V Ebe DailP' IFlebtaskan Vol. X. No. 69 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1911. Price 5 Cents. f ki r K " ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETE ENGINEERING LABORATORIES DEDICATED WEDNE8DAY. PRINCIPAL ADDRESS BY DEAN OOSS HONORARY DEGREES TO BE CON FEBJIED IN THE EVENING. Governor Aldrlch, President Allen of Board of Regents and Chancel lor Avery to Speak. THE CABMAN'S SILILQQUY Wednesday will mark the formal dedication '-of the state university's now engineering building. An entire' day will be given over to exercises commemorating the permanent hous ing of the department of mechanical engineering in a $115,000 home. The building was first occupied in the fall of 11)01), but it was not completely equipped for work In all departments until within the past few months. The dedication of the building, the best adajited to its purposo of any building on the city campus, will bo marked by addresses, a recoptlon and the conferring of honorary engineer ing degrees. William F. M. Gobs, dean of the college of engineering of the University of Illinois, will deliver the principal address. TherProgYanf: "" The program follows: 10 a. m. Special address to en gineering students by visiting en glneers. Room 20G. 12:30 j). m. Facultj club luncheon, Llndell hotel. 2-5 p. m. Inspection of building by the public. 8 p. m. Formal dedication. Room 200. Five minute talks by Governor Aid rich, President Allen or the bonrd of regonts and Chancellor Avery. Address by Doan William F. .M. Gobs of Illinois. Conferring of honorary degrees. Informal reception. Inspection of building. Planned by Dean Richards The working planB of the new me chanical engineering laboratories were prepared during the winter of 1907 and 1908 by Dean Richards of the college of engineering. In the spring of 1908 the contracts were let. and the building waB com pleted in the fall of 1909. In style- of, archltecturoi the build ing may be classed as a modification of the Roman Doric, which gives to the e.ier'for nn ulr of massive stabil ityin spite or the large windows winch is in liarmony With the "uses fo which the. building Ib put. The ex terior Is finished with "Iron spot" or ''flash" pressed brick, trimmed; with terra cotta which matches the brick. The roof Is of red tile and the cor nices are of copper, the whole giving a pleasing color effect In shades of brown. The- Interior construction of the building Is of tlio most substantial character, the floors being of rein forced concrete throughout, carried by liftvy steel beams which arc support ed by steel columns. Since tho build ing is primarily for laboratory pur poses, the floors were- made heavy enough to carry the largo weight of moving machinery which comes upon thein. All of the" halls have wainscot ing of white enameled brick with a io'ugh jilastered- -finish. .ahoyj-TJic The cabman heaved a mournful sigh, and started In to storm and cry. No money Jingled In his pants, ho eyed his bony team askance, and gave his cab a sorry stare a cab In. TfeedOf much re pair, he spit his quid upon tho walk, and straightway started In to talk. Said he. "Alas how times have changed, I well can think when prices ranged from three to six and even more, and overy hack In town hold four. Thoso TJnl boys dug up the cash that kept us hack men full of hash. They'd soak their clothes, and even smile to take a cab and come In style. All them wns days I'll ne'er forget, it mnkes me weep already yet; I hnd three Bquare meals every day and each horse had a bale of hay. No matter how the student cuBsed, he couldn't break tho hackmen's trust, It was no jso to hand us talk, . they'd either juavo to pay orwalk. Them days waB simply grapeB for me, but times hns changed as you can see. My services they don't request, it scorns they like tho street Sars best. The boys have one and all agreed that cab's are something they don't need. The girls, no matter what they say, they either come or stay away; B-Gosh, as far as I can uoe, they've tied the Indian sign on me." R. M. TWO FRESHMEN ARE1 OUT WHERRY AND LOCKWOOD TO RUN FOR PRE8IDENT. ONE NAN RACE IN SOPH THE (LASS 8ENIOR AND JUNIOR CANDIDATES ARE BU8Y. Three-Cornered Contests In Two Up per Classes Prove Exciting 'and Attract Attention. plain brick walls painted In two Bhades or gray enamel. A11 of tho plastered walls have been finished In pleasing shndes or calcimine. NEBRASKA DEFEATS WESLEYAN. CornhMskcr Varsity Basketball Team Overwhelms Methodists, 42-26. TlTF linTvePBlCy varsity basKotlmlT team defeatod tho Wesleyan varsity by a score of 12 to 2(', Saturday even ing on the armory floor. This was the Nebraska varsity's second game of the season and the last of the gameB pre liminary to the conference series. Wesley nu was easily routed. Al though fighting stubbornly throughout the first half, the .Methodists gradual ly weakened after the beginning of the second hair and devoted their tlmo to ball dribbling and defensive play. The Nebraska line-up at tho start was as announced, Owens and Gibson sis forfards. Hlltnor at centor, and Carrier and Frank guarding. During the first ten minutos or tho name, play was at a standoff, each team alternately Bhootlug two goals. Nebraska took this opportunity Imme diately after the whistle first Bound ed. .Meyers, the Wesleyan star for ward, was then ruled out ojf the game for fouling. The neighbor team In stantly weakened and closed the first half with a score or 15-21. At the opening of the Btcond halt, Captain Hutchinson wns substituted for Owens. Wesleyan In turn lost one or their main surport, the center, who was removed for his personal remarks to the referee From this juncture the -gamo-dovolvciMnto-nr genoral'rouglr house," three of the Nobrnska men, Frank, Hilfner and Gibson, being re moved for committing four personal fouls. At the close of the second half the score- stood 12-2G. points. On the night of tho Phi Delt for mal, tho Dolts Beized the undisputed opportunity and instituted u search ror the hell. According to a mutual understanding between tho two fra tcrnltles, the bell must bo kept some where on the premises. Tho Delts, Imwever. were unable to locate It; but, neediest to say, they perpetrated an -Investigation whlclr Vould wnmrnr the' praise and commendation or Sher lock Holmes and hl aggregation or trained sleuths. CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALS. Series of Y. W. C. A. Lectures Begins This Evening. Tho first of the serlos of lectures entitled "Christian Fundamentals." which will bo conducted under tho di rection oi the university Y. W. C. A., will he delivered this evening at 7 o'clock In the Temple. The entire series of nddresscs will be given by Rev. A. .1. Northrup, D. I)., a lecturer or much prominence. The theme ror discussion this evening is "The Spirit and Ixstter in Out Interpretation of the Scriptures." Other clnssoB which will be held to day ars as follows: The first of a series of five lectures by Rev. D. It. Leland on "Five New Testament Por traits," at 7 p. in.; and a continua tion of Miss Fannie Drnko's classes at 5 . m. All classes will be held in tho Y. W. C. A. rooms and will be open to both men and women. . Y. M. C. A. "FEED." ANNUAL "BELL 8EARCH." Phi Delts Again Succeed n Foiling Delta Taus, Pursuant to a custom of the two fraternities, Phi Delta Theta and Delta Tau Delta, the "annual bell search" was executed last Friday evening, tho, Delts assuming the Initiative. But again tho Delts were defeated In their purpose dud returned to their abode without tho eonBollng "ding dong" so -Intensely-desired Tbe-loslng bunclUt have cherished as one of their ideals tho attempt to wrest tho prize from claBs rooms and offices and halls are rilWornd and finished In golden oak. The laboratories are left with the I the parties having "possession's nine or Charles A. Bennett Two freshman presldoullal aspir ants have appeared to sharo the bruises of a race for tho place. Ken neth Wherry of Pawnee City, who' has been for several days considered as a possibility, Is now known to bo a can didate. Russell Ivoekwood of Omaha Is tho other man who wants the job. He was announced yestorday by some of his friends. Kennoth Wherry is a member of Deta Theta PI fraternity, lie is a brother of Arthur Whorry, who was the first president of the class of 191.1. He Is a .popular fellow and is expect ed to mako a gopd race. Several or his closo friends were actively at work Sunday, visiting among the classmen to lino up votes. Ruescll Ix)ckwood Is not a fratern ity man. He achleCecLsomo notoriety at tho time of the frcBhman-sopho-moro Olympics, when ho received a painful injury about the head. The Upper Classes. The raco in the sonlor class goes merrily on, with three candidates all working hard to annex tho Job. The threo-cornored contest In the Junior class also attracts the attention of tho student body. The rncos In the two upper classes are fjccomlng excit ing. Ambcrson, Holland and Hath away aro tho three men who seek the senior leadership. Pearso, DoylcB and Rogers aro the three office seekers of tho third year class. A One-Man Race. Although some, who claim to know, say that Clifford Phillips Is to have rtomo opposition In tho sophomore class, It Is hardly thought probable that any new candidates will appear later than today. It -Is generally un derstood that Phillips has a strong following or TrFends In the second year class. One of tho strange things about it is that the sophomore class had only one candidate at the elec tion in the fall. A class seldom has two successive elections without a good race livening up the second. A one-man campaign is not a stimulant This is Baldt07 Membership Committee Meets Tonight in Association Rooms. A big "feed" will bo given by the members of the university Y. '.M. C. A, membership', committee this -evening at (5 o'clock in tho association rooms. itlmo Interest is lacking in sophomoro for class enthusiasm. be the reason that some prominent membors of tho sophomoro class are actively looking the field over for a Becond candidate. But, at the present Tho purposo of this assembly will bo to investigate the membership enroll men of the university association and make same plans toward the inaugura tion of another membership campaign. All the commltteo membors are urged to be present. NOTICE. Applications for the position of editor, managing editor associate editor, business manager and assistant business manager of the Daily Nebras ka n will be received by the Student (Publication Board -until Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock. All applications are to be sent to A A. Reed, secretary, politics. FRESHMEN TO MEET TODAY. First Year Students Will Gather in Memorial Hall. Tho flrBt year students have been summoned by their president, William, Gilmore, to uttend a class meeting in Memorial hall tlls morning, at 11:30 o'clock. Important business is to cpmc before ho. class, hut nothing regarding its nature could be learned, This-wlll bo tho-llrsUfre8hman,3neet-Ing since the Christmas holidays, and business, has .piled up. A report, from tho hop committee is promised.