S THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL &TAFF. Editor C. J. LORD MamiKliiK Editor T. J. HARORAVE Associate Editor A. H. DINSMORE DU8INE88 STAFF. Mannger O. C. KIDDOO Assistant MnnaRcr V. C. IIASCALL Circulation Manager.. C. C. BUCHANAN Editorial And Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postotflce, 8tatlon A, Lincoln, Neb. UB8CRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. 8lngte Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephones Auto 1888. Nloht Phones Auto 1888 Auto 2683: Bell 1123. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will be charged for at tho rate of 10 cents tho Insertion for ovcry fifteen wordB or fraction thoro of. Faculty notices and University bul letin will Kindly bo published free. Entered at tho pontofTlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter, under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Advertisements for the want column should be left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen wors or fraction thereof the first Insertion; three Insertions twenty-five cents; five Insertions forty cents. JANUARY 25, 1911. Tho Iobb of J. L. Der Klndorn na general secretary of tho university Y. M. 0. A. can not bo estimated alone In- tho loss to tho association, but the University of Nebraska aB a whole must bo conBlderod. Tho work of one rmmilBTiot-nhvnj(i8 appnrontr but. in. this caso tho Y. M. C. A. of tho uni versity has been upbuilt and carried over a critical period until today It Btands as ono of the greatest college organizations In tho United States. Lids 2.50 BUDD Student hats of class-.--! had the B W0 WKF spring lino come very early year. Nebraska men extend their best wIbIiob to tho retiring secretary and also tholr rogretB that ho must turn tho work which ho has carried on bo well for five years over to another, who muBt take up tho burden and carry it as well as tho retiring officer or Ue subject to a great deal of criti cism. The basketball team soon leaves on Its first trip of tho season. A Beries of hard gamoB has been arranged, and tho best wlBhes of tho entire under graduate body goes with tho men who must fight for victory for the state In stitution. Tho team needs the support of tho students and tho dcslro of all Nebraska men and women to hold the championship of tho Missouri Valley in basketball, as well as football, may bo realized If each student shows the men of tho team that thoy aro behind them. Get out and boost. Attend the games at homo and root. This Bplrit aids in winning basketball games as well as other athletic contests. That the work of the students is not appreciated by people outsldo of the university is an idea which has caused n great deal of hard feeling In the past, on both sides. That tho students aro appreciated is shown by the r6- cent actionof tho -men of tho city. who are interested in tho movement for tho building of a general city hos pital, in accepting tho offer oC the members of the Dramatic club to pre- Informal "Box "Ballot Y. M. C. A. Officers Today 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Temple sent tho pTay "Mice and Men" for the benefit of the hospital fund. The offer was accepted with a great deal of 'Pleasure, and in this way an apprecia tion of student ncthitleB Is shown. While each undergraduato likes to see tho university appear in the lime-light all tho tlnio, such a thing Is Impos sible. An opportunity Hko this is never cast aside by the people of the outsldo world, and their readiness to accept the work of the students shows that appreciation comes when It la de served. . FOR STUDENT ACTIVITY. Prof. Slater of Rochester laments, In tho usual pedagogical mnnner, over tho fact that students do not study. According to his notion, too much time Is spent in outside activities, to allow the average undergraduate to becomo a 'proficient student. Wo be lieve that tho professor's statement 1b not ontiroly contentious, and that while scholarship is not alllhere Is to attain. H..lBojirlmo Jmportance to a university education. But when tho Rochester Post-Express et al take up Prof. Slater's state ment and carry It to the extent of say ing that tho time spent upon all stu- this 1415 O St dent activity, except possibly athletlcB. Is worse than wasted, we are prono to uso the words of tho editor of tho Cor nell Dally uttered recently upon an other occasion: "Wo deplqro the academic brow that frowns on a musical club or upon a dramatic tour; we oven pity tho holder of such a view, for ho Is as the man who fishes with a bare hook, or as one who does not fish at all, who, deep in the narrowness of re search, overlooks the necessities of his very existence." Western Inter collegiate Magazine. NEW OFFICERS ELECTED. Medical Society Chooses Leaders for Coming Semester. At a recent meeting of the members of tho Medical society of the 'univer sity officers for the coming semester were elected as follows: Clifford W. Wells, president; P. B. Roen, vice president; W. C. Becker, secretary; Mrs. Staslney, treasurer, and William Schlotten, sergeant-at-arms. Notice. A meeting of the members of the mathematical seminar will be held Wednesday, January 25, at 4:30 In M307. ProfeBBor Candy will speak on the subject of "Mathematical PeaTJP gogy." HENRY T. JOHNSON, Secretary. New Ideal Laundry Company (The Better Quality) Hand Work Our Specialty Either Phones 8080 1840 O Street Hot Drinks are now in soaaon. Do yon know any place whore yon can got as QUICK SERVICE ai yon can at our new itoro? No nood-oLboing crowded. Lincoln Candy Kitchen s!w.corL FRATERNITIES Wt Want Your Goal Orders. Olve Us a Trial Order. satisfaction' guaranteed WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 For Lunches Put Up for Parties, also Ice Cream and College Ices, and Fruit Punches Call at THE FOLSOM, 1307 O St BOTH MaKe No Dates For Febr. ca University Nig'trt" EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON IONS 42zfe3S&2sr' Y Boll. Phono 408 Auto Phono 8400 The Palace Stables 1129-81 M Stroot Board and Livery Carriages For Pnrtios a Specialty JIM All KEN, - PROP. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean -OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Yovr Patronage Solicited Lincoln Sanitarium Plungm TH flrnt Sill Water Iwlnwlin fnl HOURS i Ladlei, Mornings Hxoayt laadara, Qratltmen. Afternoons ana Erenlmj. Lmm and Qtntlamtn, Monday and Friday Btanlngs. Hit mi H Itrnti, spiclil ParOit AntijH dr & SORORITIES PHONES i I - i f ;w .. V i v SS5S55gpS TnfflriT aa