal to
bo awarded each year during the com
mencement week to the best all-round
soldier student.
"The selection for the purposo of
this award shall bo made on the basis
of: first, military standing, to bo deter
mined by soldier bearing, attention to
discipline, and genoral military effici
ency; second, general standing as a
university student each to bo given
equal "welghT "Thole eligible to com
pote shall bo members of the Pershing
Rifles, and members of the senior or
junior class. No person shall receive
the modal more than once.
"The award will bo made by a com
mittee consisting of a dean of the
faculty, tho commandant of cadets,
and a third member chosen by a vote
of tho active members of tho Pershing
Purpose of the Medal.
Brigadier General John J. Pershing,
who was at one time commandant of
the cadet battalion, has just made an
offer to give a medal each year to the
best all-round soldier and student in
the membership of the Pershing Rifles.
The letter from General Pershing was
received! by Chancellor Avery yester
day. It -was written from tho army
post in the Philippines where General
Pershing is stationed. He desires to
cultivate not only military excellence
among the students-but-also encour
age the more all-round' development In
all class work as well.
Genoral Pershing -was the founder
of tho crack drill team which now
boars his name. He was one of the
early commandants at the university.
He was stationed at this post in the
fall of 1891 and remained for four
years. He succeeded Lieutenant Grif
fith as commandant. He is remem
bered by many members of the faculty
and a great many more citizens of Lin
coln as one of the most progressive
and onefgotlc of tho Nebraska mili
tary o nicer s. The respect of the uni
versity for him did not wane when he
left for his new poBt.
Letter from the Philippines.
Tho following letter from Brigadier
General Pershing explains the method
of deciding which .student shall re
ceive the medal:
Headquarters Department of Mindanao
Zamboanga, Philippines.
December 19, 1910.
The Chancellor,
State -University.
Dear Sir:
To encourSge among the young' mefi
oi tne university or Nebraska tne cui-
The committee, consisting of 8. V
Shonka, H. K. Wolfe and R. G. Clapp,
appointed1 to Investigate appllcapts for
the all-year coaohship reported tho
names of six men to tho board last
night. Neither ot the six was actuals,
ly recommended for election, but as
Dr. Clapp, secretary of the board, said
''They were recommended for most
serious consideration after sifting
down from tho thlrtyelght applicants.
Neither man has been actually reconv
mended for election.
Tho report of tho committee In pari
was as follows:
Your committee on all-year coach
begs to submit tho following roport:
Thirty-eight men have applied for
this position or havo been recommend
ed by others to your committee for
your consideration. Wo havo conduct
ed a very extensive correspondence
with these candidates and have inves
tigated their preparation and experi
ence as fully as possible. After some
personal interviews and very careful
consideration of tho matter, wo recom
mond careful consideration of the fol
lowing men by tho athletic board:
C. C. Childs, Yalo university.
Z. D. Clovonger, University of Indl--
anav now director of-athletics Nebras
ka Wesleyan university.
Edward L. Greene, University of
Pennsylvania, Now Haven, Conn.
John Marks, Dartmouth college,
Minneapolis, Minn.
S. S. Metzger, University of Wiscon
sin, now director of athletics, RIpon
college, RIpon, Wis.
Report Accepted.
Tho board accepted the roport of its
committee and roferred it to tho board
of regents for final determination.
Tho board of regents will select one of
tho six men.
It is generally expressed by students,
in their campus gossip, that Childs has
tho best chance, and it is understood
that be will probably be in Lincoln
soon to meet tho chancellor and mom-
bei-8 of the board of rogonts. Tho
board, howover, has not officially an
nounced anything regarding such a
visit by Mr. Childs.
No Baseball.
The athletic hoards last nlghl
knocked intercollegiate baseball in tho
head, and killed It "deador'n a door
nail" at least so far as tho coming
season Is concerned. Tho action waB
decisive. Nebraska will not play any
baseball gamos with other colleges dur
ing tho spring of 1911.
Tho nctlon of tho board In abolish
ing intercolleglato baseball does not
in nny way do away with tho sport as
a pleasure at Nebraska. Intorfratornity
bnsoball will bo as lively as over, and
all sorts of other local leagues will bo
organized. Intercompany, Interbattal
Ion, Interclnss bnsoball games will be
played and cups will bo given by tho
athletic board. It Is hoped that tho
baseball fever will bo catching at Ne
braska, although tho Intercollegiate
games are out of tho question.
Michigan Scheduled.
The football game with Michigan,
which had been tentatively sot for No.
member 25, wns approved by the board
and tho COntrafit. orfllnivr1 onani Tha
-Kansas'-game-has-been-transferred and-
will be played on November 18 at Law
rence. Either Ames or Missouri will
be played on the homo field. The
schedule of big games, which havo eo
far been arranged, Is ns follows:
Oct. 21, Minnesota at Minneapolis;
Oct. 28, Missouri; Nov. 4, Ames; Nov.
11, pen date; Nov, 18, Kansas at Law
rence; Nov. 25, Michigan at Lincoln.
Track Coach Doubtful.
No track coach has' yet been select
ed for this spring. "Tho whole track
coach matter is up In the air," is tho
way Dr., Clapp put, It last night.
The state high schoo lbasketball
championship tournament will bo held
In tho armory, March 9, 10 and 11, un
der the auspices of the university ath
letic board.
tivatlon of those qualities that make
for character, I shall offer each year a
suitable medal to be awarded to the
member of the Pershing Rifles found
to be the best all around soldier-student
Tho selection for purposes of this
award shall be made on the basis of,
(1) military standing, to be determined
by soldierly bearing, attention to dis
cipline and genoral military efficiency,
and (2) general standing as a unlver
slty student, each to bo given equal
weight Any young man selected must
be a member of either tho senior or
, junior class, and Bhall not be eligible
to receive the medal more than once.
It is my desire that the award be
mado each year by a committee con
sisting of the j dean of tho faculty, the
commandant of cadets, and a third
member, to be chosen by a vote of the
active members of the Pershing Rifles.
I should also be gratified to see the
custom inaugurated of having the
chancellor of the university present
thiB medal during commencement
Very respectfully,
At Wisconsin the university fives a
series of Friday night dances during
the summer tfessTotr; whieb77b&vei
proved very popular, '
Delivers Lecture Before American
Breeders' Association.
Prof.' H. R. Smith, head of the de
partment of animal husbandry, re
turned Monday from Columbus, O.,
whore he attended the annual meet
ing of the American Breeders' associ
ation. This association is composed
of tho leading plant and animal breed
ers of the country. Qn Thursday
evening Professor Smith, addressed
tho association on "Tho Relation of
Animal Confirmation to Gaining Capa
city," his remarks' being based on his
experiments at tho university farm.
Professor Smith' was made chairman
of one of the association's important
committees, tho one on meat produc
tion. '
(Special to the Nebraskan)
Ames, Feb. 7.(n a closely
contested game of basketball
here tonight Nebraska succeed
ed In defeating Ames, 22 to 19.
Author Resorts to Types Rather than
toCharacter Fal fT "SKoTtnor"
Realization of a National
devoutly prayed for national' drama.'
A largo audionco listened with
great interest to Prof. P. M. Buck's ad
dress on "Tho Molting Pot" at convo
cation yesterday morning. At tho bo
beginning of his talk, Professor Buck
spoko of tho lack, so far, of an Ameri
can national drama. "Tho Molting
Pot" is strictly an American play, but
does not fulfill tho conditions of a na
tional drama. A few other American
plays and playwrights woro montloned,
among them the works of Percy Mac
Kay and William Vaughn Moody,
which are among tho best.
Isreal Zangwill, tho author of "Tho
Melting Pot," took a place among tho
now generation of American play
wrights when he published this play
about two years ago. Tho play is
meant to be a concrete illustration of
the great problem we aro striving with
today In America tho fuBlon Into ono
homogeneous mass the ingredionts
that are daily poured into its crucible.
The speaker gave a briof outline of
the plot.
The Pjot.
A young Jewish musician, whoso
parents, brothers, sisters and friends '
have boon massacred at Kischinof, es-.
capes with a wound in tho bnoulder
and emigrates to this country. Car
ried away by the grandeur of his ideal
of this country, he conceives a mag
nificent symphony, symbolical of this
goal of all oppressed people, their
foregathering from all parts of tho
earth and their fusion into one mighty
race, tho race of the future. He falls
In love with a young Russian refugee,
daughter pf the nobleman who direct
ed the Klschlnef tragedy. This love
beats down his Jewish prejudice and
brings him back to his Ideal and his
The author resorts to types rathoi
than characters in his play. Ono great
fault of tho play lies In its being too
ideally optimistic This country has
never shown itself particularly anx
Ioub over the welfare of Its now citi
zens. The play emphasizes, however,
tho, rapid loss of national character
istics by the foreigners coming in,
and particularly tho Jews. But tho
characters Jack reality and it is. a
question if tho Jew is capble of the
stately outlook on things exterior
which the author gives him.
Attempt of Author.
The play, however, Is an effort at a
distinct advance 'in the American
drama. Although weak in characters,
construction and though degenerating
into a sweet little love story, It has a
national theme of interest. Mr. Zang
will tries to show American optimism,
unbounded hope of future and love of
freedom. In spirit the play is essenti
ally American, not in the widest sense,
perhaps, but in having all those enter
ing our ports, come in on a common
footing. While "The Melting Pot" can
not be called the greatest .American
devbutlv -n'rawd fr n n't Inn al 'Arams t