The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 05, 1911, Cornhusker Edition, Image 3
K THE DAILY NEBRASKAN r- i . m THE GAMPUS Chaptn Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Jfhe Pershing Rifles meet tonight nt 8 o'clock in the armory. ,U,J .Capital Hotel Barber Shop, 11 & P. Mr.Pred Burr, 1910, is In Chicago, lll.V on a business trip. Don Cameron's Cafe, 119 So. 12th. m m Mas Elva Hammer, 1913; is vlBlting in Lincoln. Miss Hammer IntendB to return to school next semester. Have your clothes pressed at Web er's Suitorium', Eleventh and O. tt Next Thursday Professor Fossler will deliver a lecture befdre the Ger mans of Omaha on "Deutsche Dichter groessen." Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13fh and P streets. . Jlilss Ensign returned the first- of the. week from Chicago, 111., where she visited for several weeks, j . Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No, 11th. JMrancl Mrs. J. U Dor Klndoren re turned1 -to Lincoln yesterday. They snent their Christmas vacation ..visit lug In Indiana. 7 Investigate the nifty photos at Blazek's studio, 130G O street. The only ones in. the city llko'them.' tf Miss Carrie B. Schultz, Y. W. C. A. secretary, Bpont the Christmas holi days iatiher home at Tobias, Ncbr. Sho returned, the latter part of last woeje.- ' - George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling Cards, In vites and Programs. The. Uncoln Typewriter Exchange has moved into Its new quarters at 1406 O St., where they are ready to show all makes of typewriters with stands. tf Clearance Sale Continues i " It is rare indeed that such garments as Kensington Suits and Overcoats are sold at cut prices and rarer still that they are sold at nearly 50 discount. That is just what is now taking place at our clearance sale. $21.75 $17.75 $14.75 $12.75 llegular $35.00 Suits and . Overcoats, this sale. . Regular $30.00 Suits and Overcoats, this sale. . Regular $25.00 Suits and Overcoats, this sale Regular $22.50 and $20.00 Suits and Overcoats. All-Original-Price Taga Left on Good. All blue and black Suite, all Prince Albert and Dress Suits, and all Dress and Uravenette Overcoats will go at lOfo to 20 discount. You will find all our fine shirts, neck-' wear, hosiery, underwear, fancy vests and sweaters deeply cut in price for this great sale. Magee & Deemer 1109 O Street 'J The entirely redecorated hall In the now Wilkinson block, Sixteenth and O, 1b now rented only for college and other select dancing parties. For dates see Heos Wilkinson, 122 North Eleventh. Auto 1217. tf I" 1 1 I 1 CARRIES EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN r III K Young Men's Hats, Ties I U L l Shirts. Gloves, Hosiery FURNISHER AND HATTER ZT V ' .. b l 1325 o street Pajamas, Bath Kobes Mr. Ira Dye. 1910, has returned to Lincoln from Louisiana. Hiltner Bros., Florists. 118 So. 12tti St. Phones Auto 1894, Bell 330. Choice roses, carnations and chrysanthemums. We solicit the university trade. Miss Minnie Swezy, 1907, was mar ried yesterday to Frank George El mendorf at the hrlde's father's homo In Lincoln. Both young people were formerly University IrtudenTs. MTss" Sweozy was a member of Kappa Alpha Thota sorority and Mr. Blmon dorf of the Kappa Sigma fraternity- Miss Elizabeth Little. 1910, was married to Herbert Rhoades at Lyons, Xebr., last week. Miss Little was a member of Chi Omega Borority. The Omaha Delta Gamma members gave a dancing party in Omahalast Friday. Several out-of-town persons were present at the dance. " W. R. Jackson of University Place has been appointed food commissioner by Uovernor'electA1drtchrMrr-Jack-son was an assistant in the educa tional department of the university last year. DISC 0UNT ON SHOES : Discontinued Lines of "F-F-H" Men's Shoes. $3.50, $4.0(T$4.50 Values fT $3.00 PER PAIR an J(20 O Street. Boll Phono 45:$ Auto Phono U4IM The Palace Stables 1120-81 M Street Board and Livery Carriages For Partios a pucinlty JIM All KEN, - PROP. Oliver Theatre TONIGHT AT 8:15 GION VS. ERNST 50c, 75c & $1.00 New Ideal Laundry Company (The Better Quality) Hand Work Our Specialty Eithor Phones 3080 1840 O Stroot I lUPRI U MATINEES (Bxcepf Monday) 3:30 LMuULn EVENINOS AT :30 ORPHEUM ssuiS'is: advanced vaudville FRI., SAT. & SAT. MAT. JAN. 6-7 Hewlyweds and Their Baby 6OJ2 PEOPLE Night 25c to $1.50. Mat. 25c to 75c Big New Year's Bill "OLD SOLDIER FIDDLERS" And Six More Feature Acts MATIN EE8 15c and 25c EVENING 15c, 25c, 35o and 50c Eqr-launches But Up for Parties also Ice Cream and College Ices, and Fruit Punches Call at THE FOLSOM, 1307 O St BOTH PHONES j TVPPWRITPDK ALL MAKES Rent applied on purchase ii i'MUi i-.ic j S0U) of reotep prjc'e Two year written guarantee with every ma . Smith & Bro. viaiblt. Call or write for catalogue and n cuiucAurn i nacial Drice list ' B p SWANSON GO., Inc. Autophon-2080.-elLphona.l2.JSJ2!L5k Hi sgJf9S5S "t