The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 14, 1911, Image 1

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Vol. X. No. 68
Price 5 Cents.
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Leslie Mann Case Brought Up New
Board Composed of TTiree Prin
cipals and an Alternate.
Dr.'R, CL Clapp 1b to rotJro from .the
placo .which ho has held for years as
a member' of "tho 'controlling commit
tee of tho stato Interscholastlc athletic
association. Dr. Clapp. of his own
freo will told the members in attend
ance at tho mcetlhg''df uio state super,
intendents and principals association
that ho would welcome a change In tho
constitution ,of tho association. Ac-(
cording to Uio constitution, whlcli Uaa'
eerved for years ho has been the ..ob
ligatory head of athletics for the state
high schools. Ho asked tho school
men to chango this constitution In
such a way that ho could rotlro from
his position as state athletic umpire
and general quarrel settler. A univer
sity physical director has enough trou
bues of his own without having to sot
tlo tho high school quarrels. HIb re
quest has been granted.
The Athletic Association.
Tho interscholastlc athletic associa
tion of tho stato 1b to bo entirely re
organized. After a considerable scrap
over tho rules under which a certain
pupil may or may not play in tho in
terhigh school games of the associa
tion, it was decided that tho rules
needed a thorough overhauling and a
considerable change. A committee of
four was appointed to draft new rules
under which tho athletic association is
to bo reorganized. Tho committee ap
pointed on tho motion of Fred Hunter
of Norfolk consists of B. J. Bodwoll of
Beatrice, A. B. Fisher of Aurora, B. U.
Graff of Omaha and B. K. Hurst of
Falls City. Tho athletic association
meeting was then adjourned "never to
meet again."
The Leslie Mann Case.
Principal B. K. Hurst of Falls City
charged that Lincoln high school had
played Leslie Mann, a boy who had re
ceived money for baseball playing, in
a football game with another school.
This chargo grows out of the Omaha
Lincoln agitation of last fall, in,
which tho committee Anally decided
that Mann could play. Nothing in tho
constitution forbid professionals in
high, school athletics, and Lincoln
clalmeTTThat there' wo" no -"statufo"-to
uphold tb claims against Mann.
The other schools, however, thought
that the "common law" Idea should
bar him as an Ineligible.
The Lincoln Defense.
Principal V. G. Mays of tho Lincoln
high school was referred to when tho
name of Leslie, Mann was mentioned.
Ho declared that ho certified to tho eli
gibility of LobIIo Mann In good faith
with tho knowledge of the regulations
ho possessed. Ho had been told, ho
said, that young Mann had earned
some money during the summer for ex
penses of his next year's schooling by
playing baseball -with a team that'
paid him for his work. Ho needed the
money to go to school and ho could
make anoro by handling a baseball
thfln-hy driving n, delivery wagon In
tho city, during tho Bummer. Natur
ally h3.. took. .Job., .JM JfflljUSSH
Tho tables have at last been
turned and ,tho instructors aro
about-to-be-lnstructcd. Profossors
at Uio University of Chicago aro
tho ' proposed Btudents "victims"
they may call themselves of a pro
posed course In pedagogy to bo con
ducted by tho vory pupils who now
arb compelled to accumulate high
or education at their hands.
Faults Pointed Out.
Tho necessity for such as course
is set forth in the candid satements
of fact by Uio students contained In
tho report of tho faculty committee
on Instruction, published In tho cur
rent number of tho University of
Chicago magazine. The student
critics point out, In tho interests of
tho professors alone, of course, that
their Instructors possess, among
others, the following faults:
Some are lazy.
Some are irritable.
Some are self-centered.
Some are listless.
Some are inexperienced.
Some are not interested in the
-Many-are Just plalruJncompotent
All of which Is taken to show tho
necessity for tho students turning
Instructors and Improving tho
standards of toachlng at the Mid
way school.
Tho critic's already havo con
vinced tho committee that tho pro
fessors havo lectured too much, de
pended too much on oral quizzes,
and have failed to adjust study pe
riods properly.
Find Much Dishonesty
Whllo but 174 studonts roplled to
questions concerning their Instruc
tion, practically all of those had
sharp things to say about tho luck
leas "prof." Forty-three Bald dis
honesty was common In all classes
at tho university and flfty-sovon de
nied that cheating playod a part
In examinations.
Tho committee recommends that
means bo taken to reduco dishon
esty to a minimum.
Preparations Are Being Made fdr First
Conference Team Invasion Next
Friday Other Games to
best. Ho "had played on tno lncoiirp
high school teams bqforo this and as
ho was not through school tho princi
pal saw nothing wrong with playing:
him on tho team again tho year after
ho had played with the Mink loaguo
during tho summer.
A New Constitution.
This brought on tho proposal to
chango and rovlso tho rules, as it was
thoughj; by somo that tho rules wore
too strict In regard to professionalism.
Fred M. Hunter of Norfolk declared
ho felt that tho constitution and rules
woro as poor as they could possibly
bo made. Dr. George B. Condra of
tho University of Nebraska said ho
was one who helped to draft tho orig
inal rules and that at tho timo tho
rules woro made the committee
deemed them good, as they nevor
dreamed at that time that any of the
boys of the- high school would over
get into professional athletics before
they got through Bchool.
Tho constitution as adopted yester
day afternoon provides for a stato
board of three directors In placo of
tho old committee, and prohibits the
playing of professionals. A profes
sional "Is plainly defined as orio who
receives pay for athletic services of
any sort. Tho now board of directors
Is to b6dompoBed-of"three-prlnoIpalsJ
and an alternate Is to bo elected. Tho
alternate will serve only in cases o,f
eligibility contests whero a member's
own school Is involved. On sucn cases
tho alternate will act In place of tho
regular member who Is so closely con
nected with tho student In question.
est-inforraals of-the eason'-saldr aj
member of tho committee yesterdal.
There aro no other Important func
tions on tho same evening. Tho
Junior Informal will havo full sway on
next Friday.
Resignation of Editor Accepted and
Committee Appointed.
A mooting of tho student publication
board was hold Friday afternoon at 2
o'clock in Administration building.
Tho resignation of C. J. Lord from tho
position of editor waB accepted. Other
routlno business was taken up, among
which was tho appointment of a nom
inating committee to consider applica
tions for tho positions on both tho ed
itorial and business staffs.
Second of Series Held Friday After
noon. Regular vesper services wore held
Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock In Me
morial hall. Music furniBhcd by tho
university chorus, and scriptural read
ings mado up tho major part of tho
convocation program.
Chairman Guthrie Is Planning a 8well
Informal for Next Friday.
Chairman Richard Guthrlo has an
nounced the date for tho Junior hop.
It'iB'W bo (hold at tho Lincoln hotel on
Friday, January 20th. Tho posters
read "limited," but no number Is stat
ed as a limit, a Wag has scratched a
rough looking question mark after the
aforesaid word on ono of the placards.
. ," golngto-bo.dnoof tho swell-.
Superintendents and Principals En
dorse the Idea of a 8peclal
8ummer 8choo.
Tho school for superintendents
which was held last summer in .con
nection with the University of Nebras
ka summer session has been pro
nounced to bo a success. Aommltteo
of superintendents consisting of
Waterhouse of Fremont, Stoner of
Yorlc and Bodwell of Beatrice, yester
day approved tho plan and recom
mended that tho university mako it a
part of its regular course A school
of superintendents will bo held. In con
nection with tho 191J. summer session.
Wcsloyan university will moot Ne
braska unlvqrBlty in baskotball on tho
armory floor tonight. This will prob
ably bo tho only gamo with tho Wcs
loyanltes thlB yonr, consequently tlioro
Is consldorablo Interest being mani
fested as to tho baskotball prowess of
our near neighbors. s
Wesleyan Team.
Wesleyaji has an excollont bnsket
ball toam. In tho past thoy havo usu
ally showed an ability to warm things
up for tho Cornhuskors, and likewise
havo been equally ablo to don tho
wreath of victory In tho ond. Tho
players aro especially anxlouB to cro
ato a llttlo reputation this year; with
a reciprocal deslro on tho part of tho
nebraBka varsity to redeem somo of
tho past "errors."
Tho Nebraska line-up for tonight's
gamo is announced as JolIcTWBl"Guttrds7
Carrier, Frank and Waters; centers,
Hlltnor and Elliott; forwards, Hutch
inson, Gibson and Owens.
Tho Wosloyan llno-up consists of
tho following men: Forwards,. Meyer
and Koestor; center, McCandloss;,
guards, Swan and Beck.
Coach Field Is somowhat rotlcont re
garding tho outcomo of tho Wosloyan
gamo. Although Cotncr managed to
take tho first battle, tho coach is evi
dently entering tho Wosloyan gamo
with a groat deal moro confidence
than ho did with tho Christian collogo
contest. Cotncr sent a delegation to
Nobraska fully equlppod for victory,
and although Cotnor and Wcsloyan
havo never "mixed," It is generally
conceded by sldo-llners that tho for
mer's proteges would havo tho best of
an actual encounter.
Wosloyan met Doano last night on
tho "University Placo floor. This match
was substituted after tho failuro of
Nebraska to got a gamo with, tho
Crete exponents. Tho result of tho
gamo has, howover, given 'members
of tho Nobraska camp a better Insight
to tho situation which thoy may ex
pect "Vi
Conference Game.
Tho first game of tho conference
series will como next F-ridaynlght
with Ames. Tho Aggies will invado
Nebraska on a double-headed engage
ment, and, Judging from reports, thoy
aro coming in oattio array, ready lor
tho worst. Precedent Is somowhat
against an Ames victory, as Nebraska
took both pieces of tho provorblalNpork
last year. That tho varsity members
of Nebraska aro planning a similar
course this year is apparent from tho
"dopo" in general.
Coach Field believes that tho two
preliminary games which havo been
pulled off will enable Nebraska to
mako good in tho conference battloB.
Meeting Postponed.
Tho meeting of the members of; the
university athletic board which was
to havo' been held Monday. January 16,
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.than that of last season.
mooting will be announced later.