The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 13, 1911, Image 2

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Lincoln, Nobraaka.
Published by
Editor C. J. LORD
Awoolatc Editor T. J. HAROUAVE
AMOdato Editor A. II. DINSMORE
Managor .'-O. C, KIDDOO
AiilBtunt Manngor V. C. IIASCALL
ClrolilKtlon Manngor. .C. C. BUCHANAN
Editorial and Dullness Office:
Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb.
Payable In Advance.
Single Copies, B Cents Each.
Telephone Auto 1888.
Nloht Phones Auto 1BS8; Auto 2683?
Bell 1123.
INDIVIDUAL N0TICE8 will bo charged
for at tho rato of 10 cents tho Insertion
for every flftoon words or fraction thoro
of. Faculty notices and Univorslty bul
letins will gladly bo published free.
Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln,
Nebraska, as aecond-clasB mall matter,
under tho Act of Congress of March 3,
Advertisements for the want column
should be left at the business office, base
ment Administration bulldlno, between 10
a. m. and 12 m or between 2 p. m. and
B p. m.
Cash must accompany all orders for ad
vertising, at the rate of ten cents for each
fifteen wors or fraction tnoreoi tne Tirsi
Insertion; three Insertions twenty-five
tents; flvo Insertions forty cents.
JANUARY 13, 1911
Well, anyway, perhaps we can play
ping pong -Instead of basoball. Think
of It! How would you like to bo the
Intorclass champion In checkers, or
maybe evon tho dignified game of
Friday 5 o'clock
school to follow this lead and settle
tho wholo matter. Tho move In this
dlroctlon Is a right one, and It re
mains for tho other organizations to
make It successful.
Tim day of the suave gentleman.
who greets you as the long loBt friend,
and acts aB though ho would like to
- borrow a "V," Is hero again. But,
whllp you did not know him back In
Sneak thievery among students Is
one of the most detestable faults that
a group of undergraduates can hnve.
Tho guilt of a crlmo of this kind not
only falls on tho people who are
guilty, but It also Involves tho entire
Institution. That a man or woman
can wantonly take things which do
not belong to them Is hard to under
stand, especially In a group of stu
dents, who are supposed to stand for
tho highest principles of manliness
and honesty, Whilo it Ib an easy
matter to lose things and blamo tho
loss on sneak thieves, and later find
that a mistake occurred, It is not
easy to believe that the opening of
lockers and taking of money from
them, is a mistake. It Is out and
out Btealing. Matters of this kind
are hard to deal with, for tho under
graduato body is in a way a family,
andajxuBAtlonjiTnre ha rd to make.
The latest occurrence of 'this kind
brings to the attention of the stu
dents that the men are not tho only
ones to do a thing of this kind. Artl-
Tho more I am in the Shoo
Business, the more tho Girls
are talking about Budd Shoos
$4 and $4.50 Grade $2,50
1415 0 St.
Podunk, ho novortheleBS would like
to hnvo your support in his campaign
for a class oinco. Well, that is all
right, but notico how his ' manner
changed whon you tell him you have
promised to support tho other follow.
Tho dedication of tho how Mechan
ical engineering laboratories is a core
money which la not often witnessed
by tho monibers of tho student body.
The addition of a now building to the
University campus is n matter which
should be considered with a great
deal of pride and joy, to say nothing
of-roal- University- spirits The. ahillty
to be present at the ceremonies with
tho dedication of tho now building is
beforo every man and woman in tho
institution at tho present time, and
thoy should take advantage of it. An
occasion of this kind does not occur
Tho abolition of cabs at the formal
parties has reached a crisis. The ac
tion of one of tho fraternitlos of tho
Univorslty in abolishing this system
for their formal party is ono which
should receive tho commendation of
every student n the University. It is
hard to como out and radically oppose
,a time-honored custom, no matter If
that custom Is good or bad. That the
members bf Phi Delta Tbeta havo
done this should receive tho support
of the remaining Greek letter-organizations.
All that Is necessary to
make tho movement a success at the
present time Is for the rest of the
cles have mysteriously disappeared
from the girls 'gymnasium, and now
the disappearance of money from
lockers in thi girls' dressing rooms
can bo laid to only one source, and
that or a lady thief. It is hard to
think that affairs of this kind 'can
happen; but thoy do, and it is neces
sary for drastic action to bo taken
to discover tho culprit. That Univer
sity men and women would stoop so
low as to conu. it crimes of this kind
is hnrd to beiieve, but it is done, and
It is time that attention bo paid to
the matter, and tho guilty parties for
rcted out, and they be told that their
presence is not required at the UnT-
What do you think of a student fee
for athletics, and other student activi
ties? Do you think that this Is an
advisable plan? If it is, tho men and
.women of tho University would ap-.
predate it if you would tell them why.
Something must bo done to bring
student activities on a paying basis.
Financial matters are as important in
ungradunte circles as thoy are in
other affairs. If tho students as a
wholo feel that n feo for the support
of these things is all right, it would
seem that no objection could be
raised. Is not this tho capo?
To facilitate tho handling of the
ComhuBker. .business, Townaendjtudio
will close at 5 o'clock. Arrange for
your sittings as 'early in iho day ub
possible, Tu-tf
CAN any other Lincoln
store say as much? Our
business for the first nine days
of January more than doubled
last year's business. We are
growing fast. Low expenses,
expert buying, courteous
treatment, and the right goods
at a lower price than else
where. That's the reason.
Palace Clothing Go.
We Feature
Aristocrats of the
Clothing World
A distinctive appearance and
exctusheness of style have gained
this title for Adler's Colleg
ian Clothes.
There is a subtile charm about
them which appeals to refined
tastes. The secret of this, charm
is in the trim lines that mold the
cloth to your figure. We like to
sell these clothes because we like
to have pleased customers. You'd
like t j wear them if you saw a
suit or an overcoat on you. Come
in and try one on. The fall and
winter ityles are here. Prices
range from $15.00 to $35.00.
Speier & Simon
N. E. Corner 10th and O Streets
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