A THE DAILY NEBRASKAN hi THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE PROPERTY OT THE UNIVERSITY ;OP NEBRASKA, Lincoln Ncbmaka. Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor C. J, LORD Assodlatfc Editor. T. J. IIARORAVE AmocIiUo Editor A. II. DINSMORE BU8INES8 STAFF. lianagor O. C. ICIDDOO AsBlutant Manager V. C. IIASCALL Clroulutlon Manager.. C. C. BUCHANAN Editorial and Dullness Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Poitofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Nlaht Phones Auto 1888; Auto 2683; Bell 1123. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be charged for At the rate of 10 cents tho Insertion for every flf toon words or fraction '"thero of. Faculty notices and Unlvorslty bul letins will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho postolllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter, under tho Act of CongrcsB of March 3, 1879. Advertisements for the want column should be left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. m, and 12 m or between 2 p. m. and B p, m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen wors or fraction thereof the first Insertion; three Insertions twenty-five tents; five Insertions forty cents. JANUARY 10, Iflll. THE VALLEY CONFERENCE. Student sentiment js hard to deal with, and Is often In the wrong. When the student bodies of the different col leges of the Missouri Valley decided upon the action that should be taken on certain matters with regard to ath Jetlcs. an weJi s oherj:olUsg activi ties, that sentiment must be consid ered. What should be the action of the University of Nebraska with regard to Convocation m State Superintendent Crabtree Today II o'clock f terlally, because a temporary athletic field can be made on the grounds of the new university medical college at Omaha, and the university will be able to have the benefit of a football game in the metropolis and still comply with the rules of the conference. But re garding the abolition of the Thanks giving game and the summer baseball ruling, the chief objection of the stu dents is raised. Summer baseball has become a serious matter, and If men of the different schools are allowed to play baseball as amateurs on college teams, when they participate in sum mer games at which admission Is charged then the rule becomes a joke, or it sounds the knell of college base ball. There is not a man in the univer sity who has played baseball and is of varsity material, but has played in games at which admission has been charged. As a result, if the baseball team of the university next spring Is to be made up of men who have not played In such games, then baseball .migha? jwell be abolished at the Uni versity of Nebraska, and thTsls exact ly what the members of the athletic board of the university arep tanning to do. If baseball goes, the death of foot- Fussy Girls Need Fussy Shoes Look up my sample lines of $4.00 and $5.00 grades 0 Kft All sizes. Upstairs 1413 U St. BUDD athletic relations in the Missouri Val ley conference, has caused a great deal of discussion since the result of the recent meetings at Des Moines has become known. The students of Ne braska are divided in a way, and the whole affair has caused a certain amount of excitement to pervade the campus. The situation, as. it now stands, is for Nebraska to stay in the confer ence, give the rules and regulations which have been drawn up a fair trial. If they prove dissatisfactory, and not of the sort desired at this institution, "therrthff school should demand that the rules be changed so that .this school, as well as the others, be bound by regulations which are satisfactory to all the colleges. Rules and regula tions for athletics In all colleges and universities are both proper and nec essary, but they go farther In that these rules and regulations should be kept by all the schools entering the compact. That Nebraska intends to do this cannot be doubted, and as a member of the Missouri Valley confer ence they should do so. The chief objection of the students seems to have three sources. One of them is to the effect that summer base ball should be permitted. Another Is that a Thanksgiving game should be played, and the third is to the effect .that athletic contests should be per mitted on other grounds than those of the colleges. The latter rule does not affect the University of Nebraska ma- We Feature Aristocrats of the Clothing World A distinctive appearance and exctusi'veness of style have gained this title for AdlOr's Colleg ian Clothes. There Is a subtile charm about them which appeals to refined tastes. The secret of this charm is In the trim lines that mold the cloth to your figure. We like to sell these clothes besause we like to have pleased customers. You'd like to wear them if you saw a suit or an overcoat on you. Come in and try one on. The fall and winter styles are here. Prices range from $15.00 to $35.00. Speier & Simon N. E. Corner 10th and O Streets Lincoln Sanitarium. Ehmgrn Thi Oreit Silt Water Swlmntag PmI HOURS i Ladle, Mornings Bzoept Bandars. Gentlemen. Afternoons and Eyenlngs. Ladles and Qontleman, Mondsj and Frlijay UrenltLgs. 14th and H Strain. Special Parties Arraittd For ball Is foreseen in the distance. The Thanksgiving game is not as Im portant a matter as summer baseball. But nevertheless it is worthy of atten tion and the students have done this by criticising the action of the confer ence. However, the entire settlement of the matter Is not at an end. The real manly way for the students of the school to take this matter jn hand would be to give it a fair trial. Many objections were raised to the one-year residence rule, but now It is seen that the rule Is proper and necessary. Per haps this Is the case with these mat ters. If .such Js not the case,, after the whole thing has been given a fair trial, then let tho student body draw up a monster petition asking the university authorities to withdraw from 'the con ference. Nebraska would not be the first school to do this. Michigan's stand ing has not been injured by her with drawal from the Chicago conference, and If it becomes necessary for the University of Nebraska to refuse to be bound, by rules in which schools like Ames, Drake a nd Washington have a part, then withdrawal will be proper and supported by schools who realize the position that the Univer sity of Nebraska feels hersef to be In. For Lunches Put Up for Parties, also Ice Cream and College Ices, and Fruit Punches Call at THE FOLSOM, 1307 O St BOTH PHONES EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON B0NS fV j0"m ,j C-jfJ m aJTSZty This evening at 6:30 at the Lincoln, Phi Alpha Tau will hold a banquet. Nebraska's legislative line-up will form the subject for discussion. All members urged to attend. " Mice and Men" Presented' by The Dramatic Club TEMPLE THEATRE JAN. 14 Trt 7 -I- 1 '