The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 25, 1911, Image 3

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Chapln Broa., Florists, 127 So. 13th.
Tho Forestry club mot last evening
In N2.
Capital Hotel Barber Shop, 11 & P.
Th Germanistische aesellschaft
will meet in tho Temple tonight at
Don Cameron's Cafe, 119 So. 12th.
Tho . Chemistry club will meet to
night In the chemistry lecture room
at 7:30.
Have your 'Clothes-pressed at Web
er's Suitorium, Eleventh and O. tl
Tho Students' Debating club will
meet tonight in U10G. "The Adoption
of the Parcels PoBt by Congress" will
bo debated.
Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120
No. 11th.
F. G. Yule spoke before the mem
bers of the hosticultural seminar Tues
day evonlng on tho subject of "Orna
mentals." The meeting was held in
Horticultural hall at tho state farm.
Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa,
13th and P streets.
Herbert W. Kendall, Y. M. C. A.
secretary for Nebraska colleges, has
returned from an inspection of the col
leges of the state. Ho will remain in
the city for some time.
The Lincoln Typewriter Exchange
has-moved-inta -Ita-new .quarters at
140G 0 St., where they are ready to
show all makes of typewriters with
stands. tf
is tho man who best preserves those faculties with which Nature
has ondowod him. He may " hato to wear glassos "most people
do but tho man of intelligence thankfully accepts this artificial
aid when his eyes toll of its need. Whon yours speak lot us act.
Our service, treatmont and prices shall all bo right.
Established 1871 HALLETT, Registered Optometrist "43 o st.
Wanted Forty Cornhuskers at
Townsend's every day this month.
The Y. M. C. A. mid-week meeting
will bo held tonight in the Temple.
Professor Heck will deliver the last
of the sterebpticon lectures. He will
speak on "The Philippines."
Hiltner Bros., Florists. 118 So. 12US
St. Phones Auto 1894, Bell 330. Choice
roses, carnations and chrysanthemums.
We solicit tho university trade.
The second of Mrs. Lillian Helms'
lecturo recitals on "Shakespeare and
Music" will be given Wednesday even
ing, January 25, university Temple
heater. The public is cordially In
vited. George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth
street, Printers. Calling Cards, In
vites and Programs.
Plain Toe, Short Vamp.
A very stylish example of our excellent values
1:2:20 O
Investigate the nifty photos at
Blazok's studio, 1306 O street. Tho
only ones in the city like them. tf
An Informal ballot for the election
of ofllcers of the Y. W. C. A. for next
year will be held in the association
rooms today.
A meeting of the memborB of tho
fencing association waB held Tuesday
morning at 11 o'clock In Dr. Clapp'B
office. A general discussion of busi
ness affairs occupied tho attention of
those present.
University men who desire to sub
stitute two hours each week of chorus
work for two hours of military drill
-are requested- to-see Mrs HaymondJ
Thursday, January 26 -'Saturday, Jan
uary 28, or 'Monday, January 31, from
4 to 6 p. m., on any of those dateB.
Students must register for this work
in order to get credit.
Sophomores, Attention.
Sophomores who Intend to try-out
for the soph-freshman Indoor meet are
urged to make appointments with the
committee members a,t once. A pro
presslve preliminary will bo held in
order to insure perfect fairness for all
who desire to compete.
All entrees must bo In by Saturday,
February .4. Tho records of all ipre
liminary candidates will bo tnken by
the system of Individual try-outs and
the two best men In each event will
bo allowed to enter the contest against
tho freBhmen.
There Is but ono way that tho Boph
omore claBB can, avoid the fulfillment
of tho "Down with the SophB" slogan
adopted by the freshmen and that is.
for every loyal sophomore to get be
hind, the indoor meet ami push!
Appointments for tryouts may be
made with either Glen Ruby or CT. F.
Phlpplls. Sophomores who know of
men proficient in Indoor athletics can
be of invaluable service to tho com
mittee by giving us their names. Hand
in tho names and we'll get them out!
Dr. Alvord and Dr. Carr Delegated to
Visit Medical Institutions.
The sub-committee of two, consist
ing of Dr. AiiBtln W. Alvord of Battle
Creole, Mich., and Dr. E. Arthur Carr
of Lincoln, Neb., of the committee of
seven, representing the American
Confederation of Reciprocation, exam
ining and licensing boardB, has re
ceived the Itinerary of their first trip
of inspection of the weBtern medical
Schools. The two are to meet In St.
Louis some time in February and com
mence the "work. The first trip, will in
clude the medical colleges of Missouri,
Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska.
New Officers Not to Be Chosen Until
After "Exam" Week.
The worthy movement of sonio class
politicians, who wanted to hold elec
tions before examination week waB
shattered Into a thousand' pieces when
they henrd that unlvorsity law pro
vides thnt election of officers for n
Bemestor must bo held in that partic
ular semester. Goodbye, fond hopes,
farewell! Alas, Bomo of the candi
dates may not be eligible, and thon
again there may bo ono or two new
.students enrolled in each of the
classes. They cannot be told that
the ofllcers who aro to rule over their
destinies havo alroady boon elected by
the original "Bet." On the wholo.
therefore, political, gatherings In, the
-halls- and in -UiovacanLclaBBroQnis
are just at preBent in a state- of un
real condition.
Dates for the clasB elections will be
scheduled next wcok. Nothing can be
done until the examination and regis
tration rushes havo becomo history.
One of tho requirements of the Inw is
that tho dato and placo must bo sched
uled with and approved by tho regis
trar. Nothing of note has occurred
in the twenty-four hours Just past. No
new candidates, no strenuous cam
paigning, no stump speeches, no treat
ing, in fact all is quiet. And in the
stillness of this anxious pre-cxamlna-Hon
senson, even tho politlcinu is
wrapped In blissful study.
Classified Column
Advertisements for this column
should be left at the business office,
basement Administration building, be
tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or between
2 p. m. and 5 p. m.
-WjntjidBl!lPJLYynot bo In
serted unless paid In advance, at the
rate of 10 cents per Insertion for
every fifteen words or fraction there
of for the first insertion; three Inser
tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents.
For Sale Due bill on leading pho
tographer in Lincoln. See Nebraskan
manager. tf
Learn Wireless and It. It. Telegra
phy. Shortage of fully 10,000 operat
ors on account of 7-hour law and ex
tensive "wireless" developments. We
operate under direct supervision of
telegraph officials and positively place
all studentB, when qualified. Write
for catalogu. Nat'l Telegraph Inst.,
Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis,
Davenport, la., Columbia, S. C, Port
land. Ore. tf
For Rent.
For Rent Newly furnished, steam
heated room, within four blocks of
university. Price reasonable. Apply
to Nebraskan manager. 72-5f.
The First Trust and
Savings Bank
$1 opens an account
180 South 11th Street.
Take Your Girl To
13th and N
TYPEWRITEDS ALL MAKES Rent applied on purchiMJ
it i,TTimLKJS0U)wMMTB) price fwo year writUn
R utuiMivvv TV A VIA w V VA j UMb
ohine gold. Distributor! Jftw Modal, L. C. Smith k Broa. yiaibU.
Call or write for catalogua and m ctjiu-nu -
padalprice list ; B. PSWANSON-COIiiC-
Anto phona 2080. Ball phont 1299. 1U S. 13th St, Licla, . Ktftr.
On the Right Track
For some long time wo'vo
beoiv selling, good clotlios no
other kind bus oven boon in
our store.
We're on tho right truck
we're going stick.
When you want good clotlios
clothes that aro refined and
refining then como hero.
You'll never bo disappoint
1109 O Street
12th and O Streets
P. Li. HALL, President
7. V. JOHNSON, Vlco-prosldeat
BBMAN C. FOX, Caahlor
W. W. HACKNEY, JR., Aat. Cuh.
I llinni U MATINEES (Except Monday) a:jo
surfa advanced vaudville
John P. Wade & Co.
Frank Morroll
Grant & Hoag
Belleclalr Bros.
William Ferry
El Cota
Suzanno Rocamora
Mats. 15c and 25c
Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c
Bee Us Before Ordoring Elsewhar
Programs, Menus, Announce
ments, Stationery, Booklets
128-100 No 14th St
Herpolsheimer's Gaft
Dinner JJt30 to Jt30
Supper 5i30 to 730
Nit Willis with Mipli Syrup tot
mioiNinf aa tirUU awawm'mam