K ' be Dailv ftebrashan V V ,- -? r i V Vol. X. No. 66 NO GABS FOB PHI DELTA FIR8T FORMAL PARTY OF THE YEAR WITHOUT HACKS. OTHERS ARE EXPECTED TO EOLLOW CRI8I8 IN ANTI-CAB AGITATION 18 REACHED. Fraternity Votes to Walk or Take Street Cars Simplicity In Social Affairs Is the Latest 8tudent Move. For tho first time In many years an organization of stato university stu dents Is to give a formal dance with out 'the ubo of cabs In going to and from the dance hall. Tho affair Is ex pected to mark the beginning of a now epoch in university school life, since it Is considered, almost certain that other organizations will follow the newly established custom. Phi Delta Theta Is the fraternity which has decided to do away with the cabs. Tho fraternity gives its biennial party next Friday evening, this being the first of the series of university formals. Members of the active chapter, realizing tho strategic position In which the organization Is placed and the influence It may wield by cutting out cabs at the first for mal of the season, thlB week voted to walk to the dance. or"to ride on the street cars. The only exception per mitted under the resolution passed by the fraternity Is inclement weather of such severity as to make the cabs a necessary comfort rather than a more or Iosb useless luxury. Others May Follow. Whilo tho action of tho fraternity binds only its own members, it is ex pected that other organizations will take similar action as the occasion demands. Six of tho twelve fraterni ties each give an annual formal. In addition to these there are two class formals, tho senior and the Junior promenades. All of these are dress suit functions and at all it has been customary In past years to utilize cabs. Now It Is believed that tho cabs will bo discontinued - almost entirely, being perhaps continued In ubo by a few alumni and undergraduates who will refuse to be bound by the gen eral custom. Tho discontinuance of tho cabs Is but one step In tho general move ment for greater social simplicity which has been in progress at the uni versity for tho past two years. One of tho steps taken last year was tho action of the men's fraternities in de ciding to give biennial instead of an nual formals. The glrir sororltles"re fused to join in a similar agreement, but nevertheless materially simplified their functions. From time to time, tho girls have established strict lim itations on the character of enter tainments, including regulations as to tho number of edibles to be served their guests. Expected Price to Go Up. This year's anti-cab , agitation was started by a rumor that Lincoln hack men "were planning to boost tho charge for cab service. Despite denials on the cab owners' part, tho fraternity men aroused themselves and since that time the agitation has been continued with considerable warmth. Tho situation finally simmered down to a point where everyone thought -that thocaba-BhQuljLba, abandoned but where each group of Individuals UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, JANUARY GOT R BASKETBALL D Py gosh, but dot vob such a shame, Ve had to Iobo dot Cotner game, -Of-vich-IHookod-so-out-und-outr - Dot ve vould clean 'em, mltout a doubt. It took avay my appetite To see 'em beBt us In de fight. It sure vas worth another shout To vatch 'em dribble dot ball about, Und dot remembers me how queer Dot dey vaBn't up so much dls year. So many of de plays dey 'played Vas put an end to und no basket made. It sure vas wort another stein To vatch 'em hold dot Cotner line. Chust valt, ve'll turn do trick next year, Und dot vlll be an awful smear. Now efery year somevone comes oud Und mitt hiss face beklns to shoud Dot feetball shood nod po allout. Und in der press hiss name appears Mit renBons-foMiIs-awful-fears- Undll our eyes are filled mitt tears. Und den ve looks dot feller oop To find out ven he was oln pup His mutter fed him from oln cup. was afraid to take tho Initial step. For this reason It seemed that tho movement might fall, but tho action of Phi Delta Theta seems now to have opened the way for the actual prac tice of tho theirieB which tho cab "insurgents" have been supporting. COMMITTEE WILL BANQUET. Membership and Bible Study Commit tees Will Meet. The membership committee pi the university Y. M. C. A. will meet and banquet with the Bible study commit tee tonight at G o'clock. These fes tive board ontortalnmeits are becom ing exceptionally popular with the lo cal association members, and the one tonight has been typified by one of tho prospective 'diners as "a rare old feed." The chairmen of both commit tees urge the members to make the duo preparation necessary to dorlvo "all tho benefits from thls6athorlng; Tho Presbyterian social, which had been 'planned for Friday night-. In tho Y. M, C. A. rooms, has been postponed for unannounced reasons. ENGINEER8 MEET. L. E. Hurtz Speaks at Regular Meet ing of 8oclety. The regular meeting of the members of the Engineering society was held Wednesday evening in M. B. 206. L, E. Hurtz, general manager of the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co., spoke on the subject of "Tho Progress of Telephony." Mr. Hurtz is a university graduate. Geo. Craig, city engineer of Omaha, wlllspeakntLtho nerLmeetlng,. Wed-, nesday, January. 25. E I Ta wohl, under ven to achool ho vent -For-choklot-dropB-ho-usod-to-Bpont Dor money vlch for gum vas meant. Und ven he earned to graduato Hiss affrlgo Id was nlnoty-oldt Swle point bonoath hiss sister Kate. Donks ve, dot feller sure vas smart, He must haf tooked oln loading part In all der kames of manly art. So softly vaftclng on our toes Into der ofllco den ve goes Und diss 1 88 vot der record bIiowb: "Hall to our hero, Percy Jinks," Fife medals, yn, und vat you tlnks? He vlnned dem all nd tlddledeo vlnks. "Zum Donnedwetter," den vo Bhoud "Iss diss do man vlch goes aboud Und says dot wo shood cut Id oud? Valt till some von vlch played der kame -Und-says-dot-foodpalHs-ein-BharaDT-Und don, py gosh, ve'll grant him fame (Und go on blaylng shust der same.) , (DInkelspell.) PRE8ENT GAVEL8. Senate and House Remembered by Engineering 8tudents. Both the state senate and tho house of representatives have been present ed with a gavel, which has been made by the students In tho engineering college of tho university. Tho gavels are of walnut, with a center of light spruce In the head. In tho center of the flight colored wood a dark letter "N" Is inlaid. Senator Brown made the presentation In the upper house and Representative Eager in tho low er. The" presentation of gavels by the students to the two houses of the legislature has grown to bo a custom, as gavels have been presented for a number of years. TAKE FIR8T GAME. -DeltaUpsIjonJ3efeatsDeltaTau-ln Opening Contest. Delta Upsllon took tho opening con test in the Interfratornity basketball league Wednesday evening by a score of 17 to 11. The game was fast and exciting from tho Btart, and both teams displayed excellent team work. The games will bo played off in rapid order. NOTICE. All applications for the positions of editor-ln-chlef, managing editor and business manager on the staff of the Dally Nebraskan for the coming sem ester mustfbe sent In to the publica tion board by Friday, January 13, at 5 o'clock. Board meeting to be held at that time. Send all applications to Charle8-,ABennettor AAReedr High School Inspector. 61 FOOTBALL EULOIZED 12, 1911. Price 5 Cents. M WESLEVAH SATURDAY GAME WITH NEIGHBOR COLLEGE "DOPED" TO BE GOOD. SHIFT MADE IN UNIVERSITY LINEN CARRIER AND GIB80N GIVEN AL- TERNATE PQ8ITIQN8. Nebraska Will Meet Ames Aggies In First Conference Games of the 8eason, January 20 and 21, on Armory Floor. Wesloyan collogo will bo tho noxt baskotball opponent of tho University of Nebraska. The two varsity toams will moot Saturday night on tho armory floor. Nebraska will not play Doano collogo noxt weo kas was an ticipated. Theso announcements woro ycBterday given out by Coach Field of tho university squad. Tho game with Wesloyan is "doped" to bo a good one. Baskotball Is ono of tho strongest of college sports at University Place, and WeBleyanltos al ways mark Nebraska for a small chunk of bacon. Last year Wesloyan defeated Nebraska In bad shape, and reports from tho "east onders" assert that Nebraska will ngaln be over whelmed by their steam rolior. In fact, Wesleyan always has made an -oxQallcntshowJngagaInst Iho-uolveca-, slty varsity team, and promises to ro poat history In 1911. Not Skeptical. "Dopestors" at tho university camp', however, are not- manifesting their usual dogreo of skepticism regarding tho outcome of the Saturday game. Notwithstanding tho fact that Cotnor managed to gather more borrlos than was favored by Nebraska side' liners. tho "rooters'-' havo rallied and appear as sangulno ovor tho Wesloyan Inva sion as ever they did. Ono cause for this change of atti tude Ib tho shift recently made in tho team and which will first take offoct In the Saturday game. Carrier, tho formor star forward, will bo played nt guard, and GIbBon will be substituted to do tho shooting. Tho guards showed up weak In tho Cotnor game, not being able to permit tho latter from ringing goals, but It Is generally believed that Carreer, who Is probably tho lightest on his feet and speediest ground coverer In tho Nebraska ranks, will greatly strengthen tho guard po sitions. Tho Nebraska linoup for tho Wes leyan game is as follows: Guards, Carrier, Frank and Waters; centers, HUtner and Elliott, and forwards. -HutchlnBon,- Gibson and Owons. Kid. doo, Minor and White will bo present as substitutes. First Conference Games. Tho first games of tho year In the Valley conference will take place a week from Friday and Saturday. Ames will then meet Nebraska on her first conference conquest. Tho pre dictions on the results of these games are about on a standoff. Amos, like Nebraska, has three old men on whom to rely, arid is reported to havo an un usually fast team. Last year Ne braska trimmed the Aggies, in both games ot the annual double-header on ' the homo floor, but In both scores saved herself by a .fraction of throe points. Nebraska will take her annual bas ketball jaunt to Minneapolis the week Continued on Page 8 ft .A j i--"4 4 m