THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THREE DEGREES CONFERRED Continued from Pago 1 diplomat) for noteworthy achievement from (ho TranB-MlBslBBlrpi Exposition, tho Ioiilslnna I'urchnso KxpoBitlon and from the Pun-Amorlcan Exposition and tho Franklin Institute. He nlBo has tho honorary degree of D. Sc. from Armour Instlttito. Dr. Cooloy Is a mechanical engineer, and u graduate of the t S. Naval Academy. At tho present time he holds, the position of dean of the col logo of engineering at the University of Michigan. He Is a contributor to scientific literature and former chief pnglneer IT. S. navy. He 1b considered a pioneer In the physical valuation of public utilities. Dr. Cooloy Ib a fellow and former vice-president of tho Amer ican ARHoolatlon for tho Advancement of Science, a member and former vice president Of tho American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He is also a member or tho Society of Naval En gineers and of tho Society for the Pro motion of Engineering Education. He wiih granted the degree of LL.D. from tho .Michigan Agricultural College. Dr. Wnddcll Is a civil engineer and tho author of numerouB books and pa pers of Hclontlllc value. He Is the for mer profesBor of engineering at the ReiiBBolaer Polytechnic Institute and tho Imporlal University of Japan. Ho Is an eminent designer of bridges, ele vated railroads, lighthouses, and other Important public works. He Is a mem bor of tho American Society of Civil Engineers, the Drltlsli Institute of Civil Englnors, la Socleto des Inge nious Clvils of France, Kogaku Kyo kal (Japanese Engineering Society), tho Canadian Society of Civil En glneorB and tho Society for the Promo tion of Engineering Education. Dr. Wnddcll ,wiib decorated by -the mlkndo .aHJuuiiL-AyJUi tho. order PjLaKnJgbt Commander of the Rising Sun, and by the Grand Duchess Olga of Russia with tbe first clasB order of her So cleto do Dlonfal8onco for service as principal engineer of tho Trnns-Alns-ka-Slberlan Railway. He has been -.granted the degree of D. Sc. from Mc 6ll university and LL.D. from the Uni versity of Missouri. Informal Reception. An informal reception to all those present nnb to the visiting dignitaries. An liiBpectiofr of the new building fol lowed. All tho ninchlnory was in op eration and students as guides ex plained tho different: pnrtB of the build ing and tho machinery. Tho mechanical engineering labora tories wore completed In 3,910 at a cost of $118,000. The building Is one of tho flnoBt of the unlversltygroup nnd ranks 'as one of tlio best of Jts kind In tho west. Fuel testing and other laboratories aro housed here, as well as tho shops, the forgo room and lecturo and recitation rooms. AN AMENDMENT IS MOVED DEBATE IN HOUSE STARTED BY REPRESENTATIVE" GERDES. on Moving the university DECLARES THE MATER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE. Problem to Be Referred to a Special Committee Motion to Table Question Lost by Vote . of 50 to 37. Practically 'the first debate of tho session in the house occurred yes terday morning over the Kirk resolu tion to appoint a committee from the Iioubo to meet a like committee from the senate, to investigate Jointly the of tho board of regents to Sale Men's, Yotmg Men's Suits and Overcoats $40.00 and $35.00 Suits fc93 CA and O'Coats $Lo.O) $30.00 and $25.00 Suits 10 r'fl and O'Coats. 4lO.OU $22.50 and $20.00 Suits fc 1 A Cfl and O'Coats $1 .OU $18.00 and;$15.00 Suits M A CA and O'Coats lU.OU $12.50 and $10.00 Suits CC CA and -O'Coats x)U.OU $8.50 and $7.50 Suits fri Cft and O'Coats .OU 1009 to 1019 O Street i movo tho Btnto university to tho Btate farm. Kirk's resolution has been awaiting a favorable opportunity for several days. It was brought up yes terday by its author, and at once Ger dos of Richardson moved .an amend ment. His nmendment was primarily to protest to the right of the speaker to appoint special committees, nnd second to separate the investigating committeo from tho standing commtl- -of-ilnnjice.amL.of universities which must later act on the question of appropriations. After considerable debate the amendment carried. Declared Important. Oerdes declared the Kirk resolu tion to be of more importance and re quiring more careful study than any thing that had come before any legis lature of which he had been n mem ber. Ho pointed out that It con corned the appropriation of at least a million dollars. He wanter an impar tial committeo to act Independently of the standing committees. Evans of Adams defended tho original motion. Prince of Hall seconded tho efforts of Gerdes, and declared safety in legisla tion depended mostly on securing in dependent criticism of plnns from dif ferent sources. Grossman of Douglas outshone Mr. Prlnco in oratory in sec onding tho attitude of the former on the question. Ho declared that he fayored liberal appropriations for the university. It in his mind is the best' advertisement tho state has. Ho want ed light from tho best source obatin able as to Uio best course for tho In stitution's advantage. Couldn't Understand. Qunckenbush of Nomaha could not understand why the special committee should bo called for. Ho favored leav ing it to tho stnnding cbmmlttee on finance. Fries of Howard agreed with him and moved to lay tho matter on the table. Tho motion was killed by a vote of 50 to 37 and after tho pre vious question had been moved, the vote was taken on tho amendment of fered by Gerdes, which carried by a substantial majority. Speaker Kuhl appointed tho follow ing committee: Messrs. Kirk of Knox, Gallagher of Thurston, Bassott of Buffalo, Moriarty of Doyglas, McKel vle of Lancaster, Gerdes of Richard son and Vcesner of "Webster. Notice. Seniors who expect to graduate in February vlll meet in U102 on Friday, -JanT-20rat 5 p.-rn; Very important- meeting. SHOE SALE All those Snappy Shoes at greatly reduced prices to make room for Spring Oxfords now on the road. SEE WINDOWS Men s Bootery 144 North 12th TEMPLE SATURDAY. JAN. 21 Senior Masquerade v TICKETS 35c DANCING QIIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1128 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT -Yovr-Patronnac-SoIicUe . . Hot Drinks are now in seaaon, Do yon know any placo where you can got as QUICK SERVICE aa you can 'at our new tore! Ho noed of being crowded. Lincoln Candy Aim.v,nc;ii 14tk S.-W.-CrHe A j4 -: k. 3. A MpiwilMPWMMi MWMMWbfcMt ErQw?", 4iitiMi, .