qj'WWtjaHMMi WN'ra"iixjrfe..JaK-. THE DAILY NEBEA8KAN i4- Directory of Advertisers The following merchants and busi ness men of Lincoln aro anxious to serve the University students. By placing their advertisements In the columns of the Dally Nebraskan they show that they want your trade. And you may be sure that the merchant who Is willing to make a little effort to get your patronage Is the one who Is going to treat you honestly and considerately In attempting to keep It. 80 you as well as the Nebras kan will profit by trading with these people: DNKff first Trust & Savings BAKERIES Folsom BARBER SHOPS Grcon's Cnpltnl Hotel CLEANERS J. C. Wood & Co. Weber's Sultorlum Windsor Sultorlum CLOTHINO Farquhnr Mngoo & Doomor Mayor BroB. Palace Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. COAL Wliltebreast Hutchlns & Hyatt CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitchen DRY GOODS M1llor-&-Pnlno DRUGGISTS Rlggfl FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Mngoo & Doomer Mayer Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Rudgo & Guonzel Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTERS Budd Fulk Armstrong Clothing Co Mageo & Deemer Mayer Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon JEWELERS Hallett Tucker PHOTOGRAPHERS De Gaston & Houck PRINTERS Simmons Van Tine RESTAURANTS " i3 -Camoron's Y. M. C. A. Spa ' Miller & Paine Herpolsbolraer'a TYPEWRITERS B.'F. Swan8on Co. SHOES Bud'd - Men's Bootory Mayer Bros. Miller & Paine Yates French Wharton's SKIRTS Skirt Store , TAILORS Elliott Bros. Ludwlg THEATRES S1lnn- s , I ANDERSON ISJ CANDIDATE PROMINENT ATHLETE AFTER THE 8ENIOR PRESIDENCY. (LASS POLITICS HAVE STARTED OTHER A8PIRANT8 MAY BE AN NOUNCED IN A FEW DAYS. Amberson Has Been Prominent In Track. Basket-ball and Cross Country, as Well as Class Affairs. Politics for class offices for the sec ond semester took on an nctive form Frlda when-At Br AmbertonofZ Su perior announced that ho was a can didate for the position of president of tho senior class for the Bccond se mester. AmberBon Is the first candi date to announco himself, but two or thrco dthors have been mentioned as possible -candidates for the olllce. Up to the present time, while Am borton is the only one to announce publicly that he 1b a candidate for tho olllce, two, and possibly three, other men of tho fourth year class may enter tho political field. An Athlete. Amborton has been prominent in school over since his freshman yenr. Ho early took an actlvo part in the athlotics of tho school and since his first yoar ho has won many points for tho University. In his sophomore year ho won a place on tho cross country team, and I tho following year was elected cap tain of the Bquad which represented tho University at tho annual Chlcngo cross-country meet. The following anting Jio entered, baflkeUbalLauid. ile voloped Into one of tho speediest little guardB that tho University haB ever known. Ills work in nthletics has not been confined, however, to cross country and basket-ball. Ho won his second letter aB a member of the University track team, taking a first In the half-mile in the dunl meet with Kansas in 1909, and a second In the same race in tho meet with Minne sota the same year. Amberson Is n member of tho Union Literary society, the Innocents, the Senior Men's society, and the "N" Men's nsBoclatlon. He has been prominent In class politics, and has held a number of positions on impor tant class committees. He is an en gineering student. Others May Be Out. Rumor has it that other prominent Btudonts in tho senior class are after tho job, but to date they have not an nounced their candidacy. Their friends have been conducting a quiet campaign In their behnlf and have ob- talned a "line-up" on the upper class men. On their roportB depends the possibility of the other men entering tho field for tho senior presidency. HAS RETURNED. Glee Club Completes successful Tour of the State. Tho members of tho University Glee club returned Friday from a success ful, tour of tho state. Tho trip, was taken with a view of determining tho possibilities of a more extensive jaunt some time in the near future.' The musicians report a good time and crowded houses at nearly every performance. The men have been on tho road since December 20, missing only one day, Now Year's Sunday. Junior Class Notice. There will bo a,, most important meeting of the Junior class on next Tuesday morning. All classmen should arrange to hold this date open. .The place of meeting will bo 'an nounced later. W. L. BATES, President. LEARING Sale i $20 values Palace Clothing Co. 1419 O Hot Drinks aro now in soason. Do you know any placo whoro yon can got aa QUICK SERVICE as yon can at our new BtoroT No nood of being crowded. Lincoln Candy IVltChen S. W. Corner The First Trust and Savings Bank 4 PER CENT INTEREST A $1 opens an account 180 South 11th Street. Simmons the Printer PRINTING Engraving Embossing Auto. 2319 . 317 So. 12th UNIVERSITY JEWELER k OPTICIAM C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1121 1 STREET, YELLOW FROIT Vow Patronage Solicited irttf?l!wE?SfflhHOHIH'irffB33N n of all our Suits and Overcoats now $12. STREET Lincoln Sanitarium Plungm Thi Brut Sill Watir Swlnnlns PmI HOURS i Ladlei, Mornlngi Kzoept Bamdars. Gentlemen. Afternoon and Brenlnas. Ladles and Gentleman, Monday and Friday Brenlngt. 14tk and H Stmls. Special Partlit Arrupd Ftf CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. I. HALL,, Presldont F. U. JOHNSON. Vice-proaldent BBMAN C. FOX, Caahlor W. W. HACKNEY. JR., Asat Oaah. !L-!HPRIMTtfRYQD waht Boo TJa Before Ordering Elsowhere Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-180 No 14th St. Take Your Qirl To 13th and N Boll Phono 458 Auto Phone 8400 The Palace Stables 1120-81 M Stroet Board and Livery Carriages For Parties a specialty JIM All KEN, - PROP. New Ideal Laundry Company (The Better Quality) iHrtnd Work Our Specialty Either Phones 8080 1840 O Street V- JL, Orpheum