ID?" THE D'AILY NEBR'ASKAN H W. THE DAILY . NEBRASKA N ja THE I'ltOPKHTY OF THE UNIVI5IISITY OF NEBRASKA, Ijlncoln, Nebraska. Published by TIIK'STtmBNT PUBLICATION HOAItD EDITORIAL 8TAFF. Editor C. J. LORD MnitiiKlilB Kdltor ft. J.. HAllOKAVB ABBOdllitd IMItoi A. II. DINHMUKJS GUSINE8S STAFF- Manager O. C KIDDOO ABHlHtnnt MannKiT V. C. UASCALL Circulation Marnier. .C. C. BUCHANAN Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION DLDQ. .Postofflce; Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night phones Autd 1888; Auto 2G83; Bell 1123. v INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 tflll bo charged for at tbo rate of 10 cents the Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of. Faculty notices and University bul letins will Kindly 1)6 published free. Entered at the postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, us second-class mall matter, under tho Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. Advertisements for the want column should be left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. m, and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p, m. Cash must accompany oil orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten 'cents for each fifteen wora or fraction thereof the first Insertion: three Insertions twenty-five tents; five Insertions forty cents. .JANUARY 527, 1911. 9')T(,')''r'fV''F"'T "Jf? "jV ?v ?(v tv TV 7 "ffC With this issue of the Daily Nebraskan; publication Is sus pended for examination week. AB'ThaBbecnthe custom" In" the past, the last issue of the Ne braskan for each semester Is published the day previous to the beginning of examination week. The next Issue will ap pear February 6, under the charge of the new siaff. 1 "Convdcatiom XJesper Services Today 5 p. m. Metiorial Hall considered for the position, ami this than has received favorable mention. However, It 1b importnnt that the bonrd mtiBt consider every point, for and against each man, and if Benedict is tlie be8tTTTTmr-for-the-iosltlon t hen4 he Hhould be chosen. A BEAUTIFUL CAMPUS. To overy student in tho university it is very apparent that no more beau tiful place for the situation of a uni versity couJd be secured than at the state farm. While the care of the catupuB both at the farm and In the city have been placed in the hands of the landscape Hardener tho city cam- piiB lias been one of the most dlfllcult propositions to denl with. This is be cause the assistance of the students has not been granted. During the winter montliB. the desire to "cut across" has been shown more than once, with tho result that well out lined paths have made their appear ance at various places. This results in unBlKhtlincss, and a lack or neat nesB. The remedy for matters of this pnrnrteB-liirtiieTowcr-or-the-inenHiHU women of tho university who do these thlngsv Follow the walks, do not "cut across." and tho work of the men in charge of beautifying tho campuB will bo made easier, and the school as a whole will bo benefited. HALF OVER. In accordance with the long estab- GLOVE SALE $1.00 $1.50 Grade Cape and Kid 1415 O St. BUDD THE FACULTY COACH. The selection of a faculty coach is a matter which requires a great denl of careful investigation and careful consideration. For that reason tho matter hns demanded a great denl of attention on the part of the members of tho committee appointed for that purpose from the athletic board. The student body should awnlt their deci sion with a great deal or patience, for it means that in the end the best man for the position will receive the recommendation of the committee to the bonrd. That a faculty coach must bo sub jected to a thorough investigation is a fdregono conclusion. It Is easy to put a man on tho faculty of a state university, huMf he should prove In competent It Is" with a great denl of dlfllculty. that ho Is removed, Ifccnuse a step of this kind is sure to arouse criticism, no matter how cnrefully It Ib handled. Tho beBt man for the place, that is the Idea, and for this reason tho students of tho university should awnlt the decision of tho in vestigating committee with a great deal of patience. The man himselfmust'- be ered. Mb ability as an. athlete, as woll as his ability to coach are points which must not bo overlooked. Mau rice Benedict, one of tho greatest ath letes Nebraska has over had, has been Hshed custom the Dally NebniBkun suspends publication for the time ex tending over the examination period, which begins tomorrow. Tho Dally Nebraskan for the past semester hns attempted to boost for Nebraska and Nebraska spirit. That true Nebraska spirit is the basis of all movements for the betterment of the university is a recognized, fact. For this reason the Nebraskan has at tempted to boos,t for Nebraska spirit first and laBt. This Is tho Beventy-Boventh Issue of the tenth year, That means that to complete the volume, tho same num ber must follow for the second sem ester, However, It is not for us to criti cise tho paper we have made. We do know this, however, that the Dally Ne braskan has never been more heartily "knocked" than during the present semester. And so- wo comfort our selves with the Haying: "People never 'knock' anything they don't like." It Is really a case of cussing tho thing when you get it and missing it when you don't. eon8ldJJWbuJd that students in this state university dould have tho opportunl tles afforded tho Btudents. of tho Gor man universities of .seeing grand opera productions in all their originality. f J A Famous Make of White Pleated Shirts on Sale Saturday At Eighty Cents All Sizes Palace Clothing Go. 1419 O Street BTQSAfcE of Young Men's Shoes Begins Saturday Morning: Tremendous Reductions on Surplus Stock and Broken Lines ( ' S W m m m frs ' ft ST m m m mms r vy r V i Msss&d 5&X mti& EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS !P 0Wt jm F V ' rTF m mJ mar v 1 V 'A l i i Vi 4 v ' ,